Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Guarding the Tongue

Here is a link to three shiurim by Rabbi Shimon Kessin, on Shmiras HaLashon.   Recommended listening while sitting at home.

Click here to listen


  1. Absolutely great! Thank you! I've started listening, and very powerful. This is one area that probably all of us for sure have to change, and R' Kessin is very penetrating and impactful. Thanks for sharing this and looking out for k'lal yisroel.

  2. Thank you, Devora, for reminding us time and time again about the terrible Avaira-sin of Loshon HoRa.

    I have yet to listen to it.

    Our Sages tell us that Loshon HoRa kills 3.

    1) The person who speaks it
    2) The person who is spoken about, and
    3) The person who listens to it.

    Napoleon Boneparte once said: Do not say a thing and/or do not do something that you will in the future regret. A word said cannot be 'un-said' . . .


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