Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Persecution of Trump & The Divine Agenda

Rabbi Mendel Kessin



  2. with all due respect to rav kessin his view of trump as moshiach shel eisav is a load of spoiled chulent.he is a narcissist fellow who has been good for the jews so we owe hakoras hatov to him but he helped us mostly forthe sake of 35 million evagelical xtians not one million frum jews

  3. Vincent, I think all these things are part of the second solar system.

    DooWop, whenever I see something happening that is extremely off the scale extraordinary, such as the persecution of Trump, I believe it is the Hand of
    G-d at work. Trump may well be all the things you say, but nevertheless that is part of the package of Eisav. His persecution is definitely extraordinary and we've never seen anything like this before.
    Even if his motives are for the sake of the xtians, the end result is that he is also good to the Jews. He likes the Jews. His daughter and her family are Jews. It's a weird situation, and one of those things that I believe Hashem has orchestrated. So I"m still on the Rabbi Kessin side of things.

  4. Why do you say i believe?it is a fact that hashem orchestrates evertthing.

  5. You're right, Hashem does orchestrate everything. It's just that sometimes it's possible to SEE it happening, because it's so out of the ordinary.
    But yes I agree, probably a silly choice of words on my part.

  6. Rabbi Kessin often mentions the verse, "rav ya'avod tza'ir" - "the older will serve the younger" (regarding Eisav doing teshuva by assisting Yaakov with the Tikkun).
    Another rabbi - I believe it's rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson - has an interesting take on that verse. He says the word "ya'avod" can mean "serve" as in "worship", so: "the older will worship the younger". And, indeed, Eisav ended up elevating a Jew (Jesus) and serving/worshipping him. Interesting twist.

  7. Yes Rabbi Kessin has mentioned this dual meaning of the words you quote. He has also explained many times why he believes that at the end, Eisav will do teshuva, including the fact that Eisav's head is buried in the cave of Machpela. Also the fact that we have 4 Imot [Sarah, Rivka, Rochel and Leah] and only 3 Avot, when in fact it was originally meant to be 4 of each, the fourth one being Eisav.

  8. Oh, I never heard Rav Kessin mention that particular dual meaning of those words. I do remember him demonstrating how the word "ya'avod" can also be read as "ye'aved", meaning to persecute or enslave (something along those lines). So, Eisav has two roles in history - one is to persecute the Jews, and the other to serve/assist the Jews.

    The only bit I disagree with Rabbi Kessin is when he says Jesus was a gilgul of Eisav. Well, maybe he was, but that wouldn't fit with Jesus being the Jew that Eisav worships. I would think Paul was more likely a gilgul of Eisav, given his role in utterly trashing Judaism and The Law, and selling Christianity to the pagan world.

  9. I honestly don't know much about JC and I know nothing about Paul so I can't comment on any of that.

  10. Yes at approx the 25 min mark, Rabbi Kessin quotes the Ari [Arizal] said that JC was a gilgul [reincarnation] of Eisav. So you are not only disagreeing with Rabbi Kessin, you are arguing with the Arizal. I would think twice about that Nonny. Hmmm....

  11. In Jewish reincarnation knowledge, it is possible for a non-Jew to reincarnate as a Jew, and a man as a woman etc.

  12. Not arguing with anyone. I commented on what I thought was an interesting interpretation by Rabbi Jacobson ... but that interpretation doesn't quite fit with the idea of J being a gilgul of Eisav. I was just opening up a discussion, which I always thought was encouraged in Judaism. There was no offence intended.

  13. I wasn't offended. Just clarifying the issue for anyone who didn't hear the lecture. Thank you for commenting.

  14. London Male: yes that's true, regarding the male to female aspect.... according to Sha'ar HaGilgulim, if anyone wants to read that in English see

    I think I remember, when I read it a long long time ago, that if a male soul reincarnates as a female, that female cannot give birth to male offspring.... she will only have daughters. Someone correct me if I have remembered that incorrectly. I don't remember if there was a reason why, or just the way it is.
    I'll have to read it again sometime when I can focus.

