Sunday, September 10, 2023

Earthquake Lights and Blue Flashes

I'm sure you've all heard that there was a massive earthquake in Morocco.  

In the same way that it occurred in Turkey, months ago, a vividly bright blue light lit up the sky just before the earthquake.  In this old blog post you can see that I did have a video with the blue light before the Turkey quake, but it was removed from You Tube.  

Here is a screenshot of the blue light over Morocco... as I could not download the video. Remember this is night time. The blue in this photo does not do it justice, it turned night into day.

Then came a giant bolt of light, but there was no thunder or lightning, no storms around.

The blue flash and the white light could just be "earthquake lights", which is something that some experts say don't even exist.  However you can see this blue light here in Japan in 2021 and here in a video in Acapulco Mexico.  

Here is a video of the white light, it is now trending on TikTok.  It's very strange because it seems to be UFO's before the white light happens.  Definitely "other wordly" events.

Here's a video of the blue flash, which I just managed to download.

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    Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) Is Now Visible With The Naked Eye


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