Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama following same path as Hitler ym"s and Stalin

In a homily delivered Saturday, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois challenged President Obama's HHS mandate, suggesting that the president was following the same path as Hitler and Stalin.

"Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care," Jenky said. "In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path." Jenky added. 

 Source and video at: Campaign 2012

Note: I am only quoting this Bishop because unfortunately the rabbis in America are strangely silent about all of this.  When will the Jewish Americans wake up?


  1. Kudos to the priest for standing up.

  2. wow Devorah, I can't believe it that you not posted my comment to you. You put a note questioning rabbis in America while you can not answer my question.
    Do you have a suggetion to rabbis in America, what do you expect? Either post my comment and answer it or delete your note regarding rabbis in america. We don't have Hohma of rabbis in America and why there is a silence.

    1. I have no idea what you're talking about, all comments awaiting publication were published.

      What do I want them to say? Anything at all which relates to world events and Pharoah in the White House.

  3. Note: I am only quoting this Bishop because unfortunately the rabbis in America are strangely silent about all of this. When will the Jewish Americans wake up?
    Explain your note regarding rabbis in America and what Jews in America should do?

    1. I thought I just explained it.
      Isn't it obvious that Jews in America should not vote for Obama? They got it wrong the first time, by voting for him, and now it seems, judging by the news reports, that they will repeat the mistake. If Hitler ym's was running for office for a second term, would they be silent? I don't understand their silence, and I also don't understand your harrassment of me over this issue.
      You obviously feel very strongly about this so what is your opinion?
      You are in America, [and I am not], you must have given it some thought.

  4. My opinion is if obama will be the president for second term(G-d forbid)(and I don't think it is going to happen), I will do aliya(Bli neder)

    1. As Chazal said: Before Moshiach there will be no leaders.

      And that explains the popularity of blogs, people are searching for answers which are not being provided elsewhere.

  5. May be we don't have leaders, but we have talmidei hahamim, to whom we should listen to.

  6. Leaders? Like who? Who is a leader with the strength to speak the truth without thinking first "what will the nations think?" Where are the Orthodox rabbis in America who are encouraging aliyah and leading by example? We have no leaders or prophets. So many will not even admit that anything is really amiss in the world. Nothings changed according to them, nothing particularly worth noting- not the weather, not Arab "Spring" not the speeding up of time... nothing.

  7. The last leader I remember Lyubavitch Rabbi Menahem Mendel who was the leader and even him did not say to make aliya

  8. We should all search for the TRUTH not for things that we want to be. All the talking regarding aliya, immediately, doors are closing...etc is not right. I should listen tsadikim rather that Ben Artzi and his followers.

  9. It could be ultimately that because we have no-one but Hashem all we are left with is emuna, freewill and the totality of the circumstances. This is what Jews were left with during the lead up to the Shoa. G-d forbid if we don't take the knowledge of this history into serious consideration. This is a big reason I cringe when I read about another Liberal organization spending millions on another Holocaust memorial while taking up the cause of the goyiim and our enemies. Dead Jews yes, living Jews, religious Jews in Israel, not so much ...

  10. Let me tell you my story. I immigrated from Russia to the US about 20 years ago. Most of you have no idea how hard to be a frum in Russia. I remember I visit my mother in law last winter and we were searching for the kosher mikva with my wife. We drove from Pyatigorsk to Rostov 7 hours one way and there we also bought kosher chickens there were no meat at that time. At that time I thanked Hashem that I live in America where I can enjoy my life to be a frum and to be with great people, and where the Torah is and great talmidei hahamim are. When our Hahamim will say that it is right time then I will not hesitate to make aliya. Jews in Israel should concern that how Tahor is the land, and the opposite is also true-- a lot of Tumah there. Look at erev ravs, gays, assimilation...etc, and you try to convince me to harry up, the doors are closing, to where? Let Moshiah do his job first, to clean it up!!!

  11. This comment is to Moshe April 18th and others who think like him. In the story of Yonah and the whale, the ship's sailors are going crazy trying to save the (wooden) ship from sinking. Where is Yonah (Jonah)? He is sleeping down below on a wooden ship in the middle of the storm. This story is not to be taken literally. This story is about the days of Moshiach. Look around all the goyim are stating that we are in the end of days, but Jews are sleeping like Yonah. Jews say what are talking about America is fine. Look around, see that Hashem is doing to the heartland of America, they are having more twisters than ever before. Houses are getting wiped off their cement foundations. What do you think is happening to the farms were Americans get their wheat from? Stop the sports, hollywood, look around. There has been over 7,000 earthquakes in the world in the past 30 days. Start your file with Nefesh b Nefesh and get your passport. Trouble is on the horizon for American Jews, do not think that trouble was 70 years ago in Europe. The same situation is repeating itself. Most American Jews are intermarried. Most of them are not religious. The same in Europe. The ecomony is bad like in Europe, 70 years ago. The only difference so far is that their is no Jew hating leader and no nuremberg laws. Look how long it took congress to pass the patriot act, 2 weeks. Jews will not have time to prepare when they wake up late. Get started today before it is too late. Same old soup a day later is not the proper attitude to survive.

