Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Zelensky Tweets Holocaust 2.0

HT: Yosef

"Russia has launched a missile attack on the territory where the Babyn Yar memorial complex is located. These villains are killing Holocaust victims for the second time." [Source: JPost]


  1. Putin's invasion of Ukraine 'is being compelled by God' to fulfil Biblical prophecy

  2. Amazing that he has the chutzpah to talk about it. History is being rewritten?? Firstly, we have no idea who hit the site and I do not believe it was targeted by the Russians. Perhaps it was hit, just as things do get hit in war. But, to talk about "killing Holocaust victims for a second time"??? Who killed those Holocaust victims??!!

    1. So over-the-top melodramatic, but what else can you expect from an actor?

    2. Exactly!!
      He's a Meshummad and a traitor....Ukrainians slaughtered the Jews in the Holocaust...they were vicious. Don't get me started on the enormous list of atrocities perpetrated against Ukrainian Jews by Ukrainians...Cossacks and Pogroms and Chiemlinicki massacres...all done by the Ukrainians...they are wicked wicked people.

  3. GD: Not even sure what you mean by what you wrote. You obviously don't like Zelensky. Why does he have chutzpah to talk about it? All his father's brothers were killed by the nazis yemach shemo. Anyway you are entitled to your opinion, I just don't understand it, maybe you can explain it to me a bit more.

  4. Yes, he screams that Russian Nazis (read his tweets) are once again shooting the victims buried at Babyn Yar. However, the Russians never shot anyone at that site, and they were not responsible for the atrocity. However, many Ukrainians joined the Nazi Germans to slaughter Jews (and other minorities) at this site. So, this is the chutzpah, to attempt to rewrite history and claim that Russia is doing it a"second time." And, BTW, how do you know who I like? You have no idea about what I am thinking. Let us never forget that there were Ukrainian Nazis, and ordinary Ukrainian citizens who participated willingly in the murder and oppression of Jews, especially in the death camps. I am against rewriting history, this is what I don't like.

  5. Thanks for responding. He didn't say the Russians are once again shooting the victims. He said "what is the point of saying 'never again' for 80 years, if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site as Babyn Yar? At least 5 killed. History repeating."

    He didn't say anything about Russians doing it twice. He's just saying it's the same event happening all over again.

    And as I understand it, you are correct about the Ukrainian Nazis but again, why does history need to repeat? Ukrainia these days is not anti Jewish, there are many Jews there, many Chabad Houses. Not so many Jews now of course, they've gone to Israel.

    Putin has caused all this now. I think Zelensky is entitled to tweet that and I found it interesting because he is a Jew, and he is talking about the Holocaust [as a Jew himself].

    I got the impression that you don't like Zelensky because of what you wrote.

    1. Devorah...ordinarily I adore you but you are misinformed on this topic...Largest groups of Neo Nazis integrated into the army and other governmental organizations..doubled the rates if anti Semitism fact anti Semitism is on the rise in Ukraine.
      Zelensky had his kids baptized and he converted himself...he only trots out the Jewish identity when its convenient

    Vladimir Putin's Long Shadow

  7. There may be more to this than meets the eye - there's many undercurrents most of us aren't aware of. I vaguely recall a vid. stating that in the past, Russian separatists in the Donbas region had been persecuted, yet the media kept silent about it. I believe the commentator also had mentioned something about neo-nazi's in Ukraine having been abetted by the West, insofar as Putin wishing to pre-empt something-or-other. I also heard R'Anava recently stating something to this effect: "you never know, Putin might turn out to be not so bad..." Don't quote me on all this, as I've been listening to many vid's lately, and can't sort out everything in my mind, as I have chronic-fatigue, and often fall asleep when reading/or/hearing things.

  8. personally, i don't understand pres. of ukaraine's message. doesn't make sense to me.

  9. Devorah, I appreciate your blog and you do an amazing job, but we don't know much of what is really happening in Ukrain. What we know is that western media proven themselves already so often to be inaccurate. I don't believe what the mainstream news report. I would think twice before saying that is Putin to have caused all this. There are so many questions.

  10. Devorah Chayah: I actually saw [on the news] Zelensky's initial reaction when he was told about Babin Yar, he wasn't acting. I think it's very unfair to categorise everything he does as just acting.

    Enricoariel: I personally know Chabad communities cowering in bunkers in shuls in the Ukraine. Watch the video I linked to in the comments above and tell me again that we need to think twice about Putin.

