Friday, October 14, 2022

Third Rome #2: Russia, Iran, and Gog u'Magog

[If you did not see Part 1 click here to watch]

What will happen in the final war of "Gog and Magog" at the End of Days? Who are "Gog" and "Magog" and do they have any connection to Russia and Iran? Did the ancient prophets predict a nuclear war? And what does it all have to do with the holiday of Sukkot? 

In this class, we explore the events of Gog u'Magog from the perspective of three prophets: Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Bilaam (in the Zohar), together with the surprisingly accurate predictions of the Vilna Gaon. Also discussed are the angelic "Heavenly princes" of the nations, the little-known intertwined histories of Russia and Iran, and the possible connection to 9/11. 

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov


  1. Here's a related YT vid. (which also ties in with Rabbi Kessin's past vid.)
    If it's for real.

    Entitled "Ukraine War Planned YEARS AGO Documents Reveal"

  2. The rabbi is brilliant, the talk scary! Speak of three towers (other than 9/11) this may have occurred to some of you:

  3. He mentions a type of nuclear war (from G-d). That jives with Resh Lakish, who spoke about the "ohr, which will be removed from its hiding place" etc. etc. Which just might be Planet-X. Which may account for the light that's supposed to last 70 days, and also the darkness/cold that's mentioned. Perhaps Planet-X has double properties of emanating either destructive waves, or else emanating healing scalar-waves.

  4. 9 11 was done by Osama, which sounds a lot to me anyway as zoama.
    And 7 years later you ended up with Obama what sounds, and he looks a lot like Osama !
    I think a deliberate play of contrived Heglian dialectics in order to push the mental compass of the sheeple off line for good (?) A cood cop bad cop, bad muslim good muslim play if you will. Obama being the "good syntheses" of Osama. But he was not zoama, he was the serpent itself. That's why you have Obama care, and why Uncle Samael's deep state lodges want to vaccinate everyone. That is what serpents do afterall ! Bite you, infect you !
    Demise of Edom started with 9 11 or that was the symbol of commerce. Now they fight amonst eachother in Ukraine. Will be watching world cup in Ukraine anyway. Qatar is financer of Isis, Al Qaida, Hamas, and so on, according to Wikipedia ! But all they worry about is that lgtb folks are not arrested in Qatar. There you have the zoama again (?) The fix is in. So Osama friends like Qashogi are left of the hook, while Edom destroys it's own society. Had they left Trump in power, Israel and world would have flourished and Mosaiach would have come that way. Which they don't like. But it is a catch 22 for them. G'd will need to stop them in order to save world. Or just total Amargedon ? But mosiach will come anyway.

  5. I don't think that Hashem will allow the complete destruction of the world via nuc. Yes, Moshiach will come. Klaus wants agenda 2030. He doesn't realize Hashem 's agenda of Moshiach is the truth. In the meantime do all the mitzvos you can

  6. Of course, H' will NOT allow the destruction of the whole because He Promised that he would not. Doubt very much that Gog u'Magog would be a nuclear war, because that war will be Hashem's War against the nations that 'know Him not and those that did not call His Name'. This War will be a nuclear-type war as the commenter above stated where H' will use His forces of supernatural Nature where it will then take seven months to bury the dead. THEN the world will all know there is Only HASHEM! Ain Od Milvado!


  7. This is just my simple thinking… I don’t understand most of what’s written… sorry, nor know history like all of you… but ONE thing I do know is… even though we hear of destruction, and this one’s understanding of Scriptures… there is HOPE in the muddled of all that’s being written, published, advertised, announced… and its… AIN OD MILVADO… He alone is The True and Most Righteous Judge… and has known since eternity past the end of evil… not the end of His Crown of all Creation… mankind… made in the image and likeness of Him.

    There is hope thru all of these days we are in… His Righteous Redeemer/Moshiach… will come and teach us of His Ways… who would he teach if there are no people left?

    The Holy Jews will be here for eternity… where does it leave us gentiles??? I do not know… but even if there’s 70 left… it will begin a mighty nation of followers of HaShem and His Holy Torah…

    There IS hope!!! It will all come to an end… soon… and we all will rejoice in His Holy Presence… Blessed be His Holy Name Forever and ever!

  8. Vladimir Putin's talking up of the use of nuclear weapons reminds one of the principle milchama nami ischalta d'geulah (Megillah 17). Fortunately Putin, who was once a KGB colonel, and has become a fervent born-again Russian Orthodox Xtian who talks apocalyptically of martyrdom with his enemies if Russia is attacked, seems to to be a judophile.Yechezkel 38 and traditions from the Vilna Gaon, R.Dovid Luria, R.Shimshon of Ostropol and R.Moshe Shternbuch, indicate that war involving the Black Sea, Russia, Moscow, Tobolsk, Turkey, the Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Crimea, and the Strait of Kerch might be portents of Moshiach. The name 'Ukraine' derives from Ekron in the Tenach, the original Ukrainians being of Philistine origin (Sefer Hadras Chen, R.Noach Weintraub), and who in the future are destined to be uprooted - Ekron te'aker (Tzfaniya 2): "The Ukrainians have no right to a state nor independence!" (the Yenuka of Stolin)."For a fire is kindled in My nostrils that will burn to the depths of She'ol, and devour the earth and her produce and will set ablaze the foundations of the mountains" (Devorim 32). R.Boruch Horovitz shlita stated that a brocho should be instituted after every Shacharis that there hasn't yet been a nuclear war! "The USA must double and redouble its production of atomic bombs!" (R.Avigdor Miller 1984).Chassidus refers to the infinite chochmah of Hashem that is concentrated in matter as being the koach mah — "the potentiality of what is." The release of the vast energy in the atomic nucleus is a mere remez of this potential. Midrash Shir Hashirim 2 speaks of the Moshiach coming in a generation deserving of destruction, and indeed that will be capable of destroying itself.

