Thursday, February 4, 2021

Rabbi Yuval Asherov

I've been confused about the vaccine I must admit, but I just listened to Rabbi Yuval Asherov and I learnt so much from him.

His first video is below, and the follow up is at Israel National News, the english subtitles came up automatically for me.  


Kalman Canant, LCSW, CSAT, EMDR trained said...

Very clear. Thank you!

Devorah said...

I just read somewhere that Rabbi Anava is unwell, needs prayers: Alon Yehuda Yoseph ben Chana Miriam. I do not know what is wrong, will try to find out.

moshe said...

Thank you Rav Asherov; your mitzvah is great!!!
What is there to say only a BIG YASHER KOACH to this wonderful and holy Rav who gave a beautiful explanation in his clear and concise lecture on the 'DANGERS' of this vaccine, which anyone from the very start should have realized. All the time that has passed, almost a year and yet people are still rushing to suicide, why? I heard his first video on this and he is so humble that he watches to not hurt even those who are pushing for this and 'really' hurting innocent people, who seem not to understand the dangers. No vaccine ever has been tried and tested on the public, without years of experimenting and testing. It's surreal!!! Wake up Yidden. The reason the pm and the rest of the ruling elite are pushing it is because of the agenda to inject biometric chips into the people to control them. It's no secret, it is out there for anyone and everyone to read and research. That is pachad mavit, c'v! H' yerachem and please send us Moshiach Tzdkeinu NOW!

Devorah said...

Yes I agree Moshe, this Rav has explained it in a way that I have not heard before now, and I highly recommend that people listen to this.
Not sure about those micro chips Moshe.... but everything the Rav said was scary enough.

Neshama said...

It must be the virus that got to Rabbi Anava. G–d help him!

Neshama said...

Devorah, BG has described them in videos. They are already in use, being given to company workers to get food from vending machines and other requirements. Censoring is in high gear.

Devorah said...

So everyone who got a vaccine now has a micro chip???

Dvorah Davida said...

Wow. Such a clear explanation. I have family members who cannot wait to get this vaccine. I don't know how to talk to them about it. They are SO adamant that it will 'fix' everything. That we will be able to go back to normal life. Even though they still say you need to wear a mask and do social isolation AFTER the vaccine???? Logic is thrown out the window. My heart hurts from it. May the Holy One have mercy on us all.....

ל.ל. said...

second part

Unknown said...

I have many years of experience working in research (cell biology, stem cell engineering and working with viruses and postdoc in neurophysiology) I am not sure what the Rav's qualifications are but there are some scientific errors/misleading statements. This is also not the opinion of the Sar HaTorah Rav Kanievsky or Rav Edelstein or the Israeli Rabbinate or experts in medical ethics such as Rabbi Tatz. There are some wonderful conspiracy theories out there and some have a little bit of truth, but the normal level of hishtadlus is to do what is suggested by the gedolim and main medical opinion.

PS I have also looked into the science behind the vaccine (and unless there is some crazy science fiction stuff going on) it is very safe.

I am not sure if this video fits with the others on this wonderful blog.

If in doubt ask your doctor and your Rabbi and don't base opinions on a great youtube clip.

Devorah said...

It’s disappearing.

Devorah said...

Rabbi Anava - According to his family he is much better now.

moshe said...

To Unknown, afraid you're the conspiracy theorist! Those who love to use that terminology as you have here above in your comment are the ones who push those words to denigrate what they don't like; that's been the case ever since those words became the buzz word, and 'you're a kook' if you go against the programmed narrative. There is such a thing as 'conspiracy' which are agendas that are usually hidden from the public and then there is 'conspiracy theory' which makes anyone who doesn't like the agenda being outed, look like a 'kook'. Adding the word 'theory' makes all the difference.
Rabbi Asherov started out in his video saying he has thirty years of experience in the medical field and learned in the Tel Aviv University about medical science. It's out there in your face, if you want to read the dangers in something that has never been tested and also in this particular case, we are now finding out it is not eveb a vaccine but an injection of a foreign element that is put there for a chip that will be placed there and that is why there will be a number of injections. The more you read, the more you learn. Also, the deaths already attributed, injuries and harm caused by this 'vaccine' is well-known. The Rav and many doctors, scientists are all over the place worldwide warning the public about all this! Those who wish to put themselves in harm's way can do as they please, but to push this upon everyone is sheer madness. This all sounds like a continuation of the horrors from over 75 years ago. We need H's Great Mercy!

Basya said...

