Was a good and optimistic shiur for many good reasons, but it seems that Rabbi Kessin is settling on a belief that is MBD coming the last moment in 5790. That’s a lot more time to handle all this suffering in the world and many people’s personal lives. Why not believe there’s a good chance it’s coming this year, as this is a motzei shemittah year and all the signs of Moshiach are here? We don’t have to have Trump back in the White House for any amount of time in order to have the Geulah Shelaimah.
agree!! No way can I wait until 5790!! way too stressful and way too much tumah! We KNOW MBD can come at any moment, and we await his arrival every moment... I will not and cannot defer my yearning for another 7 years....
We have all the signs: poverty, prices thru the roof, weather is insane, Planet x is back, we are at the 49th level of Tumah and we can't go to the 50th level or the world will be destroyed. And we are "motzei Shevi'it" - all the dots are in place for Moshiach now.
So why does Rabbi Kessin keep insisting that Trump has to come back to “finish the tikkun” of edom? Does that mean ANOTHER 2 years of waiting for Trump to be back as President + 4 years of Trump and then FINALLY Moshiach?! Sounds like one long wait of torture.
7 years ago Rabbi Berland said moshiach can come then. But if we weren’t worthy then we will have to wait another 7 years which is now. 7 years ago my mother had a stroke and I couldn’t imagine waiting another 7 years. Well here we r 7 years later and this must be the year of moshiach. Also because so many crazy ongoing things started 7 years ago in my family. I think this was 7 years of suffering and repentance and now the 8 year which is considered supernatural is the year of moshiach!
The Rebbe on Mashiach “ It is clear from the above Psak Din of the Rambam that before there can be a Kibbutz Golyos and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash in its place, there has to be a full and complete return to the Torah and Mitzvoth while Jews are still in the Golus, and it is this that is the prelude and preparation for the Geulo.
I am aware of the fact that there are many individuals who wish to rely on this or that saying of our Sages, in the Tractate Sanhedrin or in the Yerushalmi and the like, in order to base upon it their view, but I have always marveled at the inconsistency of these individuals in regard to their entire approach. For surely the Rambam knew just as well those sayings of the Sages in the Sanhedrin or Yerushalmi, etc., and understood them at least as well as the individuals quoting them. The inconsistency is in the fact that these very individuals consider every word and expression of the Rambam's elsewhere as most meticulous, and study it with awesome reverence. Yet when it comes to this simple and straightforward Psak Din of the Rambam, they simple ignored it altogether.
The reason I have written at some length in reply to your letter (though this length is overly brief in comparison with the subject matter), is that it is simply painful to contemplate how misplaced the concern is of some well-meaning individuals. Instead of each and every Jew, young and old, man and woman, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to reduce and eventually do away with the causes which brought about the Golus, namely Mipne Chatoenu - "because of our sins we have been exiled from our land," and what these "sins" are is clearly spelled out in the Shulchan Aruch - there are many Jews, undoubtedly with good intentions, who use all their energy and influence to find all sorts of means and ways of human invention to bring about the end of the Golus. This is doubly painful for, firstly, it is simply a deception for Jews to believe that there can be any other way of Geulo than that which G‑d had specified, and secondly, while engaged in other ways and means in futile effort to end the Golus, they cannot engage fully in the true battle against the Golus in terms of the Psak Din of the Rambam.
