Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sweetening Judgments

Art OceanXGoddess

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

When the messengers who bring suffering are despatched, they are made to take an oath: that they will neither set out nor return except on such and such a day, at such and such a time, and only [carry out their mission] by using the designated means. However, repentance, prayer and charity have the power to nullify [the enactment of] this oath.

Reciting the Torah chapters concerning the Choshen, the Breastplate [Exodus 28:15-30; 39:8-21] is a tikkun [rectification] for harsh judgments.

A person who suffers affliction should give charity. This charity will be considered as if it were a fee paid to a judge for his services, which when accepted, nullifies the verdict's validity. And through this his suffering will be alleviated.

When a person rebukes his friend for the right motives, he has a thread of loving-kindness drawn over him.

A person who does not accept rebuke will experience suffering.

To sweeten harsh judgments, recite Psalm 39 and Psalm 77.

When the nations have issued an evil decree against the Jews, Psalm 62 should be said.

A person can determine and understand his sins from the suffering which he experiences.

There are four things which abolish harsh decrees: Tzedakah [charity], crying out to G-d, changing one's name and improving one's conduct.

Crying out to G-d helps the individual only prior to the final decree.

A person's accusers are beaten off by the study of Torah.

A final decree accompanied by an oath cannot be abolished, even for the sake of an entire community.

The effects of a decree against a person apply only in a specific place. He can save himself by changing his location.

A person should tell others of his anguish so that they will pray for mercy on his behalf.

Accepting suffering with love is like bringing a sacrifice.

A person who falls down while walking should see this as a sign of a downfall on a spiritual level. Falling down while walking sometimes serves to nullify a pronouncement of death which has been issued against the person.

A person who finds himself suffering from harsh judgment should make it a habit to gaze at the Heavens.

The Holy One exonerates the person who teaches righteousness to the wicked.

A man of truth receives G-d's lovingkindness undisguised by judgments.

Trust in G-d sweetens judgment and draws down loving-kindness.

Through faith [emunah] it is possible to convince G-d to follow your will.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Iran Plans and God Laughs

Yesterday there was an article in the Yeshiva World News stating that Iran planned to detroy the kevarim of Mordechai HaTzadik and Esther HaMalka and replace it with a Palestinian Embassy, G-d forbid.

Today on Twitter: #BREAKING: Security forces of #Iran's Islamic Regime including #IRGC Ground Force are now sending their troops and military equipment including these MRAPs to the city of #Qom in-order to establish military curfew over #CoronaVirus outbreak and death of two people in the city!

Another video shows arrival of the MRAPs of #IRGC Ground Force at the entry points of the city of #Qom for military curfew and closure of main roads to the city over the #CoronaVirus outbreak in the city!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Crazy Light Show Last Night

We had the most amazing lightning last night, I was mesmerized.  The night sky lit up, on and on and on, never seen anything like it, and we have a lot of storms here but this one was something else again.

Here's a video that will give you some idea

Monday, February 17, 2020

Rabbi Kessin: Current Events and Messianic Process

Just in, shiur given Feb 16.

Discreet Tzedaka

by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto

 "When you lend money to My people, to the poor person who is with you" [Mishpatim 22:24]

The word 'עמך', who is with you, seems to be superfluous?

The sefer 'Lekutei Hamelitz', written by Rabbi Meir Laniado zt"l, offers a beautiful explanation: The Gemara says [Chagigah 5a], that one who gives charity to the poor must do so secretly. However, one who lends money to his friend, should do so specifically in the presence of witnesses, for if not, he transgresses the prohibition of, "You shall not place a stumbling block before the blind", for the borrower may forget about the loan and deny that he borrowed money.

The precise wording of the verse expresses this idea clearly: 'עם כסף תלוה את עמי', when you lend money to My people, meaning if you lend money to your friend, you should do so with 'עמי', meaning in front of witnesses. But if you are donating charity to the poor, this should be carried out discreetly, which is implied by the wording, 'את העני עמך', specifically 'with you', and not in front of others.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Coronavirus Foretold

HT: Dan and Yaak

From the Medrash Yalkut Shimoni  [Based on Shir Hashirim 2:13] -  see 2nd-5th lines in image above.

התאנה חנטה פגיה
Ribbi Hiya bar Abba said: a sign for the days of Mashiah: a great pestilence will come and the Resha'im [wicked ones] will be destroyed therein.

והגפנים סמדר
These refer to those who remain, as it says, [Yeshaya 4:3] "And it will be that he who remains in Zion (...will be considered holy)."


from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

Faith is a very strong thing, and it can greatly fortify your life.

If you have faith, then you have a source of comfort and inspiration even when troubles strike. You realize that all troubles are ultimately for your good and are an atonement for your sins. You know that G-d will be good to you in the end, both in this world and the next.

The faithless skeptic, on the other hand, has nowhere to turn when troubles strike. He is utterly alone, without comfort or inspiration.

It is impossible to put everything into writing, but an intelligent man should be able to build upon this himself.

The main thing is innocent faith. With it, one can have a portion both in this world and the next. Happy is he who has such faith, for he shall never be moved.

There are souls conceived in absolute holiness. When such a holy soul comes down to this world and is not tainted with sin, it results in a person with perfect faith. Such a person never has any doubts.

Others can express their skepticism in such a man's presence, but his faith is no way disturbed. He is totally oblivious to all doubts. His ears are deaf to all their speculation and confusion.

Even one who is not endowed with such an extraordinary soul can realize that the average person's questions are mere foolishness. Upon close examination, their questions turn out not to be questions at all.

Many people are disturbed by questions for years, not realizing that their questions are actually answers. It is only their lack of intelligence that makes them seem like questions in the first place.

They have questions like those one might ask a child: "If we have a broken window, why replace it with a pane from the next window if a bird can then fly through the remaining empty frame?"

Such a question actually includes its own answer. But a child does not realize this and considers it a very difficult question. He will ponder it and not know what to reply.

But the question itself is really very foolish. The question about the bird is really the answer to the first foolish question. The reason why we do not use the adjacent pane is precisely because it leaves a space through which a bird can fly.

A young child does not have enough intelligence to realize that the answer is included in such a question. For this very reason, the question seems very difficult to him.

The same is true of many people. A foolish question enters their mind, and they have no idea that this question actually includes its own answer. It seems like a difficult question, but only because of their lack of intelligence. Understand this well.

Consider all this and be strong in faith. Flee from this foolishness and confusion, and cast all questions and doubts from your mind.