Friday, July 17, 2020

Mashiach's Arrival: How Do We Know

Rabbi Shimon Kessin, renowned speaker from NY gave this breathtaking shiur at KSY, Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel in 2013.

You will be "blown away" by the depth of insights that Rabbi Kessen shares with us and you will totally change your perspective on what we should pray for on Tisha B'Av. 

Rabbi Kessen teaches that "the Beis HaMikdosh, the resting place of the Shechina (G-D's presence in the world) was NOT destroyed"! "Mashiach's arrival; Is it soon? How do we know?"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting once again, Hashem bless you.


Aharon said...

Rabbi Mendel Kessin new Shiur from last Wednesday July 8

Coming Home said...

I am so glad you are back! Your positive posts bring joy to my days. Just a note this is from 2013 and more relevant each day. Thanks for finding it! Just WOW! the information in it.

Basya said...

So thrilled you are posting again! can't tell you how many times I checked to see if you were back! Hope you are well and thank you so much for these new posts!

Rahel F Adye said...

Wonderful you are back. B'H. Thanks for sharing Rabbi SHIMON Kessin's shiur on tisha b'Av. It is a DOOZY. Wow stuff!

Rahel F Adye said...

Also, thanks to poster above for link to Rabbi Mendel Kessin's lecture on the ending to the final exile--America. It too is mind-reeling.