Monday, July 4, 2011

Gimel Tamuz and Why I Blog

Today is Gimel Tamuz, the 17th yarzheit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.   The only reason I continue to blog every day is because of a dream I had back in 2007, where the Lubavitcher Rebbe appeared.  It was the second time I'd dreamt of the Rebbe: the first dream was in 1996 and literally saved my life. And although I am not an official "lubavitcher", I obviously have a very strong connection to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

In 2007 I'd gone to bed thinking about what I should do about a certain situation on the internet, where a non-Jew had a hugely successful website, teaching Torah laced with spiritualism, and in the process duping hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting Jews [me being one of them]...... 

In the dream I was about to light Shabbat candles, and the Rebbe came into the room and lit them for me.  I understood the message that was being sent to me - that once again the Rebbe would take care of the problems I would experience along the way..... and there were many problems - I was stalked, I had death threats, they hired lawyers to sue me...but in the end the blog I made at that time succeeded in shutting down the fake Jewish site - although the author of it has since returned to the web, he is now honest about who and what he is.

So while many people tell me I should "get off the internet", I'm afraid I can't.  This is what I'm meant to be doing, at least until I'm informed otherwise.  And sometimes it's very difficult, and sometimes I want to delete the whole site......and for those who remember, I did delete it last year.... and then had to put it back together :) - but ultimately I know the Rebbe is there in the background, giving me the strength I need to continue..... until Moshiach comes, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later.

More on the Rebbe and Gimel Tamuz at Rucho Shel Mashiach


  1. It's hard to find important things on the internet these days.

    Your blog is a beacon of light in increasingly murky waters.

    Thank you.

  2. As in the past as always I encourage you to keep on keeping on.
    This battle is for absolute truth, the only truth...HaShem's truth.
    The world of sheker and cultism will be exposed.
    The Rebbe is only a light conduit of Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu. May the Almighty encourage you in all things and inspire you to keep the struggle for emet alive until the day of Mashiach.....may we merit to witness it speedily in our day.

    Todah Rabbah Devorah !!!

  3. I count it as a blessing to read many of the things you share. I am glad you are there.

  4. if you are not an official "lubavitcher", then whats the definition of a lubavitcher???

  5. I read your posts every day. Very good information on so many subjects. Thank you.

  6. Shloimie: To me, a Lubavitcher is someone who follows all the directions and customs of Lubavitch, and that is not me. I rediscovered Judaism via Chabad, but never joined up for the entire package, if you can understand that..... I define myself as Jewish, that's all.

  7. And also... the Rebbe doesn't distinguish between "Lubavitchers" and other Jews, or even between Jews and goyim... he helped all kinds of people, no matter what their affiliation was. I even know of a Hindu man who dreamt of the Rebbe, and didn't know who he was until he saw him in a documentary and realised that was the man in his dream.

  8. "..... I define myself as Jewish, that's all."

    Well said, Devorah. With a statement like that, you must be fulfilling a dream :)

    It's refreshing to see other Jews identify with the only description that really matters. We can each have pride in our individual customs without forgetting the fact that we all descend from the same Avot and Imahot.

  9. Thank you for everything Devorah.

    I'm curious as to who this other blogger was; it's possible I may have gone on to his website.


  10. I love your blog - it sits on my Google Chrome tab page whenever I switch on the PC - it's is always there beckoning. There is no other Jewish blog I check as regularly as this one. You're 'special' in this respect and deservedly so - you've obviously been chosen for the role. :-)

  11. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.
    Elliot, it wasn't a blogger, it was a huge website, 22 sites actually.
    Each one was named with a kabbalah/chassidic name.
    You can email me privately if you're desperate to know.

  12. Wow - what a story!

    Is there a post about that second dream if which he appeared? I'd like very much to read it, if it's out there!

    If the Rebbe saved you because you took down a fake on the internet, one that fooled Jews and thus connivingly infused his poison, being on the internet for you is a must! After all, the Rebbe gave you no indication otherwise - only that your presence on it can work great salvation.

  13. That was the second dream.
    The first dream was in 1996.
    I haven't blogged it. Maybe one day, maybe not....

  14. You're a lubavitcher


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