Showing posts with label Wonders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonders. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Light of the Moon

"... the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold...."  Isaiah 30:26

They are trying to distract everyone by arresting and jailing someone very public, who they've known about for a very long time.... but they were waiting for an opportune time, such as now, in order to distract people from what is going on above their heads.  

Have a look at these two videos of the moon last night.

And here's a few recent photos of the sun, and another object that you can see in the third photo, I guess that's the "asteroid" they talk about, but they said that was next to the moon.... not the sun.... maybe they're confused as well. 

A woman in Belvidere, Illinois took this photo of a
hummingbird, but it's not the hummingbird I'm looking at - it's the sun.


Birmingham UK

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Signs in the Heavens.... Every Single Day

Slowly, people are noticing the changes in the Sun. We know at the End of Days the sun will be 7 times as bright [and the moon will be as light as the sun]

Last week, on the night of the full Super moon, I was woken up at 3.30am by birds singing, so I went outside to see what was going on, and there was the moon, HUGE and going down in the west, and it was so bright the birds must have thought it was the sun. In fact, it was SO bright that I couldn't even look at it.

This kind of behaviour by birds has been reported all over the world.  But it's not just the super moons confusing the birds, it's also other light sources that are visible in our normally dark night sky. [and since when did we ever have four supermoons in a row??]

There's a red sun behind our sun. 


Sun is distorted - blue streaks are from blue asteroids flying by,  but I don't know what the white line in the Florida photo is from, that is yet to be known [by me anyway].
Our sun has never looked white with blue flashes, this is all new.



There are planets around our sun, visible at sunrise and sunset, if you're lucky enough, and you know what you're looking at.   They are moving - it is the dance of the planets - they are passing between earth and the sun and generally visible for a few minutes before they're gone again.  But don't worry, they'll be back tomorrow and tomorrow .....  

Planet Urri, Kansas

Thailand, passing planet

Look at the sun when it's safe, sunrise or sunset, and you'll notice things.  If you don't look, you'll never see it.  

I really have no knowledge of how this is all happening, it just IS happening, and most of the world is not aware of any of it.  Meanwhile....I'm obsessed.

The purple and orange sunsets are amazing.

Sydney, no filter

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Asteroid Trails

All over Sydney today, these amazing clouds.  Everyone was trying to work out what they were...  they are asteroid trails from close-passing asteroids.  Seen it many times in photos from all over the world.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Orange Moon over Melbourne

The moon photographed this morning 6.40am at Docklands, Melbourne Australia.

Do things look normal to you?  Uh-uh, none of this is normal.

Jane Bunn's Weather Photography

Where is the red aura coming from?   It's reflecting the sun, and whatever is behind the sun, causing the red.  Or if you have a better explanation, leave a comment.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"The Texas Cube"

Some people call this the Texas Cube, because it was first seen over Texas.  It's a giant cube flying around, and it's been video-ed and photographed for years.  What is it?   

Far North Queensland, Australia - looks more like a rectangle, and no-one really knows what this 

Texas Cube over Texas

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Amazing Auroras

The solar flare has given us these amazing auroras all over the world, in places where they've never seen it before.  Colours seen depend on the altitude. [The Hebrew word for light is "ohr"  so an aurora is a double "ohr"] - Signs in the Heavens.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Vermont Suns

These are screen shots taken from a video which I can't upload, there's actually three objects there, although only two are clear.  One is our sun, then there is a redder sphere next to it.

These images were taken at around 7.30pm in Vermont, there is only a 3 minute window where you can catch this.  If you can access FB this is a Public group which means anyone can view the video:

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

This is Above Us Now: Between the Sun and the Earth

This video is 11 years old, and it is from a totally different source to the person I usually quote on these things.

This system has been here since 2010, and in this video you can see clearly all the planets, their colours and their names.  It is very interesting that the planet called "Nibiru" looks very similar to planet Earth. The translation of the title of the video is "Nibiru is planet number 6 in the brown dwarf Immaru's Solar System".

Note that the beginning of the video seems a bit strange, but that's just sound effects to get you in the mood for a journey to outer space....

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Celestial Events from Purim Onwards

Did you know there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Purim ?   Penumbral means that it will be "shadowy" - not clearly visible.

We all know about the total Solar Eclipse on April 8 but apparently a solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.  