Teshuvah: First and foremost among these mitzvot is the principle of teshuvah. “When you return unto G‑d, your G‑d, and will listen to His voice… G‑d, your G‑d, will return your captivity and have compassion upon you, and He will restore and gather you from all the nations to which G‑d, your G‑d, has dispersed you…” (Deuteronomy 30:2ff.) Teshuvah will bring about an immediate redemption, “Today, if you will listen to His voice.” (Psalms 95:7)1
“Watchman (i.e., G‑d), what will be of the night (i.e., the galut)? Said the Watchman: ‘Morning (i.e., the redemption) has come, and also night (i.e., retribution for the heathens and oppressors of Israel); if you will request, request. Return and come!” (Isaiah 21:11-12) G‑d says that He is ready, indeed anxious, to make the ‘morning’ shine for us. Upon Israel’s question ‘when?,’ the Divine response is: “Whenever you want, He wants! If you want to make your request to hasten the end, request!” What then is deterring the redemption? The lack of teshuvah; thus “Return and come!”2
Teshuvah, the comprehensive principle of submission to G‑d and His will, thus is the most obvious means to bring about the immediate coming of Mashiach.3 It does not require any extraordinary action or undertaking: the simple though sincere thought of regretting misdeeds with determination to better our ways is already complete teshuvah.4
Shabbat: If Israel will keep just one Shabbat properly, Mashiach will come immediately.5
Torah-study: “Torah-study is equivalent to all [the mitzvot].” (Pe’ah 1:1) By virtue of Torah they will return to the Holy Land and be gathered in from the exile.6 Israel shall be redeemed by virtue of ten people sitting one with the other, each of them studying with the other.7
Especially significant in this context is the study of pnimiyut Hatorah, the mystical dimension of the Torah: “In the merit thereof ‘You shall proclaim liberty throughout the land’ (Leviticus 25:10).”8
Tzedakah, too, is equivalent to all the mitzvot.9 Our compassion for the needy and downcast evokes a reciprocal compassion from Heaven, thus hastening the day of the scion of David (Mashiach) and the days of our redemption.10 “Zion shall be redeemed by justice and her repatriates by tzedakah.” (Isaiah 1:27) “Keep justice and do tzedakah, for My salvation is near to come and My tzedakah to be revealed.” (Isaiah 56:1)11
Other mitzvot charged with special efficacy to bring about the redemption are procreation (Genesis 1:28),12 the four species of Sukot (Leviticus 23:40),13 and the sending away of the mother-bird (Deuteronomy 22:6-7).14
All of the above is good. Moshiach can be revealed at any moment. We must await his arrival every day. I don't know why Rabbi Kessin is so stuck on Trump but I doubt very much that he will return to the white house. Well before then, they will indict him on some charge in some court. He will not have the support of the GOP even though he still has wild popularity. He doesn't even have the support of his own daughter. But if the GOP is serious about winning, they need a candidate without (known) flaws. So, I just don't see it happening. All the dems need to do is mention Trump or MAGA and the leftists democrats go wild. They dominate at the state level when it comes to GOTV. So, if we're waiting on Trump's return to the White House, the geula will never happen, chas v'shalom. I'm not a navi, but I am a former politician. But, of course, I could be wrong.
I think a lot of scholars who attend Rav Kessin's lectures in Lakewood are internally looking for a justification for "waiting things out" in New York and New Jersey as those respective bluestates fall apart and disintegrate into the black hole of the Northeastern Seaboard. They will neither take on the stress of Aliyah nor move to a solid Redstate like Texas. So they are relying on Trump's triumphal return to make transitioning to the Messianic Era less frightening, even though they personally live in states that despise Trump which makes their lack of initiative on this matter frightening. If you want Trump so badly, why do they live in states that would secede if Trump were elected again? Why live in states and communities where their immediate neighbors in all directions despise them because the evil people that those neighbors elect reflect the electorate in those blue states?
Don't get me wrong I want Moshiach now, but all signs in Sanhedrin 97a that describe the last 7 years before moshiach let me think we entered the last shemitta cycle. And if you look all UN/WEF agenda policies are all pointing to the same 2030 year. All those policies are clearly intended to change humanity in such a way that we are not human anymore and to put humanity in the 50th level of tuma. And this time the redemption is for all humanity not jews only. everything aligns very clearly. it's very clear to me we entered the last cycle, so fasten the seatbelts... but we don't have to wait so much the Ghemara there say things will change already in the middle of the cycle, which is about 2026 (same year that was already pointed in many videos shared on this web site). I'm happy to expand on the subject if you like.
I hold with Rabbi Hool who made the most sense in his study of the time schedule for the Geulah. Firstly, 5790 is when the reshaim are relying on their takeover, c'v, of the world. We cannot go according to their tumah prediction. As we know, Moshiach can come at any moment but since we are in such a very low level now (eventhough our Sages tell us that even if we are totally bad), Moshiach can come if it is 'in its time', even when we are at our worst. I have not yet watched Rabbi Kessin's latest video, which I plan to do soon, but I believe that Trump can return and put the U.S. back on a straight path (for the merits it does have) so there's the chance that even the righteous non-Jews will be saved as well as the Jews living outside of Israel. It does not in any way mean this stops the Geulah because nothing can stop it once the Geulah is in its time. I believe Trump won't be indicted because everything about that scam is so unconstitutional that it won't hold water. Rabbi Hool, according to the real timetable of history (which is missing in time), predicts, this year as very auspicious and by 2027 Moshiach should be here. I forgot the details of his very interesting audio that I heard just about a year ago, but these are the two years that he spoke of. Praying he is right.
