Thursday, September 5, 2024

"A Level of Infinite Divine Bliss"

Uncovering the mystery of Moshiach

Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson explains in a 13 min interview

"according to all the signs.... this is the time...."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Whoever had an opportunity to commit an aveira [sin] and avoided it, and is saved from the aveira - a miracle will happen to him. [Talmud Kiddushin 40b] 

Happy is the person who hears an offensive remark about himself and remains silent. He saves himself from a hundred troubles! [Sanhedrin 7a] 

When a negative thought enters your mind, think three positive ones. Train your mind to flip the script.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Ten Shirot

Chazal tell us that ten great Shirot were sung to Hashem. Nine have already happened and the tenth is the big one we wait for every day.

1) Shirat Adam - The song Adam sang after Creation was completed: Mizmor shir l'yom hashabbat. To this day, it is part of our Friday night davening.

2) Shirat HaYam - The song at Yam Suf [Beshalach]

3) Shirat Ha'Be'er - Song of the Well in the desert [Bamidbar 21:17] when the Emorim were killed after plotting an ambush and the mountains crushed them. Their blood came up through the Be'er revealing the Nes to Bnei Yisroel.

4) Shirat Haazinu

5) Shirat Ha'Givon in Sefer Yehoshua when the sun remained up through the night to help Yehoshua in his battle.

6) Shirat Devorah in Sefer Shoftim - When Bnei Yisroel defeated the mighty Sisra's and Yael killed Sisra.

7) Shirat Chana in Sefer Shmuel

8) Shirat David - Tehilim 18 when David was saved from Shaul.

9) Shir Ha'Shirim of Shlomo Ha'Melech.

10) Shir HaGeulah - the song that will be sung in the times of Moshiach, as it says in the Book of Yeshayahu: "On that day there will be sung this song in the land of Yehuda.... [26:1]"

There are different versions of this list and other Medrashim say
1. Shirat Mitzrayim
2. Shirat Yehoshafat

Source: Revach

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Suffering of Mashiach ben Yosef

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Measure for Measure


Whoever shames his friend in public to the point of making him turn pale is as if he sheds blood...for we see that the red drains out of his face and is replaced by white.  [Ben Ish Chai]

A pious man was once insulted in the synagogue.  When he came home, he sent the insulter a basket of grapes as a gift, with the following message: "You have presented me today with a basketful of your mitzvot.  I, too, present you with a laden basket".

Why, if Reuven insults and embarrasses Shimon, do Reuven's mitzvot go to Shimon and Shimon's sins go to Reuven?

Red represents sins, and white represents mitzvot, as in: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they will become white as snow" [Isaiah 1:18].  When Reuven shames Shimon, he replaces the red in Shimon's face with white.  Measure for measure, the red of Shimon's sins will replace the white of mitzvot in Reuven's soul.

Source: from the writings of the Ben Ish Chai

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Signs in the Heavens.... Every Single Day

Slowly, people are noticing the changes in the Sun. We know at the End of Days the sun will be 7 times as bright [and the moon will be as light as the sun]

Last week, on the night of the full Super moon, I was woken up at 3.30am by birds singing, so I went outside to see what was going on, and there was the moon, HUGE and going down in the west, and it was so bright the birds must have thought it was the sun. In fact, it was SO bright that I couldn't even look at it.

This kind of behaviour by birds has been reported all over the world.  But it's not just the super moons confusing the birds, it's also other light sources that are visible in our normally dark night sky. [and since when did we ever have four supermoons in a row??]

There's a red sun behind our sun. 


Sun is distorted - blue streaks are from blue asteroids flying by,  but I don't know what the white line in the Florida photo is from, that is yet to be known [by me anyway].
Our sun has never looked white with blue flashes, this is all new.



There are planets around our sun, visible at sunrise and sunset, if you're lucky enough, and you know what you're looking at.   They are moving - it is the dance of the planets - they are passing between earth and the sun and generally visible for a few minutes before they're gone again.  But don't worry, they'll be back tomorrow and tomorrow .....  

Planet Urri, Kansas

Thailand, passing planet

Look at the sun when it's safe, sunrise or sunset, and you'll notice things.  If you don't look, you'll never see it.  

I really have no knowledge of how this is all happening, it just IS happening, and most of the world is not aware of any of it.  Meanwhile....I'm obsessed.

The purple and orange sunsets are amazing.

Sydney, no filter

The Trait of Cruelty


by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto

"You shall not eat it, in order that it be well with you and your children after you" [Re'eh 12:25]

It is told that a non-Jewish researcher of the Tanach once approached Rabbi Yonatan Eibeshitz and asked him: Why specifically in this context, when talking about the transgression of eating blood, does the Torah add the blessing "in order that it be well with you and your children"? 

Rabbi Yonatan answered him: The Torah forbids eating blood since it clogs up the heart and implants the trait of cruelty in a person, and as we know the trait of cruelty is inherited by one's children through the parent's genes. 

This then is the implication of "You shall not it, in order that it will be well with you and your children after you". Do not eat blood so that both you and your children will possess a refined soul, and then automatically you will not have the tendency towards cruelty.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The 30 Noahide Laws Pt 2

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

In the second installment of the series, we address the big questions: Can Noahides keep Shabbat? Can Noahides learn Talmud and Zohar? Have a mezuzah on their door? And why do we say there are “seven” Noahide Laws if there are actually thirty? Plus: What is a Ger Toshav and is it equivalent to a Noahide? What is the right way to learn and master Torah? And understanding Rabbi Meir, the “potential Mashiach” of his generation.