Friday, September 9, 2022

The Queen's Rainbows

                                                          Rainbow over Windsor Castle

                                Double rainbow outside Buckingham Palace

Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II has passed, and Hashem has given the world rainbows.
One incredible rainbow over Windsor Castle for a few minutes, and then it was gone.
Then a double rainbow over Buckingham Palace as mourners came to pay tribute.

What are the rainbows telling us?  It's a sign from Hashem, hopefully that Moshiach is close. Click the Rainbow label below this post for more on rainbows.

For more on the Queen and the rainbows see:


  1. Via:

    4 Facts about Queen Elizabeth II and the Jewish People.

    1. Her Mother-in-Law Saved Jews During the Holocaust
    When World War II broke out, Prince Philip volunteered for the British navy, and battled Nazis with distinction. Remaining in Athens, Princess Alice invited the Cohens, a Greek Jewish family with whom she and her husband had been friends, to hide in her house.
    Princess Alice was brought in for questioning but refused to divulge the fact that she was sheltering Jews in her home. She returned to London in 1967 and died there in 1969. She requested that her remains be interred in Jerusalem, and in 1988 they were buried on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. She was declared Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. Prince Philip traveled to Jerusalem for the ceremony, where he planted a tree in his mother’s memory.

    2. Queen Elizabeth II Hired Jewish Mohel to Circumcise Prince Charles
    Queen Elizabeth II hired an Orthodox Jewish mohel to circumcise her son Prince Charles. Rabbi Jacob Snowman (1871-1959) was a London mohel of great renown.

    3. British Jews pray for the Queen every Shabbat
    It’s a Jewish custom around the world to recite a prayer on Shabbat for their government leaders. In Britain, this means praying for the welfare of Queen Elizabeth II and her family. British Jews ask God to “preserve the Queen in life, guard her and deliver her from all sorrow.” The prayer goes on to ask that the Divine “put a spirit of wisdom into her heart and into the hearts of all her counsellors” too.

    4. She Departed from Royal Protocol to Listen to Holocaust Survivors
    On January 27, 2005, the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Queen Elizabeth hosted a group of Holocaust survivors in St. James’s Palace in the center of London.

    Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was present and later recounted: “When the time came for her to leave, she stayed. And stayed. One of her attendants said that he had never known her to linger so long after her scheduled departure. She gave each survivor - it was a large group - her focused, unhurried attention. She stood with each until they had finished telling their personal story."

  2. Maybe the passing of the world's last monarch who comported herself with dignity, after a 70 year reign, makes room for Malchus Beis Dovid and the coming of Moshiach. 70 being a significant number, and reminding me of what the Chafetz Chaim said about the third part of Gog and Magog occurring about 70 years after the second part, which was World War II.

  3. I wanted to add that 70 also signifies the 70 Nations, and Queen Elizabeth was the last respectable monarch (as far as I know) of the 70 Nations...

  4. Shavua tov! What I meant is that as the most prominent monarch in the world, she may represent malchus of the goyim, as opposed to the malchus of the Jews. The 70 Nations are the non-Jews.

    I wanted to share with you that this Shabbos in my regular learning seder I was up to Likutei Mohoran 42, which it turns out is about the rainbow and the Shechina, among other things. In the notes it says: The rainbow was created to protect the world. (The rainbow was given to mankind as a sign from G-d that He will never again destroy the world by flood.) It is like a king who every time he gets angry at his son and wants to punish him-(It is analogous to when G-d gets angry at mankind for sinning and decrees punishment) the queen appears in her radiant garments (the radiant lights of three sefirot, in their corresponding supernal colors, illuminate the keshet.) When the king sees her, his anger at his son disappears. And he rejoices in the queen, as is written (Genesis 9:16), 'I will see her and remember the everlasting covenant.'(When G-d sees the rainbow, his anger at mankind disappears and He remembers His covenant not to destroy the world.) Thus the rainbow only appears in the world as the radiant garments of the queen-(This according to the opinion that the keshet corresponds to Malchus (the queen).

  5. Wow that's incredible, thank you so much for that - "the radiant garments of the queen" - that explains everything.
    Toda raba.

  6. The Chofetz Chaim's "70 years" could also be very relevant, so thank you for that as well. I don't know who you are but you should have written my blog post ! Thanks again.

  7. Thank you for your kind words! I wouldn't mind corresponding with you via email but I'd rather be anonymous on the blog.

  8. Hello Devorah,
    I post here to get in touch although it's not related to this topic. I just saw this video which I think is extremely interesting and relevant to your blog. please listen to the end, he predicts Mashiach date and gets to the same result as rabbi Kessin who bring the zohar. 6000-214 = 5786 but from another calculation in kohelet.

  9. Thanks Enricoariel I'll check it out.

  10. more rainbows all over the world recently. even msn is questioning what is going on here!

  11. Rabbi Kessin's shiur about the Queen, just uploaded here,
    I fast forwarded to the Q & A because someone gave me a tip....
    @ 58:17 he is talking about the Rainbows..

  12. Devorah, firstly, you may be unaware of this, but as I probably mentioned previously, Dr.Zelenko pre-emptively called himself a conspiracy-REALIST, and F.Gamble pre-emptively called himself a conspiracy-ANALYST. That's because they knew the liberal agenda, part of which was to slap on the label "conspiracy-THEORIST" as a tool of speech-suppression and propaganda.

    They knew that people would fall for conspiracy-THEORIST-labelling. As master-propagandist Goebbels used to say, "repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it".

    Now, I can understand why you wouldn't wish to post a nwo link on a Jewish blog, but why mostly post adulation of the queen? Such as those calling Queen E "respectable" and not opposing points of view? In fact, one of your blog-commenters even proclaimed admiration for e-LIZ-beth! To me, that sort of talk is nauseatingly akin to worshipping avoda-zora. There's a reason i just now posted the queen's name with the letters LIZ in all-caps, but I won't go into that here.

    So am I saying conservative types are lily-white? No, not Gamble nor Icke with all their brilliance, and not others Gamble has hosted. Nor Shurka, Rogan, Bigtree, Malone, and all their associates. But I still think that in this era, most of them are less extreme-wicked than liberals, and without a doubt it's the extremist conservatives who have been serving to balance out the libs. It definitely takes someone like Icke to get broader truths out to the public, however embellished they might be. (Granted, embellished means false, but imo libs are even further removed from decency.

  13. MM: You are not listening to the other commenters here on the separate post of Rabbi Kessin's shiur about the Queen. No-one is idolizing the Queen: there is a big difference between avodah zora vs respect for someone who did her job well for 70 years. We are awaiting our real King Moshiach, but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate a woman who has fulfilled her duty as Queen. Let G-d be her judge. I honestly don't understand a lot of what you are saying, I have no idea who Shurka, Rogan, Bigtree and Malone are. No need to explain it, I can live without knowing. :)

  14. MM: The reason why I don't waste my time on conspiracy theories is because I don't care what people are conspiring to do.... as far as i'm concerned, anything that will or won't happen will be because Hashem wants it to, or not. So why bother worrying about the stuff that evil minds are conspiring.... ? That's giving them too much power. They can only do what Hashem allows them to.

  15. Hi, Devorah, I first got to see this now, as i'm in midst of major dental trauma post root-canal. I'm afraid the procedure triggered TMJ since it hurts me to even open my mouth wide enough to drink from a water bottle. I'm petrified, not knowing how i'll climb out of this. So thanks in advance to any/all refuah-shlema wishers...

    To answer yours, what got me interested in what you label "conspiracy" was for tachlis reasons. Because the bad guys are into destruction, and they wish to suppress genuine healing methods, whereas the constructive guys have been actively pursuing advanced health innovations, energy innovations and more. I'm not giving anyone power, nor do I dwell on them, rather just cognizant of their existence, and trying to even out the playing-field. What can I say, you and others here are for sure "new souls", as you're not curious about the Eitz H'daas (which i'd say in this case translates to Shurka, Rogan and even the multifacets of Queen E.) But y'know, at this point i'm not either interested in much anymore, as i'm too caught up in my personal issues.

  16. Sorry to hear that MM. If you feel like doing so, give us your Hebrew name and people can add you to their names for Tehillim.

  17. I appreciate the offer Devorah. How about just have in mind M.M. for a refuah, and that will suffice.

    I wanted to add to my above comments that "conspiracy" can more justifiedly be labelled "constructivism". For example, here's the latest "constructive" link from FG's most recent mailing.
    ...and there's you have it. Constructivism.

    And as for the worship-and-admiration for departed Queen E. here's the types whom I myself admire - see, i was browsing, and that's how I came to realize how bad TMJ can get. Whereas until now, I only knew about it superficially. So I really admire those patients who transcend their horrific pain, and post painstakingly detailed online testimonials of their gruelling experiences, so that others can benefit from them.

    Examples of such testimonials (specifically by Elaine, Cymy, Davesfancy & Goodwillstacy) are found here:
    And it's such people who are the admirable ones, IMO.


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