It's not just the Geula watchers who are expecting big things very soon... seems all the religions are also thinking the same way, one example of this is the "greening" of the deserts from the recent floods, which is a sign for the muslims. Let's just pray that things do start to happen in a big way, and ye Enrico you are welcome to expand on your theory.
You mention the WEF and many of you mention Torah sources. My Q is - on a practical real-life level, perhaps you can enlighten me as to how the WEF agenda, and also Torah sources, tie in with my personal horrific experiences of dealing with the Orwellian-style technocracy of Amazon/UPS/ShoeProducers/ShoeSellers/etc., surrounding my attempt to find shoes which won't further degenerate my extremely difficult feet? The aforesaid companies are automated big-time w/barely human accountability, causing intense suffering, the likes of which i doubt you can imagine. ...Quality has nosedived to the Nth degree, cutting corners everywhere. Including the so-called top-quality companies, and orthopedic companies. It's all about Chamas these days. Contemporary shoes for me, is somewhat like Inquisition boots, or Sedom beds. Nobody i know of has the =totality= of my foot situation, not all-in-one. I have been spending hours upon agonizing hours of torture via corporatocracy and ssslow outsourced misinformation-dimwits just these past weeks. Furthermore, attempts at the local level, as well as intense research, have been dragging out in a hurtful way since months before this. ...There's nowhere to turn. I assure you, many people would have הִתְאַבֵּד long ago in such circumstances. And that's atop unhealing TMJ that an exorbitant, abusive endodontist caused in Sept. M.M.
R'Kessin correlates these pre-Moshiach with irrationality. I don't get it. Weren't the times of Titus, Inquisition, Crusades, and pogroms extremely horrific and irrational? It's NOT JUST pre-Moshiach times that are irrational!
In fact, pray tell me =honestly= which times =you= personally prefer: The times we're living in now? Or the times I listed above? I also direct the same Q to all the above posters. M.M.
Our job is to hope for Moshiach, daven for Moshiach, and serve Hash-m. Hash-m can do anything. Why assume He is limited to what we understand or think with our limited human perspective? Again, Moshiach can come NOW, regardless of all the calculations, and let's daven that Moshiach comes NOW!
as an israeli citizen living in israel, israel is in a dire situation. The Rav speaks about the erav rav being on it's 'last leg,' yet this tug a war with the erav rav is far from over. israel seriously needs as many dati jews as possible to come live here ... to help save our country.
Rabbi kessin is a well known lecturer but he’s not a prophet. He’s giving his own opinion when he thinks moshiach is going to come and about Trump coming back to the White House But that’s all it is . His own opinion .
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg spoke at the beginning of 5755 and gave proof after proof from Chazal why that Motzai Sh'mitah was the year of the revelation of Moshiach and that was 28 years ago.
There is a book Sod HaChashmal with 42 pages of proof after proof from Chazal that 5772 (2012) was the Year of the Revelation of Moshiach and that is over 10 years ago.
The Keitz is Hidden from Us even though the Zohar (Parshas Vayera) states that at the "End of Days" even children can figure out when is the Keitz.
None of us know, there is a Shiur from Rabbi Winston on this blog from March 18, 2011. Rabbi Pinchas Winston speaks on why the world seems to be falling apart, why we should not be worried, and why Moshiach is not very far away.
Yet, here we are in 5783.
Our task is to focus on learning Torah and Excelling in Mitzvos and when HaShem is ready for the Geula, the Geula will happen !!
As it says in the Hagada - Chishaiv es HaKeitz. It is HaShem who calculates the end of days and when Moshiach will be revealed.
