Thursday, March 6, 2025

Southern Hemisphere: Six Cyclones


No-one can remember six separate cyclones all at once.  Cyclone Alfred is due to hit the East Coast of Australia Friday morning.  No doubt a result of the Australian government's negative stance on Israel.

Three formed in the Indian Ocean and another three formed in the Pacific, maps from Zoom Earth show. The tropical storms range from category one to category four level hurricanes, including Seru and Rae north of New Zealand, Alfred northeast of Australia, Bianca west of Australia, Honde off Mozambique and Garance off Madagascar.



  2. It's form of slow torture as the people on the east coast of Australia watch the cyclone just sitting there and not moving, powering up and getting ready to cause havoc. The waiting game is incredibly stressful, no-one knows exactly what to expect but it's not looking good.

  3. It has been a nerve racking waiting game and we are now starting to feel the effects of the cyclone.
    We have already lost our beautiful beaches and with the tidal surge and associated flooding it will only deteriorate further with the full intensity of the destructive winds only hours away.
    The system will head down your way Devorah still packing a punch but not as dangerous.
    The loss of property and personal possessions is obvious but I pray that no human life is lost.

    Interestingly, this Shabbat's Haftarah reading before Purim is 1 Shmuel 15 v 1-34 with HaShem's command to destroy the people of Amalek.
    Also known as Shabbat Zachor we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the Earth.
    Failure by Shaul to do so tore away the kingdom from him by HaShem with David ha Melech ready for his anointing.
    May this be a portend to the arrival of Mashiach.

    Shabbat Shalom

    1. I can only imagine the stress everyone is going through. It would be nice if it took aim at Albanese and Wong rather than you guys.

    2. I guess the Australian people either voted for them or the Greens and the Teals which enabled these two antisemitic Neo Marxists to destroy this country and all that it traditionally stood for.
      Unfortunately too many have realized too late the truth behind these two and their agenda.
      Federal elections are coming up soon and that will be the litmus test.
      In the meantime, we all suffer the consequences and pray for HaShem's Rachamim.

  4. Somebody just put up a joking message about "Alfred not getting permission to enter the country...."
    It made me think that it's behaving the way Australia behaved in not letting IDF soldiers enter the country until they proved they did not participate in "genocide". And Albenese's threat to Netanyahu that he would be arrested if he "entered the country... of Australia".

    1. Ironies of ironies, the Albanese government has allowed 3000 Fakestinians to enter Australia on tourist visas without vetting or background checks. Shame!!!

      BTW we dodged a massive bullet Baruch HaShem!!!
      Much damage but could have been much worse. Flooding is now the main ongoing issue.

  5. I'm so sorry about all your being hit from all sides, no matter the cyclone worries, or the commie elected officials! HKB"H yishmor.

  6. Beaches have been seriously eroded and washed away. Just like Australia's relationship with Israel. Just saying.

  7. I also want to mention that 13 members of the ADF - the army - were seriously injured when their trucks upturned on narrow flooded roads. Damage to the ADF mida kneged mida as per the damage to the IDF soldiers refused permission to enter Australia due to their participation in "genocide".

  8. Australians turn on Albanese.

    Social media users were quick to rip into the Prime Minister and accuse him of trying to score 'cheap political points'.

    'Albo and the Labor crew exploiting a cyclone for cheap political points is a new low—shameless, cynical, and utterly disconnected from the Aussies actually suffering,' one wrote.

    'What are you actually physically doing,' another added.

    'Are you carrying stuff around, running out for lunches or just taking photos, getting in the way and posting this crap to the 70% of the population that loath you?'

    'Albo get out the way you embarrassing hack.'

  9. 'Australia has a close relationship with the United States. Friends need to act in a way that reinforces to our respective populations the fact that we are friends,' he told reporters on Wednesday morning.

    Albanese upset with Trump over tariffs, complaining that he thought we were friends.

    Again we see the midda kneged midda.....this is how Australia treated it's friend Israel, threatening to arrest Netanyahu and turning IDF soldiers away from visiting here.

  10. Albanese added: 'Such a decision by the Trump administration is entirely unjustified. This is against the spirit of our two nations' enduring friendship and fundamentally at odds with the benefits that our economic partnership has delivered for more than 70 years.'

    The more he talks, the more he points the finger at his own behaviour.


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