Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Do Good

To serve God, one must both ''turn away from evil'' and 'do good''.  But which of these steps is the most important? And which must be prioritized first of all? [Naso 4: 1-28]

The sequence of Kehos' and Gershon's descendants in the Torah provides the key to answer these questions.

Gershon is related to the Hebrew word Gerushin, meaning ''divorce'' alluding to the process of turning away from and ''divorcing'' oneself from evil.  Kehos means ''gathering'' [as in '''He will gather [yikhas] the people'' [Bereishis 49:10], alluding to the accumulation of good deeds - ''doing good''.

Gershon was the firstborn, indicating that at the outset, when one is just beginning to serve God, a person should stress the path of turning away from evil.  This is in order to thoroughly cleanse oneself from negative traits before one can begin to sanctify oneself properly with good deeds.

However, in the Torah, Kehos' descendants are placed before Gershon's descendants [see Midrash] to indicate that, ultimately, ''doing good'' is the ultimate goal which actively brings a person close to God, and makes this world a ''home'' for Him.

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos Vol 13 p. 9 Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. What is the definition of doing good? Who or what determines what is right?

    1. "I will tell you (says Hashem) what is good, and what Hashem requires of you; acts of loving kindness, justice, and walk humbly (in modesty) before Hashem your Gd.."
      From the book of Malachi, I think

  2. In Tehillim it says (Sur M'Ra V'Ase Tov) first remove yourself from evil and then do good. However, the chasidic approach as explained by the Nesivos Shalom of Slonim is Sur M'Ra Al Y'dei A'se Tov - i.e. remove yourself from bad by doing good, i.e. if we focus always on doing good that will automatically cause the bad to dissipate.


  3. מצוה הבא עבירהis okay?huh


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