    But a nonJew cannot reincarnate as a jew, just the other way around... a Jew can reincarnate as a nonJew. Only those with Jewish souls can be born a Jew. In the case of converts, their Jewish soul is hovering above them until such time as they convert and bring it down.

  15. ....that if a male soul reincarnates as a female, that female cannot give birth to male offspring....

    I heard a shiur, maybe it R Alon Anava, but I am really not sure... that a when a man is reincarnated as a woman, he/she cannot have children at all!


  16. @Devorah

    We know what we know about reincarnation mostly from the Arizal.

    A non-Jew can have part of their soul reincarnate in a Jew.

    We see the reincarnation pathway of the bad part of the soul of Hevel going to Lavan then to Bilaam. All non-Jews.

    But the good part went to Shais (Seth) > Noach > Shem > Moshe Rebbeinu (Jewish).

    The Mashgiach, Mori V’Rebbi Horav Dovid Kronglas zt”l, said that Kayin's (non-Jew) soul split and went to both Yitro and Korach, both of whom were Jews (Yitro converted.)

    If as you say the method is that the non-Jew is given a Jewish soul at the time they convert, that will explain it.
    That makes sense.

  17. Never heard any of that informaton before. Interesting, thank you.



    Tucker Carlson is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 years!

    By Wayne Allyn Root

    I’m Barak Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I’m also the author of the #1 bestselling hardcover book in America in 2012, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

    I’ve always had Obama’s number. I understand what makes him tick. I understand his goals.

    First let’s get the “gay issue” out of the way. I’ve reported on both my radio and TV shows for 15 years that my wealthy, connected friends in Chicago have always said, “Obama frequented gay bath houses and gay clubs. Everyone in the know, knows Obama is gay.”

    Now that we’ve heard from Obama’s biographer that Obama wrote about his daily gay fantasies, I think it’s pretty clear my Chicago pals were right. Tucker Carlson is onto something!

    But gay is not the issue. The issue here is fraud. If Obama is in fact gay, then he was lying to the American people from day one. He portrayed himself as a happily married family man with a wife and two beautiful young daughters. That’s called fraud.

    If America had known the truth in 2008, does anyone honestly think Obama would have been elected president?

    But all of this is small potatoes. This is not the big story.

    Why does any of this matter now? Because Joe Biden is a brain-dead puppet. This is the third term of Obama. The proof is we are all reliving the nightmare Obama economy. Great for Wall Street and billion-dollar multi-national corporations. But a disaster for the American middle class and Main Street.

    Second, Biden is fading fast – and everyone can see it. At the same time Biden’s cognitive health is in freefall, all of his corruption from the past is pouring out of the closet. Biden is finished. He is toast. He will never make it to 2024.

    Sometime this fall Biden will have a very public “episode” and be hospitalized. Soon thereafter he (or Jill) will announce he is stepping down for “health reasons.”

    Who will replace him? Either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. But whoever it is, Obama will be calling the shots from his nearby Washington DC mansion. That’s why this story matters.


  19. ....I’ve had Obama pegged from the first day. Obama is the ultimate “Manchurian Candidate.” Gay is unimportant. What matters is he was groomed to be president by the Deep State and communist, fascist, globalist enemies of the United States. What matters is Obama is a radical Marxist tyrant carrying out the destruction of America.

    Obama was tame in his first two terms. He was “boiling the frog slowly.” But Trump ruined his plan. Now Obama is trying to destroy this country as fast as he can before Trump has a second chance to undo the damage. And at the same time, Obama is coordinating the attacks on Trump to either imprison him, kill him, or disqualify him.

    My guest on my show, “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV last week was former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich. Blago’s Governor’s mansion was raided by an early morning FBI Swat team. Sound familiar?

