Monday, April 6, 2020

Fear of CV May Bring our Redemption

“It's astounding in many ways how one topic can completely consume the entire planet but that's what's happening. Of course I'm talking about the coronavirus pandemic. The question is how do we understand what's going on. Is it possible to understand why Hashem is doing this?” 

Rabbi Mendel Kessin, a leading expert on the Ramchal, spoke from the isolation of his home on the inner meaning of today’s events in a profound lesson taught last week, pointing out that worldwide phenomena are not happening “coincidentally.”

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Epitome of Sheker

Who to believe?  Every rabbi has a different scenario. 
Listen to one rabbi and have hope, listen to another and have despair.
Everyone is confused and truth is absent.

What is Sheker? שקר  Sheker is lies, deceipt.    Even the letters are out of order from their correct listing in the alef bet [ק-ר-ש].

“And that’s how Moshiach is going to be revealed. Moshiach needs to be revealed from the epitome of sheker, Moshiach and his people. They’re not going to be pulled by the sheker. The sheker wants to take everyone. The sheker says: ‘I didn’t say enough sheker. Maybe I’ll say a little bit more, maybe I’ll succeed in saying something else, a different way.’  - “The more falsehood there is, the more truth will be revealed in a clearer way”

These days you need to search very hard to find your own truth.  There is an abundance of Rabbis Impeding the Redemption.  There is an abundance of sheker.

I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]

The Solution for Corona

Rabbi Alon Anava

What is the cause for the virus and what should we be focusing on!

While the entire world is 'under attack' by the Corona Virus... Is the virus really the problem? are we over reacting? are we focusing on the the REAL problem or are we fooled...

Don't be fooled!

 And remember: Truth can only be seen by others with truth within them! He who does not have truth in his heart will always be blind to truth!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

This Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Shared true story from Chaya

***** if anyone would like to share this story, please attach my Zaidy's name, Moshe Ben Amrom/Moshe ben Chaya Grunwald yes that is Zaidy's actual name, same as Moshe rabbeinu, who is known for anivut, a middah that also exemplified Zaidy*****

 I want to share something that happened today. Something that if today was a normal day, could have never happened.

We were told that the funeral would be at 10 am sharp. Don't be late or we will miss it. The funerals are very minimal. And quick. Mamash a minyan and a kapittle of tehilim a kel maale rachamim and done.

The avelim came up to the aron, they begged mechila. They started the tehillim. They got to almost the end when a funeral aide walked in and took a peek in the aron. It wasn't my grandfather. We had conducted a funeral over someone else.

Everyone was shocked, horrified, dumbstruck. They sent the family out. I was in the car outside, so my sister came to tell me what had happened.

About 20 minutes later they started all over again this time with Zaidy present.

I have to admit I was so upset that this had happened to my Zaidy. The man who was loved by all. Who deserved so much kavod, who had to die alone due to a pandemic, who had to have this embarrassment of a funeral, who couldn't have a befitting burial, or shiva. This was the final insult. I was so upset, I started to laugh and cry simultaneously. I couldn't believe I was living in a time where there are so many bodies, that they mixed them up.

And then my mother called me. And she says I won't believe this story, I told her I already knew about the mixup. She said "You don't know the rest!"

The body that was brought in, it was a meis mitzvah [in Jewish law a meis mitzvah is a person that is found dead, or for whatever reason does not have family to bury him. It's the obligation of the community to bury him in a dignified way] he was dead alone in his apartment for 4 days before he was found. This man had no one there. No one to be sad, no one to say tehillim, or give him a minyan. Through a weird twist of fate, he ended up with a beautiful funeral, a minyan, something under normal circumstances he would not have had.

And then I remember my Zaidy, my Zaidy was always honored but he ran and hid from it, he never wanted the spotlight. My cousin posted that we would send people to follow him in to chupah to make sure that if they gave him a bracha he'd be there. That was part of us ensuring he got what he deserved. Even then he always thought there was someone greater than him that deserved the honor.