You must have forgotten or be unaware of the very clear Zohar that says techiyas hameisim must start at least 210 years before the year 6000 (the end of yemos hamoshiach and start of Olam Habah!). Rabbi Weinberg may have gotten it wrong in 5755, but here we are at the final motzei shemittah, 5783, before the deadline for techiyas hameisim. Was too distant in 5755 to get others excited about the 5790 deadline for Techiyas Hameisim. Here we are…. The Complete Geulah, Moshiach Ben Dovid, and the Bais Hamikdash will be here well before 5790, as it precedes the techiyas hameisim. And to make it even better, the Leshem (major Kabbalist) says techiyas hameisim will start by 5786. So here we are-without even comprehending how close we are and excited and ready we really should be- the Geulah can very likely come THIS YEAR! All the signs are here (unlike 5755)!!!
Eliezer: thank you, we haven't forgotten that..... that is why we are all expecting this particular year to be so important. Yes we have all the signs, and the timing is perfect. We are all praying for this to be The Year.
YES, Eliezer & Devorah, I agree with both of you totally. We pray that Hashem will send us Moshiach tzdkeinu in a blink of an eye with great Rachamim - ASAP!
Yes, I love Rabbi Kessin's shiurim. Absolutely. He also says that yes, Moshiach can come at any time. I sometimes think that the 5790 correlates with the WEF and their 2030 agenda.... Ultimately, we know that Hashem is in control. Also, maybe let's not focus too too much on dates. Rather, the work we must do until then. I do wish for Moshiach now!!!
My friend Rivky said to me yesterday that this is the plague of darkness, we cannot see what is going on. To confuse the issue even more, ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
ReplyDeleteThank you! I searched Torah Thinking just last night! He is on Yiboneh?! Thank you, can't wait to listen.
Was a good and optimistic shiur for many good reasons, but it seems that Rabbi Kessin is settling on a belief that is MBD coming the last moment in 5790. That’s a lot more time to handle all this suffering in the world and many people’s personal lives. Why not believe there’s a good chance it’s coming this year, as this is a motzei shemittah year and all the signs of Moshiach are here? We don’t have to have Trump back in the White House for any amount of time in order to have the Geulah Shelaimah.
ReplyDeleteagree!! No way can I wait until 5790!! way too stressful and way too much tumah! We KNOW MBD can come at any moment, and we await his arrival every moment... I will not and cannot defer my yearning for another 7 years....
DeleteWe have all the signs: poverty, prices thru the roof, weather is insane, Planet x is back, we are at the 49th level of Tumah and we can't go to the 50th level or the world will be destroyed. And we are "motzei Shevi'it" - all the dots are in place for Moshiach now.
ReplyDeleteSo why does Rabbi Kessin keep insisting that Trump has to come back to “finish the tikkun” of edom? Does that mean ANOTHER 2 years of waiting for Trump to be back as President + 4 years of Trump and then FINALLY Moshiach?! Sounds like one long wait of torture.
ReplyDelete7 years ago Rabbi Berland said moshiach can come then. But if we weren’t worthy then we will have to wait another 7 years which is now. 7 years ago my mother had a stroke and I couldn’t imagine waiting another 7 years. Well here we r 7 years later and this must be the year of moshiach. Also because so many crazy ongoing things started 7 years ago in my family.
ReplyDeleteI think this was 7 years of suffering and repentance and now the 8 year which is considered supernatural is the year of moshiach!
The Rebbe on Mashiach “ It is clear from the above Psak Din of the Rambam that before there can be a Kibbutz Golyos and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash in its place, there has to be a full and complete return to the Torah and Mitzvoth while Jews are still in the Golus, and it is this that is the prelude and preparation for the Geulo.
ReplyDeleteI am aware of the fact that there are many individuals who wish to rely on this or that saying of our Sages, in the Tractate Sanhedrin or in the Yerushalmi and the like, in order to base upon it their view, but I have always marveled at the inconsistency of these individuals in regard to their entire approach. For surely the Rambam knew just as well those sayings of the Sages in the Sanhedrin or Yerushalmi, etc., and understood them at least as well as the individuals quoting them. The inconsistency is in the fact that these very individuals consider every word and expression of the Rambam's elsewhere as most meticulous, and study it with awesome reverence. Yet when it comes to this simple and straightforward Psak Din of the Rambam, they simple ignored it altogether.
