Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Time of Mashiach

HT: Sherry

Rabbi David Ashear [under 3 minutes]

What will it really be like? When Moshiach is here.... 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such statements raise questions. I'm scared if the dead return and reunite with their family's. What about widows? 2 husbands back? No more pain and hospitals? You can still fall down the stairs...
    Are my children (for example) still able to get children?
    What do we do all day and do we grow old and die? So much questions...

    This is also preached at xtians only words torah and messiah are different.

    I may never experience it. Maybe I'm thinking too hard.

  3. The dead will return [it's called Techiat HaMaytim - the Revival of the Dead] but not all at once. The holiest come back first. Not every soul returns though. We have all been reincarnated many times on earth, which part of us returns? In which body? These are things I do not know.

    You ask some good questions and I hope someone here can comment and answer better than I can.

    Don't involve yourself with anything said by xtians, it's just a distortion of Torah.

    You don't need to worry about Moshiach times, all our problems will be gone, we just need to make it through these birthpangs.

  4. Mariël
    all we need to know is that if Hashem has promised us that it will be GOOD then it will be so. These questions are in all of our minds, but it is not good to dwell on it, because this will be a new dimension of life that we cannot currently understand.... so delving and not getting answers, just gives us more questions.

    Just remember. One thing is absolutely certain. It will be only GOOD!


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