Well Zaidy, as usual got the last laugh. We couldn't chase him to the front of the funeral home. Even in death he gave his kavod for someone else. This is the most Zaidy like thing to ever happen.

A meis mitzvah got a funeral. I can just imagine the laugh in Zaidy's eyes as he watched this. His chesed and hachnasat orchim knew no bounds. I know in my heart my Zaidy did in death what he always did in life. Instead of my horror of earlier today I am filled with pride. As Zaidy's neshama continues to give even in death.

May Hashem heal the world quickly, so no one suffers anymore. May we celebrate smachot soon.

Haggadah Online

Suddenly realize you don't have a Haggadah at home?

Don't worry, Chabad and Breslov have you covered.

Click here for Chabad Haggadah download

Click here for Breslov Haggadah download

Is God Angry At Us?

A short message regarding the current situation from Rav Ephraim Kenig, shlita, of Breslev Tsfat

When a person goes through hard times, or any other more general type of trouble such as where we find ourselves in the world today, know the following: God is the One Who controls everything, and He knows exactly what He is doing. Not only does He know, but whatever He does, actually comes down to manifest itself in our lives, which is proof enough that it is the right reality for us at the moment.

Just don’t think that God brought this upon us because He is angry, God forbid, since the fact that He brought it shows the exact opposite. Even if God was indeed angry, the fact that He put us in this situation is already part of the tikkun—it is already repairing any anger He may have had.

Precisely times like these show that God is relating to us in order to fix and elevate us, so there will be no need for anger again. In other words, His anger has already passed. We are now in the phase of God’s desire, as it were, which shows that He is looking at us and our actions. This should make it easier to come to all sorts of decisions to improve ourselves, since God is waiting for us—not out of anger—but out of the desire and love that He has for us.

If you can take a swift hold of your life today and bring yourself to a better path on every level, God is waiting for you with open arms. If we can all awaken ourselves in teshuva, this awakening will most certainly ascend to Heaven and shut the mouth of the Accusing Forces. Through this, a shefa of life, health, healing and nachat will come down to us—shefa for everything we need. Amen.

Baruch Hashem

I have scanned through so much nonsense about this Covid 19 lately, and a lot of it is coming from people who should know better.  They are still researching and putting so much energy into proving that it is all one giant conspiracy to rid the world of excess and unwanted people.  I don't understand their reasoning as some of these same people claim to be orthodox Jews.

It is plainly obvious to me, and many others such as Rabbi Anava and Rabbi Kessin, just to name two..... that this is from Hashem... it is not a conspiracy or an over-reaction on the part of world governments, and it is not a Bill Gates orchestrated bio-weapon.

Hashem wants us to go home, into our houses, and stay there, at least for the first night of Pesach.  What happens after that, I cannot say.  But we will be home for Seder night, and that is the Will of Hashem. 

Then there is the fact that I had a discussion with an Israeli man a few weeks ago, and he told me that as I was living outside of Israel, I had very little chance of survival.  Lo and behold, Australia's Covid cases are lower than Israel's !   Judgment came to the world, and innocent people got caught up in it, wherever they live and whoever they are, we're all in this together. 

The only way to protect yourself and your family is to stay away from infected people.  Stay home, stay safe.  That is Hashem's Will. 

Take your vitamins, take Vitamin D if you are spending a lot of time inside, and whatever else you feel your body needs.  Eat healthy food and try to get some exercise.  Give tzedaka.  Learn Torah.  Do teshuva.  Spend this time reflecting on how to make peace in your world and reconnect with people via the internet or phone.  Check up on the elderly and the sick, just a phone call could change their day.   This is Hashem's Will for us now, and let's go with it and stop blaming Bill Gates and China. 

Meanwhile, here is Rabbi Mizrachi's latest video ''Disaster Hit Us, Where do we go from Here?'' , which I haven't yet listened to, it's still very early in the morning here and I plan to go back to bed, because I can !  Enjoy your home time, and thank G-d you have a roof over your head and everything else you need.