The reason I have written at some length in reply to your letter (though this length is overly brief in comparison with the subject matter), is that it is simply painful to contemplate how misplaced the concern is of some well-meaning individuals. Instead of each and every Jew, young and old, man and woman, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to reduce and eventually do away with the causes which brought about the Golus, namely Mipne Chatoenu - "because of our sins we have been exiled from our land," and what these "sins" are is clearly spelled out in the Shulchan Aruch - there are many Jews, undoubtedly with good intentions, who use all their energy and influence to find all sorts of means and ways of human invention to bring about the end of the Golus. This is doubly painful for, firstly, it is simply a deception for Jews to believe that there can be any other way of Geulo than that which G‑d had specified, and secondly, while engaged in other ways and means in futile effort to end the Golus, they cannot engage fully in the true battle against the Golus in terms of the Psak Din of the Rambam.
Teshuvah: First and foremost among these mitzvot is the principle of teshuvah. “When you return unto G‑d, your G‑d, and will listen to His voice… G‑d, your G‑d, will return your captivity and have compassion upon you, and He will restore and gather you from all the nations to which G‑d, your G‑d, has dispersed you…” (Deuteronomy 30:2ff.) Teshuvah will bring about an immediate redemption, “Today, if you will listen to His voice.” (Psalms 95:7)1
ReplyDelete“Watchman (i.e., G‑d), what will be of the night (i.e., the galut)? Said the Watchman: ‘Morning (i.e., the redemption) has come, and also night (i.e., retribution for the heathens and oppressors of Israel); if you will request, request. Return and come!” (Isaiah 21:11-12) G‑d says that He is ready, indeed anxious, to make the ‘morning’ shine for us. Upon Israel’s question ‘when?,’ the Divine response is: “Whenever you want, He wants! If you want to make your request to hasten the end, request!” What then is deterring the redemption? The lack of teshuvah; thus “Return and come!”2
Teshuvah, the comprehensive principle of submission to G‑d and His will, thus is the most obvious means to bring about the immediate coming of Mashiach.3 It does not require any extraordinary action or undertaking: the simple though sincere thought of regretting misdeeds with determination to better our ways is already complete teshuvah.4
Shabbat: If Israel will keep just one Shabbat properly, Mashiach will come immediately.5
Torah-study: “Torah-study is equivalent to all [the mitzvot].” (Pe’ah 1:1) By virtue of Torah they will return to the Holy Land and be gathered in from the exile.6 Israel shall be redeemed by virtue of ten people sitting one with the other, each of them studying with the other.7
Especially significant in this context is the study of pnimiyut Hatorah, the mystical dimension of the Torah: “In the merit thereof ‘You shall proclaim liberty throughout the land’ (Leviticus 25:10).”8
Tzedakah, too, is equivalent to all the mitzvot.9 Our compassion for the needy and downcast evokes a reciprocal compassion from Heaven, thus hastening the day of the scion of David (Mashiach) and the days of our redemption.10 “Zion shall be redeemed by justice and her repatriates by tzedakah.” (Isaiah 1:27) “Keep justice and do tzedakah, for My salvation is near to come and My tzedakah to be revealed.” (Isaiah 56:1)11
Other mitzvot charged with special efficacy to bring about the redemption are procreation (Genesis 1:28),12 the four species of Sukot (Leviticus 23:40),13 and the sending away of the mother-bird (Deuteronomy 22:6-7).14
There are clear differences between Geonim and Rambam on this issue. Beyond our pay grade to sort out
DeleteAll of the above is good. Moshiach can be revealed at any moment. We must await his arrival every day. I don't know why Rabbi Kessin is so stuck on Trump but I doubt very much that he will return to the white house. Well before then, they will indict him on some charge in some court. He will not have the support of the GOP even though he still has wild popularity. He doesn't even have the support of his own daughter. But if the GOP is serious about winning, they need a candidate without (known) flaws. So, I just don't see it happening. All the dems need to do is mention Trump or MAGA and the leftists democrats go wild. They dominate at the state level when it comes to GOTV. So, if we're waiting on Trump's return to the White House, the geula will never happen, chas v'shalom. I'm not a navi, but I am a former politician. But, of course, I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of scholars who attend Rav Kessin's lectures in Lakewood are internally looking for a justification for "waiting things out" in New York and New Jersey as those respective bluestates fall apart and disintegrate into the black hole of the Northeastern Seaboard. They will neither take on the stress of Aliyah nor move to a solid Redstate like Texas. So they are relying on Trump's triumphal return to make transitioning to the Messianic Era less frightening, even though they personally live in states that despise Trump which makes their lack of initiative on this matter frightening. If you want Trump so badly, why do they live in states that would secede if Trump were elected again? Why live in states and communities where their immediate neighbors in all directions despise them because the evil people that those neighbors elect reflect the electorate in those blue states?