Thank you for all your posts. I cannot believe that Hashem would allow so many of His Children to be put at risk.... I believe only in Him. I do not rely on the vaccine to either protect me, nor do I believe that not taking the vaccine will protect me. It is an illusion. That being said, Hashem sent me a derech to get the vaccine without my trying or looking for it and since I rely only on Him, I took it. I do not want to read about fear mongering on either side: whether bullied into taking it or terrorized into not taking it. G-d runs the world. He is the Refuah. Nothing and no one hurts or saves a person without His Willing it. And so, yes, I got a vaccine. For me, this is Hashem's Will. And not because I believe in the vaccine. I just believe in Him alone.

Tikvah Ruth said...

Basya, that's like saying that you can jump off a cliff and trust in HaShem. It is not HaShem's will to be used as a text experiment with a poisoned substance. The facts are out there.

Devorah said...

This subject is like the Trump/Biden divide. Everyone has strong views and they are sticking with those viewpoints. I'm still confused, no idea who to believe anymore.

Basya said...

tikvah Ruth... it's clear we cannot rely on miracles, and we do things that are normative... we fly in planes and we yes, see physicians as per Hashem's instructions. All I am saying is that as Devorah writes, this is tohu v'vohu, each "camp" claiming to have the truth. My point is is that Hashem is the Truth, not all the confused medical teams, virologists and rabbeim. I didn't run to take the vaccine, and truly I wasnt' going to take it. I felt no need. But again, since Hashem made this path appear so out of the blue, and we got an appointment in about 20 seconds for the next day, and this is still al pi teva behavior, I took Hashem's lead.
I find all the fear mongering on both sides to be futile... as Devorah says, those who want the vaccine will make appointments, and those who don't won't. I don't want to be huddled in a corner cringing because I took the vaccine. I conducted myself in a normative fashion, not jumping out of a tree, and I did not knowingly put myself in danger despite all the warnings and red flags raised by one, yes well informed group. I think Hashem is trying to tell us that with or without the vaccine, He runs the world..

Shalomis said...

I agree completely with Basya. This is a test of emunah. Hashem is the only healer. He made the vaccine and can make it do anything He wants in our bodies. The answer is to daven and trust in Hashem. Both extreme views of the vaccine are missing the mark in my opinion--those who pin all their hopes on the vaccine as well as those who vow to run to the hills rather than take it. If the majority of our Rabbanim say to take it, then we, as believing Jews, should put our lives completely in the hands of the Ribono Shel Olam and take it davening and saying Tehillim as we get the shot. Hashem is All There Is. Ein Od Milvado.

moshe said...

Devorah: I wrote a comment yesterday in reply to Basya's comment. It was not posted, don't think it is you but it is most likely google who is checking every single letter, comma, etc. Therefore, I will just write a few words in answer to Basya. We all know that everything is from H', but HE wants us to do our hishtadlut to correct things. That is why after evil came into the world because of the sin of Adam & Chava, it is we, humanity, that needs to toil with everything. We bake the bread, we cook the foods, we manufacture, we plow the fields, etc., etc. The same goes when fighting evil of all kinds, we do what we can. We need our voices heard, besides davening, Tehilim, Chesed & tzedaka! What was done, in particular, in EY to the people and all the very great harm it has caused, is unforgivable. Simple as that. If Basya and others do not understand that, then they really do not understand Hashem's Holy Torah!

Tikvah Ruth said...

Thank you Moshe, you have said what I wanted to say but articulated it much better than I.
This so called vaccine, which it's anything but, is a DNA altering nano technology. I personally think it's ridiculous to claim trust in HaShem and poisoning oneself.

Devorah said...

Not ridiculous Tikvah, they are trusting that Hashem has provided the 'vaccine' and we should use it. It's like the old joke about the helicopter hovering over the island and the stranded man saying no, I'm waiting for Hashem to rescue me. If you don't vaccinate, you could be refusing the helicopter. I understand both sides of this argument.
I also think we Jews need to stop thinking that if I do something, everyone else should do as I do.
Now Israel may have found a cure, and at the same time the disease seems to be slowly disappearing. Let's just hope it does... I have always thought it would just disappear by itself. Guess we'll find out.

Dvorah Davida said...

Devorah, The story you refer to of rescue is a good story. But the one thing that has changed in this 'pandemic' we have suffered through is that because of the open and flagrant changing of facts, figures and recommendations the whole time, and the insane speed with which this 'cure' has been produced, leave a sinister taint over the medical establishment. This itself is also 'novel'. "Do no harm" seems to have fallen by the wayside. We are no longer dealing with a normal world. It is being turned outside in. And if you really think of what that means, it is no wonder people are seeing things in a polarized way. It's painful. And G-d willing our confusion won't have to last much longer.

