Friday, August 23, 2024

A New Star

 H/t CS

Could it be the Kochav Yaakov.... please G-d let it be the Kochav Yaakov.


Devorah said...

For more information on the Star, see

Anonymous said...

Wow this really might be it.

Devorah said...

I haven't heard of him before, his name is Laivi Shor. He seems to have been around for a while. Maybe CS knows more.

Devorah said...

Actually it says his name is Lon Shor on his FB page.

Anonymous said...

Found him on YouTube. He is a baal t'shuva and has some very interesting interviews and videos. He is very mellow and positive.


Anonymous said...

What ever happened to rabbi palvanov’s entire video and prediction about this comet coming in September/October and then Moshiach coming soon after? Did he change his mind? Haven’t heard a word since.


Devorah said...

That's the link I gave in the first comment here
Why would he forget about it?
We just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

He hasn’t mentioned it once since then. Which is very strange for a video that he was so excited and making and had so much confidence in.


Anonymous said...

Gill Broussard

Soft Disclosure - About an approaching Planet.
Pay attention to the sky from September through January for a "Comet"-like object. When it gets near Jupiter, it has to have a comet tail (plasma tail). The following 6-18 months may be its return visit. Stay alert, and don't expect a warning from the Gov. til the last 40-days of its approach.