    I pointed out to “Blago” that Obama’s fingerprints were all over his frame job… and FBI SWAT raid… and long prison sentence. Obama set him up. Obama took away his freedom. I asked him to comment. Blago reported, “Obama set up the meeting that led to my arrest.”

    Do you get it now? It’s the exact same M.O. as what’s happening to President Trump. The same FBI raids, persecution, frame job. The same weaponization of government to destroy Obama’s political adversaries.
    I’ve always said the key to understanding Obama was his time at Columbia University.

    First, there is the “Ghost of Columbia” mystery. I was a Pre Law, Political Science major. So was Obama. He had to be in all the same classes as me. But he was never in one class. I never met Obama, never saw him, never heard of him, never met anyone at Columbia who has.

    Obama got in, so why didn’t anyone ever see him? My educated guess is Obama was in the Soviet Union studying communism. Columbia had a “sister school” in Moscow. That would be the only real answer as to why Obama was rarely if ever seen at Columbia. He was being groomed way back then by the enemies of America.

    Secondly, at Columbia we learned a plan to destroy America called “Cloward Piven.” I’ll bet Obama spent two years in the Soviet Union at our “sister school” becoming the world’s expert. Look around. Everything happening in America today is Cloward Piven…

    The open borders bringing millions of foreigners into our country, changing our demographics forever.

    The explosion of welfare and bailouts.

    The Green New Deal.

    The destruction of our military.

    The end of the dollar as world reserve currency.

    The plans for pandemic lockdowns, climate change lockdowns and Central Bank Digital Currency.

    The censorship, banning of dissent, and weaponization of government against conservatives and Christians. Defund the police.

    The vicious criminals let out without bail.

    Critical Race Theory and Transgender brainwashing.

    Persecution of PTA parents.

    Conservatives and Christians classified as “domestic terrorists.”

    The arrest of political opponents.

    87,000 new IRS agents.

    It’s all about Cloward Piven and communist-level control.

    Sound familiar? It’s what Obama the “Manchurian Candidate” learned in the Soviet Union from the best. This man was groomed from day one by the communist and globalist enemies of America. He was sent to destroy us.

    Now he’s working behind the scenes to finish the job. He is the man who ordered the spying on Trump. The framing of Trump. Now he’s the man directing the nonstop government attacks against Trump. Just as he did to Blago.

    So, Obama being gay is the least of it. America is being destroyed. Obama is at the root of every evil thing happening.

  20. Before Moshiach comes everything will be known.

    "Critical Race Theory and Transgender brainwashing"

    Michelle Obama is transgender, if you didn't know it yet.
    Her real name is Michael. There's even video around of Obama saying Michael by mistake, instead of Michelle.

    Joan Rivers told the world, just weeks before she passed away.

    The daughters of "Michelle" Obama are really adopted babies from friends of the Obamas.

    Obama's entire life is a fraud.
    Obama is the evil at the end of days.

  21. Once again... Do you remember the boy Natan? Do you remember his prediction (in his out of body experience) that Obama is Gog???!!!

    I remember when Obama ran for the second time. I had this crazy feeling that if Hashem makes him win, this a definite beginning of the end, because it was so obvious that it did not make sense for him to win a second term with all of the damage that he did. He is behind it all and pulling the strings now.

    However, ultimately, Hashem is pulling all of the strings and I am holding my breath for showdown!


  22. 100% SGK. And apparently Michelle Obama is planning to run for President in 2024. That's something I just read somewhere, whether that is true or not I don't know.
    I also know we want Moshiach well before then.

  23. But people still love Obama. Because he's a smooth talker, just like the nachash.

  24. Stunning exposé and indictment of Obama and his cronies whoever they may be. I've heard the rumors for years about Michael. Joan Rivers's joke speaks volumes. She knew what was up.

  25. Biden admin strikes deal with Iran to swap prisoners, release $6 billion in frozen funds


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