Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Taking Care of Business

'Zevulun will live by the sea coast....'' [Vayechi 49:13]

Zevulun would engage in business and provide food for the tribe of Yissachar, who would engage in Torah study. [Rashi to v. 13]

Until we reach the time when the nations will provide for the Jewish people [Brachos 35b] - after the coming of Moshiach - the majority of the Jewish people fall into the category of Zevulun, rather than Yissachar. Since this state of affairs is Divinely orchestrated, it follows that G-d's plan for creation must be carried out to a greater extent by the businessman than the Torah scholar - for otherwise, G-d would have made a world with more Torah scholars than businessmen.

This is because the ultimate purpose of creation is that ''G-d desired a home in the lowest realms'' [Tanchuma, Naso 7:1] and it is predominantly the businessman who works in these lowest realms, with the intention of elevating them to a higher purpose.

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe [vol 30 p 137]


  1. Thank you for this ☺️

  2. My father was Yissochor, Zevulun & much more rolled into one, no exaggeration.
    ...Excelled in setting up inventory system (and then meticulous accounting within same system). Excelled in science, electronics & as handyman, as well as recalling humorous anecdotes and off-the-cuff humor. As a tiny example he told a neighbor "I see you have a long beard, why don't you shave?". So the rabbi responds, rather shocked, "Shave?" So my dad pats the nearby chair and says שב!
    ...As for "Yissochor" - he attended early morning daf yomi, then evening thru night would learn with total focus. After retirement, learned for hours on end, then after he became blind - under strong fluoresence. Eventually he just listened to taped-shiurim during most of his waking hours.


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