Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Motzei Shevi'it


The Vilna Gaon quotes the Gemara Sanhedrin 97A  that Moshiach will come Motzei Shevi'it - which means "after the seventh".

The Gemara describes the seven years before Mashiach's arrival. 
In the first two years, the rain will be different. 
During the third year, many tzaddikim will be niftar. This will continue into the first half of the fourth year, the last six months of which will be good. These are understood to be the Covid years. 
In year five, the Gemara tells us, "Torah chozeres el lomdehah" - we'll come back to the Torah. Yeshivos and batei medrash will re-open, and we'll experience shefa in both ruchniyus [spirituality] and gashmiyus [physicality]. 
ln the sixth year, the year after shemittah, there will be rumors that Mashiach is coming. 
The seventh year - 5784, according to this cheshbon - will be full of wars. 
Then Mashiach will arrive.  Source: The End of Days

We see from Tikkunei Zohar 28b that HKB"H will destroy the Erev Rav between the 6th and 7th hour, which is the time that they sinned with the golden calf - because that is when the Redemption process begins. And that began at the time of 6.5 hours of the day, during Minha Gedola.  

I think that we are currently in the 7th hour of the sixth day 12pm-1pm: 12.49pm actually, if you look at the Cosmic Clock in my left column.  If anyone reading this is certain that we are in the seventh hour, please leave a comment, I have no idea how to calculatte any of this.

The Zohar even states that it is not God’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation [Bereishis 118a]. According to the Vilna Gaon, there seems to be little problem making the calculation from his commentary, but one who does must promise not to reveal his finding to another: “And from here [what I have just written] you can calculate the time of the Final Redemption if, God forbid, we do not merit [to bring it earlier]; however, I have imposed an oath, in the name of the God of Israel, on the reader of this that he should not reveal it.” [Biur HaGra, Sifra D’Tzniuta, Chapter Five]
Source: Rav Shalom Yehuda Gross


Anonymous said...

Rab shalom yehuda gross told us that moshiach is coming now this year. He told me and 2 other people 1 month before 9.11 that arabs were going to fly airplanes into the biggest buildings in manhattan. It happened. I cannot say whether his comment on moshiach was a fervent hope or this is it in his eyes but all the signs appear to be here. I would also say rav sternbuch said on yom kippur that the wars this year are going to be terrible. Any way we cut it we can only rely on our father in heaven. Buckle your seat belts everyone.

Devorah said...

Thank you for letting us know.

Anonymous said...

Who is rabbi shalom yehuda gross?


Devorah said...

Baila, you can Google him. Written some books. Probably done lots of things I know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

President Trump has said the real enemy is within which is why a lot has been going on in the US. Most of the Erev Rav has already been dealt with which is why they have not been an issue in this election. The US, Russia and China are working together so no WW3. As the prophesy says Amalek is the first of the nations and will be the last.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian intelligence estimates that as early as Wednesday, North Korean soldiers are expected to take part in the campaign against Ukraine.

It is expected that, in the first step, the North Korean soldiers will try to help stop the occupation of the Kursk province.--

There's a certain mekubal rabbi that wrote in his sefer that the war of Gog u Magog will be between Russia and Ukraine.


Devorah said...

That would match with what the Lubavitcher Rebbe said, that it will not affect the Jews.