  12. I heard a story on a Moshiah blog around 5 years ago, that doors are closing, I was shocked. I went trought aliya , got my tick number, then I realized to whom I listen , tsadik nistar to whom I never met or a person who is talking like you guys. I don 't know what is your truly reason to convince us, may be you know that you are truly redeemers like Mr.N. You can not force others lives to uncertany where you not sure what will be a tomorrow day, and how it will be happened. I think Eretz Israel needs to be cleaned first of Tumah for those years that people did disgusting thing in the Holy Land, the Land should be cleaned first.

  13. Those who forget history - are doomed to repeat it...
    Moshe, my dear brother across the world - there were few Jews bf the holocuast who correctly intepreted the events of the day - they packed their belongings took what they could and fled leaving the rest.
    Their families and friends ridiculed them for it..."they said you are ridiculous, that will never happen here! Germany is the most enlightened country.... Jews were free to intermarry, free to attend German universities free to mingle in the greater society. Jews were given unprecendented rights, rights to own land, businesses, ect. There was even a Jewish chancellor - there could be no greater equality then that, right?
    The Nazi party was a legitimate political entity voted into office...I dont think I need to continue the rest of that story....
    I made aliyah almost three years ago - it caused an uproar in my family, with my friends and even with my rabbi? What are you doing they asked me are you crazy? I am not nefesh b nefesh, I am not going to sit here and give you the party line that everything is great fine and dandy. I gave up almost everything to be here, we just manage to get by from month to month. Periodically my husband breaks down and tries to convince me to go back - we have options in america - family, friends, business connections, a beautiful home and we speak the language...need I say more. We r struggling here, life is hard - but I believe in what we are doing and deep down I know he does too. Nothing precious is easy.
    Where else in the world on Yom HaShoah does the entire country shut down and for one minute stand together in utter silence.. remembering the haunting slaughter of over six million of our people.
    This is our home...God gave this land to us, he is calling, almost thundering, for us to come home - the geulah started when the state of Israel came into existence. Nothing happens without the master of the universe allowing it too - for the first time in 2000 years we have our homeland back. You think this happened without the hashpa'ah of the creator of the universe?
    May we merit to see the complete and final geualh speedily in our days!

  14. I just want to say one more thing - I am not critisizing anyone or condemning anyone. I know how hard it is to leave. I know the financial, emotional and overwhelming mental considerations that need to be made... I also know some Jewish people are completely not free to make aliyah at this time. I love and respect all Jews.
    I am just saying I am frightened for my people - I see signs everywhere that look frighteningly like before and there are a growing mass of Jews and non Jews saying the same thing.
    I am just saying pause and please, please reconsider. If you cant do it now , make a contingency plan..... things change suddenly in a heartbeat and all Jews should be prepared.
    With great love for you and all God fearing Jews - anon
    Btw Devorah - thank you for your blog it gives me great chizzuk sometimes, when everything feels overwhelming. I follow it everyday...

  15. My dear brother, I love you too and all Jews. I understand your concern and I see that you want to help. Myself, I prepared in a case that is (G-d forbid)something will happen in my great city Brooklyn, NY. I have opened my aliya tick, have important stuff ready(cash, documents, etc) in a case that one day I'll need to move. But right now is time to wait and watch close for the things that happened.
    Again, I can risk myself to make aliya now, but I can't risk it with lives of my family and others to tell them , yes, because I see with my eyes what I see, that is the reason we have to leave ASAP. Again, we can not see what G-d sees, we can't say there are no leaders then let's do what we think. We have to have ask our rabbis who have Hohma, who can advise things. Myself I learned things through the life, running from Russia about 20 years, I know exactly what it is.

  16. Anon please expalain: "Most American Jews are intermarried. Most of them are not religious. The same in Europe". You mentioned all the continents but forgot to mention Israel, who come? Also, It is true that Israel is the Holiest place in the whole world and those who keeps the Mitsvot a 100, or 1000 or may be 1000000 times greater than keeping the same Mitsvot in Diaspora. The opposite is also true that whoever does sins 1000000 times worse that those commit sins in Diaspora. Now, it is logical that punishment for intermarriages and those who is not religious in Israel much greater avera than in Diaspora, how you so sure that protection for Am Israel in the Land overwrites the protection in Diaspora? Anon and others are welcome to explain.

