Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sydney's Stormaggedon

Hail from today's storm
baseball size with spikes

We just had the most electric, violent, awe-inspiring storm anyone has ever seen here.  

Strobe lighting went on forever.... horizontal lightning close to the roofs of the houses I could see, splitting the sky into technicolor orange shapes.  

Then the flashing white lightning, lit up the entire sky, it was so bright it was like the Ohr Ganuz, that also went on forever.   The thunder was so loud it felt like it took the roof off the house.   

It was apocalyptic and everyone is still in shock [except me, because I loved it]. It felt and sounded like a war zone.

The purple is the actual colour, nothing has been manipulated in any of these.

Of course Tik Tok has gone crazy with the storm videos, here's a few I found.
Strobe lightning

People are dancing in the streets to Michael Jackson's "What About Us" - female dancing in the rain.

Confusion Reigns


So.... is Trump a good guy doing weird things to confuse the enemy..... or have all the Trump supporters been victims of the biggest psy-op in the history of the world, believing him to be Israel's savior, only to find out that he has a different plan up his sleeve?

So many conflicting views on the internet, but the concerning thing for me is that people I have learnt to respect over the years, who actually know what they're talking about, are all saying the same thing..... that we cannot trust the Donald, and we're all stupid if we trusted him until now.

I don't have a definite answer to any of it, I'm just trying to find out the truth.

Anyway, I just caught up with Tomer Devorah's blog post "All Hell Will Break Out" - see comments there where she is speaking about Miriam Adelson.

Miriam - and her late husband, billionaire Sheldon Adelson - is very connected to Chabad and specifically to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who gave her a bracha for children when she was already 40 years old.

Sheldon Adelson did not know Hebrew and could not follow the exchange with the Rebbe. But upon hearing that the Rebbe had blessed them with children, Adelson, who was already older than 60 and had never had biological children of his own, was incredulous.

“All of our friends have wished us with marital bliss and long life,  the Rebbe was the only one who blessed us with children.” And so it was that Sheldon and Miriam Adelson were blessed with two children, Adam and Matan. The couple has continuously expressed their gratitude to the Rebbe for his blessing. [Source]

 Video of the Adelsons receiving blessings from the Rebbe before their wedding in 1991

Anyone who has ever received a blessing from the Rebbe for children, and then gone on to give birth, never forgets.  It is impossible to distance yourself from the Tzadik who brought down the bracha for your children.  I should know, I was also the recipient of such a bracha.

Miriam Adelson is still very connected, and she is very far from being a stupid person.  She would not be bank-rolling Trump if she thought his intention was to divide up the Land. As Judge Judy would say  "that doesn't make sense and if it doesn't make sense it didn't happen".

The Rebbe had very strong words to say about giving land away, he was totally opposed to that and said it was FORBIDDEN to give any land of Israel away.   He said "Israel is not yours to give away".

This is the same Rebbe who blessed Netanyahu back in the early days when Bibi was in Washington.  The same Rebbe who told Bibi "You can stay here until the arrival of the Mashiach". The same Rebbe whose Kever was visited by Trump prior to the election, which he won with a Landslide Victory.

So either something is rotten to the very core with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, or people are mis-understanding what is really happening.

Truth will be known soon enough.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Testing Times

Everything in the world - whatever it is and whatever happens - is a test, designed to give you freedom of choice. Choose wisely.

Occupy yourself with doing good, and the bad will automatically fall away.

Rely on nothing and no-one but G-d. This is true simplicity. Anything else means pursuing a complicated course of action.

Pray, pray, pray.  Whatever you need... praying is the best way to get it.

Keep in mind that the essence of your prayers is the faith you have in them that they will be answered.

Remember: things can go from the very worst to the very best .... in just the blink of an eye.

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Within Reach

"She sent her maidservant and she took it" [Shemot 2:5]

Chazal inform us that the basket carrying Moshe was too far for Pharoah's daughter to reach from where she was standing. Still, she stretched out her hand (amasah) in the direction of the basket and Hashem miraculously lengthened her arm for her.

