Monday, October 21, 2024

Yarzheit Vilna Gaon / Gog u Magog Sukkot

The yarzheit of the Vilna Gaon is today, 19 TIshrei.

Painting of the Vilna Gaon from Yesodei Hatorah School corridor wall

Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna - The Vilna Gaon - Leader of Lithuanian Jewry, Torah scholar and kabbalist. Born: Vilna, Lithuania, 1720   Left this world on: 19 Tishrei  Vilna, Lithuania,1797

Popularly referred to as the Vilna Gaon, the Gra (initials of Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu), or simply as the Gaon. Considered to be the greatest Torah scholar of the past two centuries.

Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, speaking at his beis midrash in Ramat Elchanan, Bnei Brak, mentioned the great miracles that took place over the past year, when tens of thousands of rockets were fired from all directions, yet they did not cause many casualties. 

At the same time, the Rav referenced the words of the Bartenura in Maseches Megillah, who wrote: “It is a tradition passed down to us that the resurrection of the dead will occur on Pesach, and the War of Gog and Magog on Sukkos.” “Therefore,” he said, “we must strive not to spoil things. In other words, everything depends on us, on each and every one of us. This is a time of special favor, and we must try not to spoil it, meaning to make every effort to fulfill Hashem’s will, each person according to their ability.” 

Simultaneously, the Rav also mentioned the mesorah passed down through generations from the Vilna Gaon stating that the War of Gog and Magog will take place during three hours of Hoshanah Rabbah, and whoever wants to be saved should sit in the sukkah. Concerning this, it is said, “For He will conceal me in His sukkah on the day of evil” – the day of evil being the War of Gog and Magog – and whoever wishes to be saved should sit in the sukkah, said Rav Zilberstein. 

Rav Zilberstein noted that his brother-in-law, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, said that these three hours refer to the hours before sunrise on Hoshanah Rabbah.

North Korea joins Russia's fight against Ukraine, a few days after it has blown up roads and railways on the border with South Korea North Korea took another dramatic step and announced that it is joining the fight with Russia against Ukraine. According to reports North Korea has already started transferring tens of thousands of soldiers to Russia to help it with the fighting - That's not all, China is now provoking Taiwan.  All that remains is that the United States the King of Edom will fight the King of Paras which is Iran and this will happen after Israel attacks Iran and here you have a third world war Gog u Magog.  The King of Edom will fight against the King of Paras.  How will this happen? Israel will attack Iran, the United States will intervene and then Iran will fight against the United States. That's all. Everything will be ready.  In two weeks and a half will be election in the United States and it's happening now, we're done.  Source: You Tube

Rabbi Shimson Raphael Hirsch discusses the connection between the sukkah and the battle of Gog and Magog. . 

In the name Gog we see the word Gag, roof, something sturdy which has been built to protect us as opposed to the Sukkah which has a very weak roof made of twigs and branches. 

Just as people have the power to make themselves safe and secure by building strong roofs, so they delude themselves into thinking they can make themselves safe from that which comes from above, namely Hashem. They think they can find security in the protection of their own might. 

The battle of Gog and Magog is a battle of the Roof against the sukkah, the illusion of human strength and power against the sukkah truth of the confidence in Hashem's protection.

Source: Sukkot, the Messianic Era and the Nations of the World at Sefaria


Devorah said...

We have the comet, which you can see a lot about here

we have a "second moon", super moons, a second sun which is currently moving from behind our sun, a pole shift, an exploding star many call the "star of Jacob" but our Star is the comet....

nations provoking, prices sky high, absence of truth, Torah scholars being despised.... we have it all and more.

Devorah said...

Seems that as soon as the Vilna Gaon's yarzheit began in Israel... 19 Tishrei... just by the way the English date this year corresponds to 21 October which is Bibi's 75th birthday ....
Israel began bombing Hezbollah-run bank branches.

Anonymous said...

Interviewer asking autistic Ben about the remaining hostages. He responds (at 8:40) about the crux of the issue being the NWO. At least, that's what i think, since I don't grasp the language too well.

Anonymous said...

The Lubavitcher Rebbe R Schneerson already said that there won't be a third world war Gog u Magog.


Devorah said...

This is what he actually said:

Anonymous said...

Mentions the battle of Gog and Magog:

Anonymous said...
