Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Baruch Hashem

I have scanned through so much nonsense about this Covid 19 lately, and a lot of it is coming from people who should know better.  They are still researching and putting so much energy into proving that it is all one giant conspiracy to rid the world of excess and unwanted people.  I don't understand their reasoning as some of these same people claim to be orthodox Jews.

It is plainly obvious to me, and many others such as Rabbi Anava and Rabbi Kessin, just to name two..... that this is from Hashem... it is not a conspiracy or an over-reaction on the part of world governments, and it is not a Bill Gates orchestrated bio-weapon.

Hashem wants us to go home, into our houses, and stay there, at least for the first night of Pesach.  What happens after that, I cannot say.  But we will be home for Seder night, and that is the Will of Hashem. 

Then there is the fact that I had a discussion with an Israeli man a few weeks ago, and he told me that as I was living outside of Israel, I had very little chance of survival.  Lo and behold, Australia's Covid cases are lower than Israel's !   Judgment came to the world, and innocent people got caught up in it, wherever they live and whoever they are, we're all in this together. 

The only way to protect yourself and your family is to stay away from infected people.  Stay home, stay safe.  That is Hashem's Will. 

Take your vitamins, take Vitamin D if you are spending a lot of time inside, and whatever else you feel your body needs.  Eat healthy food and try to get some exercise.  Give tzedaka.  Learn Torah.  Do teshuva.  Spend this time reflecting on how to make peace in your world and reconnect with people via the internet or phone.  Check up on the elderly and the sick, just a phone call could change their day.   This is Hashem's Will for us now, and let's go with it and stop blaming Bill Gates and China. 

Meanwhile, here is Rabbi Mizrachi's latest video ''Disaster Hit Us, Where do we go from Here?'' , which I haven't yet listened to, it's still very early in the morning here and I plan to go back to bed, because I can !  Enjoy your home time, and thank G-d you have a roof over your head and everything else you need.


  1. Devorah: True, that we must adhere to common sense and take care of ourselves and see that we don't catch this evil virus, nor do we give it to anyone else. That being said, H' controls everything. in a nano awxons, He could make the world disappear, if He so desires. That being said, there are definitely evil forces that have an agenda who are behind so much that you wouldn't even imagine. This has been their goal for centuries. Now is the time they want it implemented. H' has His reasons for allowing the sitra achra to hold on a little longer before Hashem redeems us. Just as Nimrod was allowed to build his evil tower of Bavel because he wanted to be a god and said there is no need for the real G-D and so he got way up high with his tower and his followers who were all unified in this evil endeavor, until H' said it is time to show these arrogant evil doers who is Boss. He threw them to the four corners of the earth and mixed up the languages, so no one could understand the other and that's how nations and languages were born. The same here, H' is biding His time which only He knows when He will undo today's evil doers. There is a plan (given by the U.N>) about depopulation and other nefarious goals. So whatever happens in the world is, good or evil, which is done by man because man has the choice, but ultimately everything, even that is controlled by the One Above. He has a plan and His thoughts are not our thoughts, but in the end His plan is the only plan that counts and it is all GOOD. This plague has been foretold by our great Sages who had the Holy Spirit and by our holy Prophets who had real prophecy and those prophecies will materialize. Those who have the evil intentions know this, but still they feel they can outsmart G-D. It doesn't work that way. As Tehilim, Psalm 91, tells us, we have to sit back and close our doors and just watch and H' will send His angels to protect us. Ein Od Milvado! Don't be surprised when a false messiah shows up where many, even Jews, r'l, will fall for it. That's why we need complete Faith (Emunah) and Trust (Bitachon) only in H' - There is no other. We are being tested!!! Let no Jew fail the test! Hold on tight!

  2. The verse says לְקַחְתֶּם אֲגֻדַּת אֵזוֹב וּטְבַלְתֶּם בַּדָּם אֲשֶׁר־בַּסַּף וְהִגַּעְתֶּם אֶל־הַמַּשְׁקוֹף וְאֶל־שְׁתֵּי הַמְּזוּזֹת מִן־הַדָּם אֲשֶׁר בַּסָּף וְאַתֶּם לֹא תֵצְאוּ אִישׁ מִפֶּתַח־בֵּיתוֹ עַד־בֹּקֶר, take a bunch of hyssops, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and apply some of the blood that is in the basin to the lintel and to the two doorposts. None of you shall go outside the door of his house until morning.