So Purim is the hard-to-see lunar eclipse and Rosh Chodesh Nissan is the total solar eclipse.  Between those two things, we have the date of 25 Adar II where we hope to see the "devil comet" which may be the Kochav Yaakov.    Then, on first night Pesach [two weeks after the solar eclipse] we have the devil comet at perihelion [closest point to the sun].  

I am wondering what else is going to happen during all of this.  

We know there is a second sun behind our sun, and I've heard from Sam Hofman that we are going to have "separation" of the two suns at some point.  In other words, the second sun is going to emerge from behind our sun.   It would be perfect timing to have this occur while everyone's eyes are looking up at the all these events.  Wouldn't that confuse people..... a second sun emerging .... wishful thinking maybe.

Just to tie all this together, we have a timeline given by Ari Goldwag for a Nissan Geula.  

All of this is "wait and see" because there's not much more we can do at this stage.  

In the meantime, I'll show you some photos and videos that I meant to put up yesterday, but too many things were going on in my life and I didn't have time.

Images: Red Asteroid over Spencer, Tennessee last Friday night [no-one knew what they were looking at - it's so nice to be able to tell you what it actually is]

Atu's Moon

This is a video of Atu's moon which is made up of mammatus clouds.  It's being seen everywhere lately, I saw it not too long ago, it was much fainter at that time, very pale lilac colour and very beautiful.

Atu's moon on top the sun 

Atu's moon over Arizona desert

And here it is in Israel     

Atu's moon over Mumbai

And a short video of various world weather disasters, most of which we don't hear about

Monday, March 18, 2024

Closer and Closer

Just getting back to those storms that I was talking about yesterday, when I said it was the planets cutting a swathe across the US....  here is a video of the main offending planet, called Napisiti, as it sends giant hail down on Texas.  In the video, you are looking at the base clouds of the back side of Napisiti.  The pale blue on the left is our actual sky, the deep grey is not ours. It is a close passing visitor, and about to get closer.  Storms will be getting worse.

And this is the size of the hail.

Planets Atu and Napisiti side by side

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Never Seen Anything Like It ?

Well I have seen storms just like this. About six months ago when the planets were coming in over Sydney.

Multiple dead after strong storms in Ohio [and across the US]

Skies full of multiple blinking lights, lightning and giant hail which spanned well over 1,000 miles across America.  That's the planets travelling in a swathe over the US.  

If you've experienced this kind of storm/lightning you won't forget it.  I have sat and watched similar lightning go on for HOURS [literally] - non-stop flashing, as though someone up in Heaven is warning us that the show is about to start [or end].  If you watch the video you will see how at one point the lightning and the skies turn into that beautiful purple colour.  That of course means the planet Atu is overhead.

The strobe-like lightning, which resembles a TV on the blink, is caused by the extremely close-passing planets, but they are not as close as they will be, in a few days time they will be even closer.

You'll know when the planets are above you.... first the wind picks up, and it's like a devil wind, unlike normal wind it's much more powerful. Then the rain comes, like someone tipped Niagara Falls on top of you. That's what we call a rain bomb. Courtesy of planets Napisiti and Atu.  Purple lightning and never ending flashing.

Here's the video, which you can watch in it's entirety or just from the 2 min. mark to see what I'm talking about.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Strange Skies

 This is the new normal.  Just getting started ok.... we're just getting started. 

New Mexico March 13 2024 - blue asteroid lighting up the sun

Snowtown, South Australia - Photo Charlie Lane

this is something extremely strange - Photo Charlie Lane
Minnesota March 12 2024 - Something behind the moon

Two suns?  This is our sun with the giant red halo which is the gas giant Hercolobus, and at the 1 o'clock position is something from the passing solar system

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Recent Photos

Some very recent photos of what's going on around the world.

This shows the orbit of the second solar system [sorry about the poor quality of the picture] - we are orbiting Sol and the other planets are orbiting the red Binary star/sun, and are visible from Earth as they pass...[a wheel within a wheel?]

In this image you can see the green asteroid bottom left, and the rainbow effect is caused by colourful asteroids flying by

Rainbow around the sun, caused by asteroids

This is an asteroid in front of the sun

Red sunset caused by planet Isatum

The "Texas Cube" - so called because it was first sighted over Texas. It is a massive cube shape flying around with the planets in the passing solar system

A Passing Planet
Blue= sky / orange =planet
[and if you think Gee that's close... just wait a week or two...
they'll be on top of us]

If you want to go back and re-look at other photos of this passing solar system, click on the Wonders Label below this post.

This is why they keep drawing lines in the sky everywhere. They don't want the people to know about this.