Anonymous said...

Here what Rabbi Kook said:

"Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear" - Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook

Its all today becoming true. Rabbi Kook was and is right!!

Lisa said...

i agree with basya. i think moshe's response is a bit 'over the top' and immature and i certainly don't agree to tikva...'s silly response (going over a cliff...). to tikvah's logical conclusion that a lot of people have come to as well as she. rav asherov is vague about his medical knowledge and experience. he also focuses on one aspect of the vaccine's possible effect, while he doesn't present any counter arguments or research to juxtapose and then draw. as someone who presents himself as a rav and leader of a community, to post this type of video-that is incomplete, is questionable in judgement. the rav's bottom line, 'to wait and see,'is appropriate.

Lisa said...

to tikvah...please post links to all medical research where you learned for certain that the vaccine has 'DNA altering nano technology.' thank you. looking forward to reading these medical articles !sure you wouldn't have written this otherwise!

Leah said...

Hello all. Plesse refer to Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Martin Brown. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
for excellent videos. The understanding is the Covid 19 is influenza A and B, yet in a different name.
The "vaccine"is an mRNA Gene Modification technology- not a vaccine.
Apparently the patent as well as the pamphlet for the vaccine explain this and most people do read these, let alone have access to the pamphlet.
There is a protein activation that takes place in the body with the injection of this vaccine that makes this injectable go from a vaccine to the mRNA.
If you listen to these doctors explain this, it may provide you much needed information that may help to clear up confusion.
If one notices, the influenza was not discussed much this year. The HCQ treatment along with vitamins D and C, and selenium, zinc, NAC and quercetin are great fro treating this influenza(that many doctors say is the covid 19 illness.)
Worth looking into....

RG said...

I haven't heard of any Jew/Gentile, who regrets having had the vaccine if available. I am sure there must be a few, but I know of no-one personally. Sure, there were/are some who mentioned some worrying but usually short-term side effects. After all, what is the alternative? To suffer long or short-term effects, even die from Covid19 itself, plus having to wear masks, social distancing, disruption of children's education, isolation from family and social events, loss of jobs, economy, parnossah ... OR ... Having a 10-second jab?
Conspiracy theories, eg. irreversible changing of DNA, infertility, (5G? The Illuminati!) is swallowed up by the totally gullible, and are not backed up by any strong scientific evidence, merely hearsay. At least the vaccine offers some hope of a future, some return to normality - without it the prospects are dire.

UK pro-vaxxer

moshe said...

Lisa: Sorry, but really do think you're over the top. No one asks others for exacta data from where they got this and that information; in fact, the information is all over the place, so much so, that it's in your face. Wherever one looks or goes to they will see the reasons why so many and now even Rabbi Alon Anava has a short video giving the reasons that many rabbis are giving false information and why he is so sure about this injection. So, please don't be so sure of yourself. Also, as has been stated before, we all know that H' is in control of everything but 'wants' us to do our hishtadlut. In fact, if we support something which should not be supported, we will be responsible for the consequences. Am sure the truth will eventually and, hopefully, soon be coming out. Do not push something important to one's well-being so easily upon others. Would suggest you start researching more yourself to learn the truth! please watch this video from Rabbi Alan Anava:

efraim yochanan ben Avraham said...

Understand, the panic and the madness of the virus, is a plague upon a corrupted society, and the reshaim "fail upon their own swords " as the panicked soldiers who flee for their lives in the battlefield....The promotion, legalization and protection of the "rights" of the sexual perverts , and of practices of foreign gods , here in Eretz Israel, is apostasy from the Divine Law. To be proud for this, is a declaration of war against the Almighty. As a result, the society is stricken with MADNESS. This madness, is expressed clearly today as a pandemic of fear for the corona-virus..... WAKE UP and understand , your "leaders", bring you to grave sins and THE SIN KILLS, not the coronavirus !!!...........If so , your leaders (and much more their masters in the UN and WHO) are your killers,and how is possible that you expect any good from their hands?????????

Shalomis said...

It seems to me that what we should be focusing on above all else is pleading, crying out and screaming to Hashem to bring Mashiach and the Geula shlaima. In the midst of all of this, shouldn't we be turning within and asking ourselves what Hashem wants of us? Shouldn't we be focusing on doing teshuva? Two hundred years ago we'd be on the floor in sackcloth and ashes begging Hashem to forgive and save us!

