Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"A Time of Trouble"

Text by R' Dan Stochel

The Eban Ezra writes the following about the coming Final Wars.

Daniel 12:1 "This time of trouble will cover the entire world." 

Other similar sources are: Midrash Talpiyot: anaf Otot Mashiach (signs of Mashiach) section 1 & 7.

And the very reason this trouble covers the entire world is as Rabbi Shabtai Bass (1641-1718) known as the Siftey Chachamim writes on Talmud Megillah 17b: 

This most humbling of realities stemming from the global "Pachad" meaning global "Fear" during these Final world wars fought in cyber space, tarriff wars, currency devaluation trade wars, is because it lays the necessary foundation for a "worldwide" redemptive process in order for not just Jews but correct thinking righteous gentiles also need to feel this Pachad so they too do teshuvah on their level -- since this time it is meant for all humankind because Hashem is bringing with it a complete and worldwide redemption!


  1. Do you have the source of Siftey Chachamim writes on Talmud Megillah 17b?

  2. I don't know Enrico, I'm waiting for Dan Stochel's response.

  3. Are we still on par with MBD very likely coming this year, as we are well into the Motzei Shemita? I don’t think it’s possible for the world to go like this until the next Motzei Shemita. Hashem can not tolerate such impurity and suffering in his world for much longer than now.

  4. Totally agree with you Chaim. The world cannot continue like this.

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that there's a paragraph missing between the second-to-last and last paragraph. Is that true?

  6. It does seem that way, but that was all he sent me. There could well be a paragraph missing.... Dan Stochel is also MIA - I think this is a blog post of trouble :) let's see if Dan turns up soon because I have no answers for you.

  7. it's a very interesting topic, but needs more clarification and be backed up with sources.
    here is the first one: https://www.sefaria.org/Ibn_Ezra_on_Daniel.12.1.1?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en

  8. Nibiru [kochav Yaakov] is back ! Lots of people have photographed it, it is again either behind the sun or seen alone in the night sky. From Siberia to Minnesota, people are filming this phenomenon. Lots of videos of it on Tik Tok, I wanted to upload one here but I can't do that as it's not my video and it's copyrighted.
    Nothing on the internet about it, but I did want to let you all know.

  9. I actually caught a glimpse on YouTube (perhaps five or 10 years ago) wherein someone had posted a humongous scary pic. of Nibiru, which was chock-full of greyish looking "teeth". Soon thereafter, that video was removed from YouTube. You may say it was removed because it was fake - but it didn't seem that way to me, and the fact it was removed smacked of their usual censorship.

    Chaim, you mention suffering, well I assure you not many westerners my age these days endure what I do. And frankly, it has caused me to INEVITABLY become a non-spiritual, dry, drained-rag. How can i focus spiritually, when dealing with so much HARSH TECHNOCRACY? I mean, i've been occupied these past months just trying to find shoes - a basic necessity - and what for most people is a simple matter has proved to be a H-on-earth for me due to feet that have issues on top/bottom/bothSides/front/back/ankle.

    Several local shoe stores, doctors and computerized-pedorthist-arches have proved to be disillusioning dead ends, and too many worldwide "shoe-experts" drone boilerplate info which have absolutely zero in common with my feet. I've been dealing with SO much Orwellianism along with junk-chinese imports sold at exorbitant prices, that it defies anyone's imagination. And that's besides much more, the latest of which is endodontal-caused TMJ that never healed.

    To any potential well-intentioned advice-givers out there, PLEASE spare me all the usual advice about going to this or that "specialty" store or "specialty" shoemaker, which is a huge cost and hardship that may likewise end in failure and insults-all-around-by-those-who-are-NOT-inside-my-shoes. Eizeh hu chochom ha'roeh es hanolad - especially when the "nolad" is based on prior experience. Instead, realize that alot of this simply has to do with the technocracy of mostly reaching machines, or human-outsourced-zombies COMBINED WITH HARDSHIP-SHIPPING-OPTIONS, COMBINED WITH SEVERE JUNKIFICATION OF PRODUCTS ("shtik"), AND PERSONNEL, AND COMPANIES. NO MATTER IF AMAZON, SHIPPING, OR SHOE-COMPANIES. None of them help. I tried and tried and tried!! It's all time-draining, and energy guzzling, literally wasting HOURS AND DAYS AND MONTHS out of my life!

    So now, after giving up on anything normal, i'm left with a pair of phony expensive shoes, whose Yemach-Shemam SELF-TOUTED ORTHOPEDIC company has begun cutting corners these past decades. Whereas they used to use soft felt-like material to hug the ankles (and area near tongue), now they use an abrasive, canvas-feeling, cheap-cottony-fabric which may well cause me to become inflamed all around my uppers and my ALREADY (podiatrist-caused) swelled ankle. SPEAK OF AN ALT. RING-AROUND-THE-COLLAR! Albeit in this case "Blood-Red-ring-around-the-ankle" not mere dirt.

    And there's no way to sue all these reshaim for the worldwide-approved suffering they cause. Not Amazon. Not the shipping companies. Not the shoe companies. Not the personnel. Not the unhelpful unavailable podiatrists. And more.

    It also has not helped me to scream to G-d in pain, to help me against all the shtik, against all the "chamas" products sold everywhere, so that I can even feel A HALF OF A HALF OF A PERCENT OF SPIRITUAL FOCUS AGAIN!! For crying out loud - desperately needed shoes! And NOT JUST shoes. Don't kid yourselves - "chamas" Equals cutting-corners Equals white-collar-theft. And white-collar-theft can be way worse than petty blue-collar-theft in its sheer-breadth.

  10. MM... I am so sorry for your troubles in finding shoes ..
    in searching for Truth ..
    in trying to just find a place where what they say is what is sold...
    pure truth!

    It is going on everywhere...
    in the secular world and in the world of "truth"...
    people deceiving people...

    BUT... it won't always be this way! Hashem is cleaning the swamp, pun intended, totally.

    Every housewife who cleans her house, and especially for Pesach... KNOWS... that, to clean up a mess, you have to make a "mess."

    It may look like a mess right now, but this mess is in perfect order...
    HaShem is not a scatterbrain who allows havoc to control...
    He allows for the moment, for His Purpose... and then, no more!

    I know I got off subject a bit, but doesn't it all say the bottom line?? We're all searching for Truth, no more deceiving us... TRUTH, please HaShem ... bring Truth to our world again... don't give up on us...see those who are searching for You and YOU to rule and reign over mankind ... with Your Laws and Way of Living that we will all one day ... LOVE!

  11. Last Anon: before Moshiach "truth will be absent".

  12. The biggest blessing is to be among those who type at most one or two sentences because their lives aren't so full of multi-faceted adversities that they have a ton of guts to spill. The added bonus for them, is that they're not tacitly considered loony =because= due to their normal lives they have no guts to spill. Now, where is a source in Tanach for this? (All i've heard of is גם אויל מחריש חכם יחשב


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