Friday, September 29, 2023

Chag Sameach

Chag sameach to everyone celebrating Sukkot.  I wonder what kind of weather we'll be having around the world as we sit in our sukkahs... it usually rains at some point, but I do remember a year when there was no rain at all for the entire chag.   On Sukkot we welcome seven distinguished guests

Let us all sincerely pray that this year we can welcome an Eighth Guest -  Moshiach.


  1. We will welcome Moshiach this Sukkos!

    Watch and see!


  2. Chaim , How do you know that ? Leah

  3. Chag Sameach to you Devorah, and to all the Jews wherever they be.

    Hashem bless you all, and May we see the arrival of Mashiach. Amen.

    Thank you for your wonderful blog.


  4. This is one of my favorite Peanuts cartoons, Devorah:)Chag sameach! TC

  5. Moshiach Moshiach Moshiach, ayayayaya yai...

  6. bs"d

    POURING rain now in New York! We have been having a LOT of rain! Poured over Yom Kippur! Thank you Devorah for all your posts! Wishing all a chag somayach and let's be ready any moment for Moshaich and the Geula!!

    1. The large amount of rain on Erev Sukkos is a sign of Moshiach according to which Rav?


  7. Oct 4 around 2 pm something big is supposed to happen.Maybe no connection to moshiach I’m hoping but don’t really know Malky

  8. AMEN!!!....Monday morning chol Hamoed and its raining in Eretz Yisroel...there is Birkat Kohanim at the kotel, its gonna be a wet one, lol.
    Malky at 2:35...I have no clue how to attach a link but I read an article on a WhatsApp group I'm apart of and it said the globalist are planning on running some test of the emergency broadcast system here in Israel and the USA. The test will affect people who were vaccinated with the mRNA to avoid any public broadcasting system, electronics and large masses of people...who knows if its true and if it is how it will affect people. After what I watched them do with Covid anything is possible. I'm taking my family camping even though most of us are unvaccinated, I would rather err on the side of caution.

  9. Also Malky, everything is connected to Moshiach and the Geulah, we just can't see the pattern yet. 😀

  10. Yes it's some kind of test run for a major disaster response. People are telling everyone to turn off their cell phones, it's been re-named "Turn off Your Phone Day".

    Has anyone heard the rumour that Obama is in Israel "negotiating a Peace Deal" ? It's being hidden from the media if it's true.

  11. Thanks for letting me know this, as I'm so out of the loop. The below guy has an interesting twist. His theory is that the EBS was set up by the deep state socialists for the purpose of proving that "Big Brother" has us covered - that THEY are in charge.

  12. What I heard about the signal is that it is on Oct 4, 2:20pmEST and run byFEMA. They claim it's to see if everyone can hear the emergency signal, but I have also heard that it will/could negatively affect the vaccinated. (Remember, the vaxxes are not uniform as they should be, so different people could be affected differently or not at all). I have heard people advise to turn off your phones (I think even flip phones, because emergency signals can go out to them too), computers and TV's (maybe radios?) at 2:20pm and for a while after (I've heard 20 minutes after or 2 hours after) just to be sure.

  13. Some of you may find the below passionate video's interesting.
    ...You may have heard that RFK Jr. announced his switch to run as an independent. Many Americans are now expressing interest in him, mainly due to his anti-vax stance. Of course, a large number of Jews have already fallen for the wide-spread allegations of anti-semitism, but I always had my reservations about that, because he has been a long-term serious attorney, who has advocated many years for the exploited.

    So now interestingly, I note 2 Orthodox Jewish guys (Rabbi Shmuly Boteach and the well-known Dov Hikind), who have been vehemently and wholeheartedly endorsing Kennedy, and protesting the antisemite-allegations attributed to Kennedy.

    Move Slider to 10:00 for Rabbi Boteach's passionate speech:

    And here's the well-known Hikind:

  14. What colour was your moon on the first nights of Sukkot? You can see the moon looking GOLD and ORANGE, as well as two suns [the second "sun" is not a sun, it's a moon belonging to another passing planet], as well as other sky anomalies here:


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