R' Meir Shapiro, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, called for an emergency meeting of the leaders of Lublin to discuss a certain person whose life was in danger.  R' Shapiro demanded of them to do something to save his life.

"This matter that you speak of" responded one of the leaders, "is beyond our capabilities.  We regrettably do not believe that we can carry it out."

"In this week's parsha" replied R' Shapiro, "the Torah states: "And she sent her maidservant".  Chazal teach us that the arm of Pharoah's daughter was miraculously lengthened in order for her to take hold of Moshe's basket.

"I wonder" continued R' Shapiro, "why did Pharoah's daughter even attempt to retrieve the basket in the first place?  After all, if it is obvious to an individual that something is not within his reach, does he waste his energy trying to obtain it?"

"We see from here" concluded R' Shapiro, "that when a person is expected to accomplish something, he should not deliberate whether or not he is capable of succeeding - he must try! Let him first make an effort, and then Heaven will assist him."

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Beginning of the End??

H/t Sherry and Serious Bible Student

Rav Ron Chaya

Subtitles available, all languages.  Rough transcription in the comments.

Understanding Edom Part 4

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What is the significance of Egyptian obelisks erected in major capital cities around the world? Who was Zepho, grandson of Esau, and what is his connection to Rome and Edom? How did the myth of Vulcan originate in an earlier Biblical figure? And what does the Soviet Union have to do with it all? Find out in this class as we continue our exploration of Edom and its eye-opening relation to current global events. 

Plus: Was Christopher Columbus Jewish? Is there a Star of David in the US Great Seal? And is there an “Illuminati” pyramid with all-seeing eye in the Israeli Supreme Court?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Palisades Palestine Connection

People are noticing the similarities.... they both currently look the same, i.e. totally destroyed and they both start with "Pal" - even though the "Palestine" they refer to is actually called Aza or Gaza - nevertheless there is a connection, just not the one the anti-Semites have grabbed hold of.

Dov bar Leib shows us the  connection between the Mishkan and California - although there are a lot of comments there, just click this link to take you to the actual page, scroll down to see his comments dated 9 January.

I'm going to quote his last sentence:

Both Eretz Yisrael and California have 50th Gates (Golden Gates). Eretz Yisrael has the Golden Gate from the Qidron Valley to the Ezrat HaNashim on the Temple Mount, and San Francisco's Golden Gate is well known and has been used by some in humanity to take the Human race in the wrong direction. Both places have spiritual power to move all of humanity in one direction or the other.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Tenth Day of the Tenth Month

The 10th of Tevet (known as Asarah B'Tevet) is observed as a day of fasting, mourning and repentance. We refrain from food and drink from daybreak to nightfall, and add Selichot (penitential prayers) and other special supplements to our prayers. The fast ends at nightfall (and Kiddush has been said, when this fast occurs on Friday), or as soon as you see three medium-sized stars in the sky.

What does it commemorate? 

Jerusalem Surrounded 

For years, G‑d had sent His prophets to warn Israel about the impending destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple if they didn’t mend their ways. But they derided the holy men as bearers of “false prophecies of doom,” bent on demoralizing the nation. They even went so far as to kill one of the prophets. 

Then it finally happened. On the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tevet, in the year 3336 from Creation (425 BCE), the armies of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem.

Ever patient, G‑d delayed the destruction to give the Jews yet another chance to repent. He repeatedly sent the prophet Jeremiah to admonish His nation, but they foolishly had him imprisoned. Thus, 30 months later, on Tamuz 92 (or 17,3 the very date the walls would be breached when the Second Temple was destroyed), 3338, the city walls were breached, and on 9 Av of that year the Holy Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were exiled. 

Unique among Jewish fasts, 10 Tevet is observed (in a joyful manner) even when it falls on a Friday, though it interferes somewhat with Shabbat preparations.

More plus footnotes: Source