Lisa said...

moshe...don't agree with your comment. i believe my request is a reasonable request. if someone is stating that this vaccine 'changes dna,' and this can effect peoples' thinking in a 'life risk' manner, then it is very reasonable to ask from where the information came from.anyone can state anything as a matter of fact...but it doesn't make it a fact. it is perfectly appropriate to ask for where she got this information from. why should i believe her? i listen to rav anava. if rabbis have differing opinions and it is confusing, it is quite reasonable and in fact, intelligent, to use research as well. don't rabbis use medical research, that they trust, to guide their congregations? anyone can state anything. people need to be responsible. i def. don't agree with your comments at all.

Devorah said...

Rabbi Asherov's videos have now been removed from You Tube, in fact most anti vaccine videos have been removed from You Tube including Rabbi Anava's which stayed there a long time. See Devash's blog:

Bruce said...

It's so easy to utter, no scientific info to back up, comment and poof with the wave of a hand it's all over. Move on. This is such nonsense and degrading to say it. H gave us all chochma and common sense to watch out for ourselves and to protect us. The holy science changes by the day and so frequently retracts previously states norms that at best, it not trustworthy. The manipulation that goes on in universities where the phony data comes from, is often sponsored by big pharmaceutical and or professors that manipulate their data for many reasons including grand money to keep their own jobs as well as prestige. See lancet retraction last year of phony study data, they are the holy grail of science,. To the point at hand, Trump hatred is so intense that there is nothing media and Gov won't do to rid the world of his name and achievements. I have no doubt whatsoever that they let the virus leak out with China and FDA assist to help destroy his chances for reelection. IF you consider only ONE point in the video is the long timeline needed to develop and test such a novel product you would not rush to inject this unknown monster into your bloodstream. WE are the study and there has been no time to know what this phony vaccine will do . If your healthy and not in high risk category there is no reason to take it, now or maybe ever. In closing, I personally know many doctors that phopolax with Hydroxy every week to prevent Coovid along with D and Zinc. As far as Das Torah , we do know of instances where all of them went one way and KY persished following them such as Europe in 1940. ID the Robbonim aren't getting accurate info they will make wrong Psak. Until I hear them address the issues in the video , including Rabbi Tatz whom I love, I will never take this poison. Be well.

Shalomis said...

All this confusion and divided opinions is part of the plague. Hashem wants us to turn to HIM. Whether you take the vaccine or not, the correct derech is emunah. Personally, I don't want to put an experimental treatment into my body but if I am forced to, chas v'shalom, I will do so begging and crying to Hashem to save me from it!

Lisa said...

bruce...isn't this why people are afraid to take the vaccine...lack of scientific proof? in addition...people stating that the vaccine changes the dna- shouldn't this be backed up with scientific proof as well? argument stated by you can work for 'both sides.' by scientific proof, i mean proof that is already 'fact,' and not 'wishy washy.' I liked what Rav Asherov said at the end of his video...'wait and see.'

Dvorah Davida said...

The very fact that 'being forced to receive it' is even in the conversation is why people are suspicious and mistrustful. The entire message of the virus has been inconsistent and contradictory from the beginning. That INVITES people to try to figure out what is going on. It's painful to be lied to and openly manipulated and then blamed for a suspicious reaction. And I agree with you that the confusion IS part of the plague.

Myriam said...

Especially in Israel.Israel is a difficult country,nothing comes in your way easily ,you have to fight for everything.And suddenly,a cure comes so easily,nothing to fight,no obstacles in your way!And before Europe,before US!that is why people are so distrustful.In the place where nothing is easy,suddenly something is flowing?not normal.

Devorah said...

So what will they do next? Proof of vaccination before travelling anywhere including on public transport? Being banned from restaurants, shopping centres... unless you can prove you were vaccinated. That is what is being spoken about here in Australia, esp the travel ban. No boarding of any flight without vaccination proof. In that way they can flush out a lot more anti vaxxers who just want to be able to live somewhat normally.

Devorah said...

Lisa said...

i live in isreael and heard, that one of the owners of pfizer is jewish with family that perished in the holocaust. people, in israel, are saying that this owner said that he called netanyahu and stated that he didn't want to see any jews die and if he could help save israelies by making sure israel was one of the first countries to receive the vaccine, then that is what he would do. that is how israel is one of the first countries to receive the vaccine. also, israel's medical system is socialized, yet more functional than other socialized med. countries. this is how israel was able to give out this vaccine quickly in such an organized fashion. i have a really hard time believing that the israeli government and its' leading rabbis would want to see the israeli population in such danger.

Devorah said...

Everyone who listened to Rabbi Asherov should read this article: