Friday, September 2, 2022

How Will It All End? The Destruction of the Root of the Satan

 New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin


  1. I've a question and comment. I believe the rabbi mentioned that upon departure from Mitzrayim, they had reached the level of Adam before the sin (i.e. zero zohama), and that status continued until the Golden Calf, whereupon the zohama took over again.

    But weren't there sins between their departure from Mitzrayim, and the Golden Calf? So if there was no zohama, how could there have been such sins?

    Secondly, at approx. 58:00 he mentions anti-semitism and anti-catholicism and denial of G-d.

    But he's overlooking (or likely he's unaware of) the MOST complex topic of all, one which I've brought up several times on this blog. And that's the many groups of very spiritual, well-meaning Non-Jews AND Secular-Jews, who are actively into their respective versions of "tikkun olam". But that doesn't mean they aren't ALSO very much into either atheism, or one or another form of non-conventional religion which they have latched onto.
    ...furthermore ALL of them are very "open". They're not just open insofar as flowing/spiritual types of discussions, but also, a very "liberal" mode of dress is the norm for them. Because that mode of dress is comfortable, airy, and non-oppressive.

    So it's davka those secular tikkun-olam types of groups (i.e. Foster & Kimberley Gamble, Jason Shurka's bioscalar "healing" EESystems popping up everywhere nationally and internationally, and so many other activists) that I wish would be discussed by Rabbi Kessin, rather than the "conventionally" known evils of the DOJ, FBI, NY Dept. of Education, yada yada.

    Interestingly, prior to his petirah, Dr. Zev Zelenko (in an interview with Alex Jones) condemned Barbara Marx Hubbard, who had been long-ago featured in a good light on Foster Gamble's first Thrive film. Dr.Zelenko stated very strongly to Jones, that Hubbard was pro-depopulation and pro Bill Gates. Also see:

    And so because, as I said, it gets WAY more complex than merely the "obvious" bad guys who are named by Rabbi Kessin, it's so frustrating to me that the rabbi doesn't cover a more "wholistic" picture of these ostensibly well-meaning, large-scale endeavors by the likes of the Gambles, Shurka, and many others. Because don't kid yourselves - these high-level efforts have been catching on to one degree or another - worldwide - disregarding that the frum world, are oblivious of them.

    OK, granted, "rabbot machshavot b'lev ish" but does that mean all their efforts at tikkun olam wind up being wasted efforts? I mean, aren't well-intentioned efforts supposed to have permanency, similar to doing things for the sake of Heaven? As I said, rabbi's and teachers never address my type of questions, even when they're valid questions, such as the treachery toward the Kurds by Trump. That's disillusioning.

  2. Rabbi Kessin says that Avraham never questioned Hashem like Moshe did. But Avraham famously did challenge Hashem's judgment regarding Sodom and Gommorah. He says (paraphrasing), "will the Judge of all the world not do justice?". Contrast this to Noah, who never questioned Hashem's plan to destroy the world with a flood.

    Also, Rabbi Kessin mentions the "31 nations of Israel". What is he referring to? Is that the number of enemy nations in the land of Canaan that are defeated? If anyone understands this, please clarify! Thanks.

  3. One more question: In many past shiurim, Rabbi Kessin stressed that the Jews and the world could only reach the 49th level of tumah (defilement), before Moshiach would come. If they were allowed to continue to the 50th level, uninterrupted, then the world would be destroyed, and redemption would be impossible.

    In this shiur - unless I misunderstood - Rabbi Kessin is saying that we've reached the 50th level of tumah, and we are in the zohama itself. If so, how is the world still standing? Why did Moshiach not come before we sunk to the 50th?

    Or perhaps I failed to understand what Rabbi Kessin said in the past about crossing over into the 50th level and destruction of the world. Either way, I'm missing something here.

  4. Some of your questions may be answered when the transcript is available. I'll let you know when that happens.

  5. Regarding the point made about Avraham...the rabbi says in response to this point, that G-D wanted to provoke Avraham to defend S'dom. Why else would G-D have told Avraham what he was about to do?

    As for the question about 31 nations of Israel, the writer is correct that it means of Cana'an, not Israel. --administrator of the rabbi's FB page

  6. Forgot to mention that the rabbi says that it is a misunderstanding that the zohama was done away with when they left Mitzraim. They had purged it from the body but not eradicated it completely.--Rahel, administrator of the rabbi's FB page

  7. @Rachel F Adye, thank you for your answers. Very helpful!
    Do you often take questions from this site to Rabbi Kessin?
    I'm still not clear about the 50th level of tumah, but perhaps it will become more clear as I continue to listen to the Rabbi's shiurim.
    Thanks again!

  8. Yes thank you Rahel.
    D: if she happens to read the question, she will relay it to him.

  9. Transcription now available


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