  9. "The L-rd empties the earth and makes it waste and utterly despoiled.....the earth mourns and withers, the world languishes and fades away..... the earth also is defiled under its inhabitants; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.......desolation is left in the city and the gate is battered to ruins" (Yeshaya 24)."A noise shall reach even to the ends of the earth; for the L- rd has a quarrel with the nations . . . evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the L-rd shall be on that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground" (Yirmiya 25)."And it shall come to pass that in all the earth two-thirds shall die . . . and I will bring the third through the fire and refine them . . . and this will be the punishment of the nations . . . their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth" (Zecharya 13 & 14). "Damascus will cease being a city: it will be a heap of ruins" (Yeshaya 17). " and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup" (Tehillim 11).With the power of the atom bomb a person can be standing, and then in the next second before he hits the ground, be completely consumed. Before the atom bomb, no weapon had the capability of such destruction: "The war of Gog and Magog will last 12 minutes" (Vilna Gaon).At the time when warships will come to attack Ashur and Ever (Syria and Iran?), Bilom in his last prophecy (Bamidbar 24) wailed: Oy mi yichyeh misumo E-l — "Woe! Who will survive when G-d does this?". "Near the time of the Geulah, all that will be left of the empire of Russia will be a little tree on a little hill!" (R.Nachman of Breslov). May soon be fulfilled Hashem's promise: "Behold I will create a new Heaven and a new Earth; and the former one will not be remembered nor even come to mind!" (Yeshaya 65)

    1. Any negative prophecy does need to happen .hashem still has Final say say

  10. הושענא רבה תשפ"ג משיח חודש אחד

    הרב פינטו - תזכרו שהעולם לפני פצצת אטום

    הרב יאשיהו פינטו: ״תזכרו שהעולם הולך בחודשים הקרובים לאטום״ (פצצת אטום)
    במהלך שיעורו של האדמו״ר רבי יאשיהו פינטו הזכיר לחסיד הישיבה עופר ירדני, שלפני שנפלו מגדלי התאומים בניו יורק אמר לו חודש לפני שזה מה שהולך לקרות ואכן כך.
    כעת אומר האדמו״ר פינטו שוב בזמן ליל הושענא רבה שפצצת אטום זה ענין של עד חודשים קדימה.

  11. Translation:
    Hoshana Rabba, 18th century Messiah, one month

    Rabbi Pinto - remember that the world was before an atomic bomb

    Rabbi Josiah Pinto: "Remember that the world is going to be atomized in the coming months" (atom bomb)
    During the Rebbe's lesson, Rabbi Yosiah Pinto reminded the yeshiva follower Ofer Yardani, that before the Twin Towers fell in New York, he had told him a month before that this was what was going to happen, and indeed it was.
    Now Rebbe Pinto says again during the night of Hoshana Rabbah that an atomic bomb is a matter of up to months ahead.

  12. See Rabbi Pinto [in Hebrew] on You Tube here, uploaded two days ago

  13. Firstly, the bad does not need to happen. Doubt very much if H' would allow a nuclear destruction to take place, that might engulf the whole world. H' will not destroy the whole world. HE will use HIS forces of nature to devastate the enemies of G-D, Yisrael and mankind. That will occur at the time of Gog u'Magog. Now, there are wars, as prophecized by our holy Sages, throughout the world, but not nuclear wars. This time when the world is being turned upside down, there is much confusion and chaos and time for mankind to wake up and realize that only Hashem runs the world and time for mankind to do teshuvah.
    The war of Gog u'Magog is different; that will be when the nations will gather against Hashem & Am Yisrael and go up to Yerushalayim and that is when the end to the evildoers will happen. It will take mere minutes that destruction will come upon the demonic forces, but all coming from Hashem's
    supernatural forces of nature!

  14. שערי הגאולהOctober 20, 2022 at 5:00 PM

    כל עדכונים הרב פינטו אמר חודש משיח

    איפה אטום בישראל???

    הרב ניר ארצי אומר שלא יהיה שום אטום בארץ
    האם הרב יאשיהו פינטו מתכוון לאטום בישראל או בעולם ברוסיה

  15. Sorry if I digress, but they've already come out with a video version of R.Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci - big tech, big pharma & govt. exposed".
    They pray you never watch this:

    In just that trailer you have a lightening glimpse of the faux system some of us have been interminably enduring as life sentences, and how the system shysters operate. Indeed there's FauXi, but so many more are faux as well.
    ...And they picked the perfect rep. for their target audience. Have you noticed - his mannerism epitomizes the most erudite Yeshivish lecturer (thus appealing to the numerous Frum who've been SO impressed by his erudite eloquence and appearance)?
    ...Wanna know why those aristocratic-mannered gullibles nauseate me? Because its those same bedazzled "brethren" who act hypocritically skeptical and elitist toward those who are pain-wracked via the FauXi's of the world. Now isn't that shades of:

    כל המרחם על אכזרים סופו שיתאכזר לרחמנים

    Then there's the guy's jesuit past. How better to appeal to the xtian right? Perhaps after viewing the above vid, you just might grasp why my primary prayer for decades has been, frankly, for a Major Mapala (and expose) of the phony sick system. Well, it looks like the expose part has begun, to a small or greater degree.

  16. I just typed a response to Anon @6:56 am but it disappeared right after typing.
    I just wanted to correct an omission from that comment which seems to have been inadvertently omitted. The word NOT was mistakenly left out after the word 'does'. Correction: 'does 'not' need to happen'.



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