I think that when special people leave this world, they should be remembered and spoken about a lot, because their departure leaves such a gaping hole.
Itty Ainsworth was one of those special people. So full of life, so genuine, so honest and so full of great advice for everyone to learn from. If you knew her, you knew she never spoke or listened to Lashon Hara. She also used to lecture us all, whenever she heard someone say something in that vein, she would stare into their eyes and say ''when you die and stand before Hashem... it's just you.... you can't blame anyone else.... don't speak Lashon Hara''.
I have a beautiful silver bangle here that she gave me, she just took it off her wrist and said ''I want you to have this''. You couldn't say no to Itty, she would insist until you realized it was pointless to argue.
There are so many things I could say, but I think Sori Block has already done an outstanding job of saying it, so please click here to read My Friend and Mentor, Itty Ainsworth.