    Rashi explains that once permission is given to the destroying angel to wound he makes no distinction between righteous and wicked — and nighttime is the domain of the destroying agencies as it is said, “[Thou makest darkness and it is night], wherein all the beasts of the forest creep forth” (See also Bava Kamma 60a and Recanati on the Torah).

    Rav Yeshayahu Horovitz says the Zohar in its commentary on this פרשה, warns repeatedly that one must be careful not to expose oneself to danger at a time when danger lurks all around. We have discussed the letter מ as alluding to the angel of death. As long as the angel of death does not come face to face with a potential victim he has no control over such a person. It is best to hide in one's house during wars and other times when violence erupts, so as not to expose oneself to the forces of destruction.

    The Zohar which Rav Yeshayahu Horovitz is referring can be found here and here.

  3. Thank you Anonymous 1:03 for the facts

  4. Anon unpublished - tell Rabbi Mizrahi by messaging his FB page.

  5. Thank you.
    Interesting that Rabbi Mizrachi says that he believes things will go back to a semi normal - we are holding on going from this to Moshiach. Can we literally deal with a despair if it doesn't happen and things go back to "normal"?!?!


  6. You're welcome Devorah 1:30 PM.

  7. H: I haven't listened to this shiur yet, but I must say when it comes to shiurim, I prefer Rabbi Kessin over all the others. We don't know what the world will go back to after all this, because after all this the money side of things will be totally different. Governments have spent a fortune trying to stave off disaster in their countries. I know in many places they are giving money away so people can survive. Our whole concept of money has changed. That in itself is huge. Grocery stores are giving food away to old and sick people, all over the place there are acts of kindness going on that we never saw before this. We are edging closer to the Messianic Era, there can be no doubt. We all just need to remember that it's on God's schedule and not ours.


  8. 31 Brazilian Jews immigrate to Israel - and go straight into quarantine

  9. Annoymous @1.03, et al,like you..

    Have you only time to go pick up news of foreboding, and criticize those who do not migrate to Eretz Israel??

    Are you appointed by Hashem, to sit in your room at your desk at your computer, and spew out disaster to them, are you in their shoes?

    Do you not think that Hashem watches them, and understands them and their reasons, (and they do not have to tell you the reason why they cannot get up and go to Isreal)?

    Stop!!... stop doing this!!

    You sound like you are judging them, not loving them, and no one is an authority- least of all you, to tell others what to do.

    They have their reasons, I am sure they daven to Hashem, and Hashem knows them, and all others and you too annonymous and other like you...

    Nnow go, and sit quietly, and pray for all those who cannot migrate for reasons only they know. And ask Hashem to help you be quiet.

    me-too will sign.. annon..

  10. Thank you Devorah,
    You perfectly articulated that which I was thinking. Thank you as always for being a strong genuine voice of reason, bitachon, and emunah.
    I also feel strongly and totally agree that for whatever the reason we are meant to each be in our own homes, more or less, Pesach by Hashem's Design. I also feel that I'll hold the course IY"H until then and if need be reevaluate at the time. Hopefully we will not have to do so :)
    Wishing you and everyone health bgashmius and bruchnius a Pesach Kasher v Sameach.

  11. Now I read through the comments.
    Agree Rabbi Kessin is the go-to.

  12. Annon at 7.34 your are right. I like what you said. Who are these people who keep yelling at us? As if anyone can even get on a plane these days never mind the fact we have no money no jobs etc to live in Israel. Where would we find a place to live with no money? Where would we find money for our various illnesses and disabilities and our how would we support our young families? WHat the hell do these people think? We are not allowed to put our lives in danger and by jumping on a nonexistent plane to go to Israel with no money or accommodation or any way of finding work, even if we could find work and who will look after our children while we work? Are they crazy? Do they enjoy putting fear into us? Go back to your comfy israeli houses and mind your business. we put our trust in the Aibishter, and if we are meant to live or die that is up to Him not up to you and your false nonsense advice. From Sara not in Israel.

  13. Israelis think they are better than us in the diaspora but they are not even acknowledging all the money donated by us in the diaspora, and where would Israel be without all this money we send?

  14. Anonymous who keeps commenting about aliya - this is why I don’t publish most of your comments - I don’t want these arguments here - please desist now.

  15. But even on Rav Kessin's shiurs
    on Holocaust, he makes distinctions between HaShem's reasons and the Stn's objectives. So why would it be any different now? Stn already dead then? Why would he go along? And who does his work here down below in the muddpoul other than you know who? Or maybe you don't know