    If actors are going to act, then you can be sure that murderous dictators are going to murder and invade. I don't know the politics, I admit that, but whatever the reason, Hashem has caused Putin to start this war and destroy the lives of millions of Ukrainians.

    Putin did not wake up one day and suddenly decide to be the good guy and bomb Ukraine for the greater good.

  11. And that is the most difficult and dangerous aspect of this entire episode--none of the information can be trusted. The social media oligarchs are controlling all information. It's virtually impossible to hear anything from the Russian side. Putin asked for dialogue and intelligent conversation around his security concerns, which are legitimate. But instead, Biden responded with bullying and threats. Truth is, though, that at least for the US, Russia has been the enemy since I was born. More troubling though, is the digital media oligarchs who are waging a proxy war against Putin. This time it's them. Next time, they will wage their proxy war against Israel and dominate all channels with videos and lies about our oppression and killing of the fakestinians. The PLO has already demanded equal treatment in the global media. Believe me, this genie will never go back into the bottle.

  12. I just read something that opened my eyes. This guy is actually explaining things:

  13. Devorah Chayah: after reading the above blog from Leon UpsideDown, I then read this
    and now I see the hypocrisy in what Zelensky is saying.
    Ukraine is full of neo nazis, and yet Zelensky brazenly says ‘Nazism is born in silence’. Well I guess he would know if he has a country full of them.

  14. Just saw this...

    Babi Yar memorial said to be undamaged by Russian missile strike
    Ynet reporter in Ukraine says Holocaust memorial is unscathed despite three missiles being launched toward nearby communications tower, which suffered great damage

    Thanks for understanding my point of view - even when you don't necessarily share it. :-)

  15. Devorah Chayah: I understand a lot more since I read Leon's blog.
    Again for anyone who missed it:
    Sometimes I need to learn a lot more before I have a point of view.

  16. Thank you Nothing: Yes I see what you are all saying now.

    What Russia Wants from Ukraine and why Zelensky is Evil

  18. One thing Putin said is undisputable: He calls the West an 'Empire of Lies'. And this is one sign of the coming of mashiach we do not know who to trust. Everything we see from the mainstream is the opposite of truth and those that say the truth are censored or ridiculed.

    1. Yes Enrico I also heard that and thought the same as you.

  19. I came across this today and thought it interesting enough to share...

    When Zelenksy declared that he was going to be a part of the 2019 elections, he received backlash from other Jewish people in Ukraine.... His critics were afraid. A Ukrainian rabbi, Shmuel Kaminezki explained, "They said, 'He should not run because we will have pogroms here again in two years if things go wrong.'" Still, the backlash was unexpected because religion was hardly discussed during the elections. Furthermore, Ukraine had a Jewish Prime Minister in 2019, Volodymyr Groysman. However, according to Kaminezki, certain members of the Jewish community were terrified of attracting attention. The rabbi explained, "They thought that if it is too big it will just cause antisemitism." 


  20. Gavriela above says it best. The media does not give 'news', they give 'managed news'. So, we cannot trust practically anything you read & hear from any mainstream media worldwide. They are all in it. By now, most informed populations should understand that. The ukranians have a bad history when it came to the Jews. They were guards at the camps in WWII and even the nazis, y's, were amazed at their brutality and hatred. This war is global, meaning NATO (Globalists) want them to join and since they are on Russia's borders and was once part of them, the Russians say they cannot take a chance that they will be part of their adversaries and also I read that this is very much a religious war on the part of the leaders (globalist vs. Russians) as they're all vying for the big prize, Yerushalayim, c'v. The globalists on the side of the Catholic Christians and the Russians on the Russian Orthodox. Putin is personally religious and it seems, this is a big part of it. Who knows? But, we do know that the hearts of leaders (kings, etc.) are in the Hand of G-D! These are the wars preceding the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu whom we pray will soon come, hopefully, b'chesed u'vrachamim! Amen!

  21. I'll add a little bit on top of everything that was said. Stepan Bandera Avenue (that same Amalekite who was instrumental in exterminating the Jews during WW2 in Ukraine) leads right to the Babyn Yar landmark. Neonazism and nationalism is very real in Ukraine. Putin was talking about it for years but no one listened. This has been going on since 2006. There is a lot that is unknown and will never be disclosed in the western world. If you guys have time listen to this video, especially the first Speaker, John Meaersheimer, who predicted this scenario many years ago and he is exactly on point right now.


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