    1. Moshe, sometimes it can take awhile for a response. People are not on the internet 24 hours a day - although sometimes i feel like I am :)

    2. None of us know how Hashem calculates mitzvos and aveiros.

      But the gomorrah teaches us the great merit of living in Eretz Yisroel.

      As someone living in Eretz Yisroel, who sees the tremendous efforts made here to bring people closer to Hashem; also the dangers of intermarriage, and mixing etc. here are much lower than in the rest of the world.

      So for many people, moving to Eretz Yisroel, in the right framework, is a very positive spiritual act.

    3. No doubt that Eretz Israel is the final destination. The aliya should be smooth and easy, not in the frightening like people here try to frighten us with doors that closing, obamas, and other things, only Eretz Israel will be the safest place, I am talking about real things and I am waiting for the answers that I ask above, prove me, that is it going to be safest place before Moshiah comes.

    4. Sorry that I can only share what the Torah says and what I have seen, experienced and learned.

      I wrote about real things, Moshe.

      But I have no "proof" for you.

    5. If no proof how you can say to people that they should move now, that everywhere will be the "Gehinom" (G-d forbid)except in Israel. if you not sure how you can play with other lives! You can only advise us to prepare for the right time to move, not to frighten people with those frightening statements gates are closing , last chance etc. Do you know what I mean?

  17. How can someone make aliya when they have no money and no way of earning money in Israel? Please answer.

    1. As someone who moved to Israel years ago.

      Earning money - in parshas B'reishis, Adam was given a curse - "by the sweat of your brow you will eat bread".

      Everywhere - making a living is hard. America was not the Golden Land that European Jews thought 100 years ago, etc.

      But in Eretz Yisroel, I see how people do manage. With Hashem's help.

      For myself, I never seem to know how I will manage next month. But Hashem is good to me and he always sees that I manage. Even during the times when a child's wedding comes up, etc. Not that there are savings. And there are debts. But I would not trade living here in Eretz Yisroel for anywhere else in the world.

      And I cannot now know where money will come next month.

      And yes - when we first moved here - as soon as we landed I looked at my wife in the plane and asked "now, what??". But Hashem has led us in unexpected and wondrous and wonderful ways.

  18. There are some organizations lake Nefesh B'Nefesh
    they help with one way ticket to Israel and some money+health insurance
    also, if it your concern, I know a person to whom when you shout a ticket he will help you with another couple of thousands

  19. by the way are you the same anon?

    1. Moshe

      Yes, the same anon to the comment dated Apr 19, 2012 12:26 PM and Apr 19, 2012 12:14 PM

  20. I believe there are three different "anonymous" writing here Moshe.

    As for the safest place....
    ....I personally remember during the first Gulf War, people fleeing Israel and returning to the States despite the fact that The Lubavitcher Rebbe publicly stated that the Land of Israel would be safe and that nobody in Israel would need Gas Masks. And thats how it was.. Human Casualties were suprisingly light all things considered. Even the chilonim were calling it "Miracles".
    As well, we might consider the major miracles Hashem has done for Israel.. time, and time again.
    How many wars have been fought that logistically were impossible to win, yet nontheless tiny Israel triumphed (with Gods grace)?
    It defies logic! Yet against all odds - Israel perseveres. It is clear for all to see the hand of God at work here!
    The existence of the state at all - surrounded as it is by hostile entities on all sides, is an actual continuing, daily miracle....what greater proof could there be!
    But the most compelling reason for a Jew to choose Israel is it is our ancestral birthplace, our beloved homeland.
    In these uncertain and frightening times - the safest place for a Jew to home.

    1. This message to all anons, it is very hard to recognize who is who and discuss with you about this topic.
      When Rebbe said That was during the first Gulf War, after that hutspa in Israel increased to the maximum, gay parades, intermariages and other bad things that people do. The difference between America and Israel is :
      1 America is doing bad things openly like Gazlan while In Israel they doing the same things but privately like Ganavim. Who is worse , ganav or gazlan? make sins in the holy land much worse than to make sine in Diaspora, agree? So, why you all think that Shehina left their children in Diaspora?
      May be Seoul will come(G-d forbid)and will teach you Gemara how to live properly according Torah in the Holy Land?

    2. When I said seoul will teach you(G-d forbid) I did not mean personally, frum people, I meant that hutspa in Eretz Israel.

  21. It is couple of days left till Rosh Hodesh Iyar. If Moshiah will not come by that time, don't be depressed. We should strengthen our Emuna and serve Hakadosh Baruhu even with more joy and love. And our Father in the Heaven will see it and He will have nahat ruah from us and will send Mosiah with Mercy.


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