DeleteI'm happy to see people in the comments making so much sense. We don't need Trump, we need Moshiach!
ReplyDeleteTo Shira,
ReplyDeleteThe rabbi believes that MbY can come before Trump or during Trump, not necessarily after his presidency. --admin of the rabbi's FB page
Don't get me wrong I want Moshiach now, but all signs in Sanhedrin 97a that describe the last 7 years before moshiach let me think we entered the last shemitta cycle. And if you look all UN/WEF agenda policies are all pointing to the same 2030 year. All those policies are clearly intended to change humanity in such a way that we are not human anymore and to put humanity in the 50th level of tuma. And this time the redemption is for all humanity not jews only. everything aligns very clearly. it's very clear to me we entered the last cycle, so fasten the seatbelts... but we don't have to wait so much the Ghemara there say things will change already in the middle of the cycle, which is about 2026 (same year that was already pointed in many videos shared on this web site). I'm happy to expand on the subject if you like.
ReplyDeletePlease do expand on the subject.
DeleteI hold with Rabbi Hool who made the most sense in his study of the time schedule for the Geulah. Firstly, 5790 is when the reshaim are relying on their takeover, c'v, of the world. We cannot go according to their tumah prediction.
ReplyDeleteAs we know, Moshiach can come at any moment but since we are in such a very low level now (eventhough our Sages tell us that even if we are totally bad), Moshiach can come if it is 'in its time', even when we are at our worst. I have not yet watched Rabbi Kessin's latest video, which I plan to do soon, but I believe that Trump can return and put the U.S. back on a straight path (for the merits it does have) so there's the chance that even the righteous non-Jews will be saved as well as the Jews living outside of Israel. It does not in any way mean this stops the Geulah because nothing can stop it once the Geulah is in its time. I believe Trump won't be indicted because everything about that scam is so unconstitutional that it won't hold water.
Rabbi Hool, according to the real timetable of history (which is missing in time), predicts, this year as very auspicious and by 2027 Moshiach should be here. I forgot the details of his very interesting audio that I heard just about a year ago, but these are the two years
that he spoke of. Praying he is right.
New shiur from Rabbi Kessin: Why G-d Sometimes Appears Irrational
It's not just the Geula watchers who are expecting big things very soon... seems all the religions are also thinking the same way, one example of this is the "greening" of the deserts from the recent floods, which is a sign for the muslims. Let's just pray that things do start to happen in a big way, and ye Enrico you are welcome to expand on your theory.
ReplyDeleteTo enricoariel:
ReplyDeleteYou mention the WEF and many of you mention Torah sources. My Q is - on a practical real-life level, perhaps you can enlighten me as to how the WEF agenda, and also Torah sources, tie in with my personal horrific experiences of dealing with the Orwellian-style technocracy of Amazon/UPS/ShoeProducers/ShoeSellers/etc., surrounding my attempt to find shoes which won't further degenerate my extremely difficult feet? The aforesaid companies are automated big-time w/barely human accountability, causing intense suffering, the likes of which i doubt you can imagine.
...Quality has nosedived to the Nth degree, cutting corners everywhere. Including the so-called top-quality companies, and orthopedic companies. It's all about Chamas these days. Contemporary shoes for me, is somewhat like Inquisition boots, or Sedom beds. Nobody i know of has the =totality= of my foot situation, not all-in-one. I have been spending hours upon agonizing hours of torture via corporatocracy and ssslow outsourced misinformation-dimwits just these past weeks. Furthermore, attempts at the local level, as well as intense research, have been dragging out in a hurtful way since months before this.
...There's nowhere to turn. I assure you, many people would have הִתְאַבֵּד long ago in such circumstances. And that's atop unhealing TMJ that an exorbitant, abusive endodontist caused in Sept.
