Thursday, September 29, 2022

Filling the Waters

We've all heard about the Nordstream pipeline sabotage - if you don't know what I'm talking about click here

I don't want to talk about who is responsible, but I do want to mention that apparently a gas pipeline to Crimea in the Kherson [Ukraine] has now been destroyed and is burning.  This pipeline sabotage is gaining popularity and it's taking us one step closer to Geula.

Gemarah: "Moshiach will not come until that day, when the waters will be filled with oil, and no fish will be found to feed the ill - as it's stated: "then I will fill their waters will oil".

Rashi comments: When the waters will be congealed and fish cannot swim in such waters.

Note that it says "oil" and "congealed" - it doesn't say "gas". 

But it seems we are just getting started with this particular type of sabotage and I'm thinking that perhaps it won't be long before it is oil as well as gas being targeted.

Bad for the fish, but good for Geulah.  Is it time to stock up on canned tuna again? 

Talmud Sanhedrin 98a

Above is the relevant page of the Talmud: translation - "Mashiach ben Dovid will not arrive until someone seeks a fish for a sick person and cannot find one."


  1. where i live, in israel, we have man-made ponds upon ponds of fish. thank God it is a good business for the kibbutzim and moshavim!

  2. nice, but people made the same comment at the time of the oil leak in Mexico a few years ago. I think there is a deeper meaning here we have to understand.

  3. from artscroll notes: fascinating explanation, Iyh I will provide a translation:

    very related to food shortages and our times

  4. This is a link very fit for you blog...

  5. Thank you Lea, I blogged that video


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