Monday, July 23, 2012

The Fall of the King of the East [Damascus] - Torah Codes

This is the sign [that the redemption is imminent]: When you see the fall of the King of the East in Damascus, the Eastern Kingdom will fall, and then the Jews will experience salvation, and Moshiach Ben David will arrive, and they [the Jews] will ascend to Jerusalem and enjoy it, as it says [in Tehillim 37:11] But the humble will inherit the land and delight themselves with the abundant peace. May G-d have mercy on us and send us the redeemer speedily in our days, Amen.
[as related to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai by an angel, while he was hiding in the cave]

New video: Moshiach, Damascus will fall

Connecting with a Tzadik

by Rav DovBer Pinson []

This week we begin the fifth book of the Torah, Devarim, which is literally translated as ‘words.’

The Torah reading this week begins with “These are the words that Moshe/Moses spoke to all the Israelites on the east bank of the Jordan.”

Unlike the earlier four books of the Torah where the Torah is written in the third person, as in “And Hashem spoke to Moshe..,” in this book it is Moshe’s voice in first person, as in “These are the words of Moshe.”

In the earlier books, although Moshe wrote the books, he was not present as an individual. In the fifth book however, he is speaking “in his own words” [Megilah, 31b], he is fully present in his voice, even though his words are spoken through Ruach Ha’Kodesh/ Divine Inspiration. [Tosefos]

In the Zohar it is written; "the teachings… in the book of Devarim, were [written by] Moshe himself." Is it possible that even one letter that Moshe spoke came from himself? And the Zohar answers that not even one letter that emerged from the mouth of Moshe was self-generated, each letter and sound issued forth was completely precise and calculated. The words that came from the mouth of Moshe was a manifestation of a Divine voice that possessed him. [Zohar 3, 265a]

“The Shechinah – the divine presence within creation- was talking through the mouth of Moshe.”

So Devarim is Divine Wisdom the way it is revealed and unpacked by Moshe’s own individuality, his unique voice. This book thus becomes the bridge between the written dimension of Torah, which is the revelation from Above, and the oral dimension of Torah, which is the human innovation and creativity, emanating from Below. [Zohar 3, 261a] There is a merging of heaven and earth, a revelation from humanity that originates and is consistent with the Sinaic revelation from Above.

In each one of us there is an aspect of Moshe. [Tanya] There are those who fully realize their ‘inner Moshe’ and are able to channel Torah wisdom, completely laying aside their ego so that they become a pure conduit of energy. This person becomes a vessel which receives and gives the light in a continuous motion. This is the Tzadik.

The Energy of the Week

Connecting to a Tzadik
This week’s energy is our connection with the life and teachings of a Tzadik.

If there is a Tzadik that you have connected with in your past, or know of one whose teachings you have felt connected to - this is a powerful time to study their words and reconnect yourself to the Tzadik.

A true Tzadik is someone who is your perfect mirror, reflecting back to you your potential to be a Tzadik as well.

We all have the potential to be like Moshe [Rambam]. Through observing a Tzadik, or learning his or her teachings, we come in close contact with a fully realized person, one who is living their true potential and this inspires the same in ourselves. A sign of a true, great Tzadik is a person who inspires greatness in others.

This week’s energy allows us to connect ourselves to a Tzadik. It does not have to be a person that is living, for the Tzadikim in their teachings and lifetimes of giving, leave a legacy that we can continue to strongly connect with even after their passing. Study the teachings of the Tzadik and read the story of their life - in this way you begin to reflect the Tzadik and bring out your own inner Tzadik as well.

An additional energy this week connecting to the period of the Nine days which begins on Monday:

In all of our dealings, especially with children, students or employees this week, we must be sure to lessen any forms of aggression.

We need to be extra gentle and compassionate in our communications and disciplining methods during the Nine day period.

The Messianic Temple

Author Chaim Clorfene discusses the significance of studying the subject of The Third Temple, and introduces his book "The Messianic Temple, Understanding Ezekiel's Prophecy".

Read more: click here

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Greatness of Moshiach

The greatness of Moshiach? Humility! On one hand he will study Torah with Moses and our Forefathers; on the other, with simplest people - [HaYomYom]

[HT: Rabbi B. Milecki]

Damascus: 'City in grip of fear'

A day after the attack on the national security headquarters that killed three top officials, a Damascus-based reporter describes the fear and fighting on the streets of the Syrian capital.

The scene in Damascus is very different today - there is no movement in town, most shops are closed and there is a heavy sense of fear and tension.

There are very few cars on the streets and the number of pedestrians walking around can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

It looks like any Friday morning during these times of tension when people prefer to stay at home to avoid the gunfire. But, even on Fridays, some people would still go to cafes and some restaurants. This seems less likely today.

Most workers who come in from suburbs did not make it to work or were afraid to leave home. The suburbs are cut off and even in parts of areas close to the city centre like Midan, Zahera, Qaboun and Barzeh people either fled or were unable to leave their homes. The battle is now too close.

The killing of Defence Minister Daoud Rajiha, President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat and Gen Hassan Turkomani has shaken the country.

Many people believe this will weaken the regime from within, especially as it is believed an insider was behind it.

'City of refugees'
The whole city is shaken. Worried about passing any government building or checkpoint, people are choosing to stay at home instead.

Syrian official media have shown pictures of troops involved in fighting in the Midan area of Damascus
Overnight, the sound of explosions and gunfire was heard in several areas, sometimes very close to the city centre...

Story: BBC

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Syria, Iran and the Chemical Weapons

Hours after the Syrian regime suffered its greatest setback in the yearlong civil war, the U.S. and U.K. defense chiefs feared that dictator Bashar Assad might use his stockpile of chemical weapons — the results of what may be the largest active chemical program on the planet. But because of the structure of Assad’s extensive chemical weapons effort, stopping him from using his weapons may not be possible, even if the U.S. military suddenly decided to openly intervene.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Assad’s rule was “rapidly spinning out of control” after a suicide bomber in Damascus killed the defense minister and possibly other high-ranking security officials. But that raises questions about whether a desperate Assad would turn to his large stockpiles of sarin, VX and mustard gas in order to cling to power. Reportedly, Assad has begun moving his chemical weapons out of storage.

Source:  U.S. May Not Be Able to Stop Syria From Using Chemical Weapons

Iran's contribution: Iranian trucks with chemicals intercepted en route to Syria

Rav Eliyashiv zt"l in Torah Codes

HT: Miguel