To Rahel Adye:
ReplyDeleteR'Kessin correlates these pre-Moshiach with irrationality. I don't get it. Weren't the times of Titus, Inquisition, Crusades, and pogroms extremely horrific and irrational? It's NOT JUST pre-Moshiach times that are irrational!
In fact, pray tell me =honestly= which times =you= personally prefer: The times we're living in now? Or the times I listed above? I also direct the same Q to all the above posters.
P.S. Tack on the Holocaust to the above list. Sorry.
I maintain that Moshiach can come today. Stop trying to figure it all out. We're just humans. Hash-m has got this under control.
ReplyDeleteOur job is to hope for Moshiach, daven for Moshiach, and serve Hash-m. Hash-m can do anything. Why assume He is limited to what we understand or think with our limited human perspective? Again, Moshiach can come NOW, regardless of all the calculations, and let's daven that Moshiach comes NOW!
ReplyDeleteas an israeli citizen living in israel, israel is in a dire situation. The Rav speaks about the erav rav being on it's 'last leg,' yet this tug a war with the erav rav is far from over. israel seriously needs as many dati jews as possible to come live here ... to help save our country.
ReplyDeleteThis is the interview of Rabbi Hool where he mentions the calcutations he has discovered. It starts about the 10 minute 30 second mark.
Rabbi kessin is a well known lecturer but he’s not a prophet. He’s giving his own opinion when he thinks moshiach is going to come and about Trump coming back to the White House But that’s all it is . His own opinion .
ReplyDeleteI do not know what foot problem you have, but this family run shop might help?
It ships internationally.
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg spoke at the beginning of 5755 and gave proof after proof from Chazal why that Motzai Sh'mitah was the year of the revelation of Moshiach and that was 28 years ago.
ReplyDeleteThere is a book Sod HaChashmal with 42 pages of proof after proof from Chazal that 5772 (2012) was the Year of the Revelation of Moshiach and that is over 10 years ago.
The Keitz is Hidden from Us even though the Zohar (Parshas Vayera) states that at the "End of Days" even children can figure out when is the Keitz.
None of us know, there is a Shiur from Rabbi Winston on this blog from March 18, 2011. Rabbi Pinchas Winston speaks on why the world seems to be falling apart, why we should not be worried, and why Moshiach is not very far away.
Yet, here we are in 5783.
Our task is to focus on learning Torah and Excelling in Mitzvos and when HaShem is ready for the Geula, the Geula will happen !!
As it says in the Hagada - Chishaiv es HaKeitz. It is HaShem who calculates the end of days and when Moshiach will be revealed.
It is all up to HaShem
You must have forgotten or be unaware of the very clear Zohar that says techiyas hameisim must start at least 210 years before the year 6000 (the end of yemos hamoshiach and start of Olam Habah!). Rabbi Weinberg may have gotten it wrong in 5755, but here we are at the final motzei shemittah, 5783, before the deadline for techiyas hameisim. Was too distant in 5755 to get others excited about the 5790 deadline for Techiyas Hameisim. Here we are…. The Complete Geulah, Moshiach Ben Dovid, and the Bais Hamikdash will be here well before 5790, as it precedes the techiyas hameisim. And to make it even better, the Leshem (major Kabbalist) says techiyas hameisim will start by 5786. So here we are-without even comprehending how close we are and excited and ready we really should be- the Geulah can very likely come THIS YEAR! All the signs are here (unlike 5755)!!!
DeleteEliezer: thank you, we haven't forgotten that..... that is why we are all expecting this particular year to be so important. Yes we have all the signs, and the timing is perfect. We are all praying for this to be The Year.
ReplyDeleteEliezer, Devorah: YES, I agree totally. May H' have great Rachamim on us and may we merit to see the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu, k'heref ayin! Amen!
ReplyDeleteYES, Eliezer & Devorah, I agree with both of you totally. We pray that Hashem will send us Moshiach tzdkeinu in a blink of an eye with great Rachamim - ASAP!
ReplyDeleteYes, I love Rabbi Kessin's shiurim. Absolutely. He also says that yes, Moshiach can come at any time.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes think that the 5790 correlates with the WEF and their 2030 agenda.... Ultimately, we know that Hashem is in control. Also, maybe let's not focus too too much on dates. Rather, the work we must do until then.
I do wish for Moshiach now!!!
HaShem will act when he acts. Relax and get back to work.