Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Queen Esther, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, & the Chabad Shluchim in Ukraine

Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson

In this lecture, around the 17:40 mark, Rabbi Jacobson speaks about the Rebbe's last talk

which I blogged here: The Rebbe's Eerie Prediction

and a new Rabbi Mendel Kessin shiur: Purim and the Power of G-d 

Excerpt: Going to that king’s feast was their (the Jews’) display of loyalty to Persia. Why kill them? Obviously, they were loyal to Persia…were good citizens, so how could they, because of some Grand Vizir, due to his evil, how do they decide to kill the Jews? Imagine you awaken one day and you discover that the Congress decided to kill all American Jews. You’d go into shock…how could a nation that prides itself on just laws, do this? 

That’s exactly what the Jews felt. What they saw for the first time was that the laws of the nations of the world are bankrupt. Nations makes laws because of their self-interest. It serves them to have such laws. The Jews realized that the laws are based on what?--legality, NOT justice. If you violate the law, you’ve done something that violates law but, by violating the law, you may be exercising justice.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for highlighting the excerpt/intro. Powerful stuff.

    For those who want to read the entire transcription, go to https://www.torahthinking.org/post/weekly-hashkafa-89-purim-and-the-power-of-g-d


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