Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Coronavirus Foretold

HT: Dan and Yaak

From the Medrash Yalkut Shimoni  [Based on Shir Hashirim 2:13] -  see 2nd-5th lines in image above.

התאנה חנטה פגיה
Ribbi Hiya bar Abba said: a sign for the days of Mashiah: a great pestilence will come and the Resha'im [wicked ones] will be destroyed therein.

והגפנים סמדר
These refer to those who remain, as it says, [Yeshaya 4:3] "And it will be that he who remains in Zion (...will be considered holy)."


  1. The Black Death killed millions, and hundreds of years later, still no Mashiach. It is ridiculous to think that the Midrash refers to the Coronavirus specifically, when far more deadly pandemics have swept the world in the past 1000 years.

  2. But now we have all the signs that were predicted, not just this one.

  3. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said numerous times that even in the times of the Gemara it is stated that all times have already passed for the coming of the Mashiach.

    If this was so already 1500 year ago! All the more so in our time.

    The only aspect remaining is to open our eyes which is primarily accomplished by the spreading forth of the wellsprings of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov’s Torah.

    This means to learn (and if one is able) to teach these secrets.

    This is the final step, everything else has been accomplished and is ready. This means for the Jewish People as a whole, all the main steps have already been accomplished (the individual still needs to fix and optimize the personal situation)

    The vessels are ready and waiting to be filled with the light of Redemption which is accomplished through the spreading of the secrets of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov’s Teachings.


    1. olá,existe salvação para quem não é judeu,mas, que crê no DEUS de abraão...?

  4. Translation:
    hello, is there salvation for those who are not Jews, but do believe in the God of Abraham ...?

    I don't know who will live or who will die, but idol worshippers don't have much hope I would think. Always cling to Hashem, the God of Abraham, and you will be on the right side.

  5. To unknown, absolutely all the righteous people of the world have salvation. The question is what is righteous. Gentiles have to follow the seven Noachide laws, which include giving up belief in false gods and bowing to idols, so if you follow the Christian tradition it is imperative to leave it. It is absolutely forbidden to believe that G-d has a partner, or has ever been reduced to human form. Pray only to the Creator of the world.

    Some resources: The Universal Garden of Emuna by Rabbi Arush, and Divine Information website of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. Make sure that all information you use is from kosher rabbis, as there are unfortunately some who are fake.

    To increase your merits, if you can, spread the Noachide laws, encourage Jews to return to the Torah (it is worth making even a very small donation, just to have a part in this, especially with a rabbi like Rabbi Mizrachi), be scrupulously honest in financial dealings, tithe (donate 10% of your income) to help poor people and spread Torah, also be modest in dress and behavior, and be kind and do good deeds. If you can influence your family and community so much the better. All of this will increase your merits.

  6. It has just occurred to me that this virus will fix a lot of things along the way.... such as promiscuity.... no touching anyone these days ! I wonder how all this will eventually end...

  7. Oooh, Devorah, your last comment is excellent. I didn't think of that one!
    Yes, it would help in this realm. Getting ready to board a domestic flight back home with husband. I hope it's the last one for a while til this virus stops.

  8. Avi, what you're saying is true. But your response is very negative. Read
    Yearning With Fire


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