The ninth month, if we count from the death of Sharon, begins on the 11th of Elul 5774. If the nine months are in the Shmittah year, then the nine months themselves will begin in Tevet 5775. Everyone agrees that the nine months b'Din must end during Tishrei' around Yom Kippur (5775 or 5776). If we are already in the nine months, then in the Shmittah year the entire world will be judged BEFORE ben David starts to rule in Motzei Shmittah 5776. Since we are at the end in this Shmittah cycle, those are the only two possible combinations.
Its interesting isn't it? How people have claimed for hundreds of years that THIS is the end times, with the same use of Torah Codes as evidence.. When will we wake up and realize moshiach is more of an idea, and change starts with us.
Didn't rabbinical Jews in Aushwitz also predict from codes/gematria found in Torah/Kabbalah that Moshiach was imminent, and would save them from death?
They did not have computers in those days so they could not have found the codes that Rabbi Glazerson is presenting. But yes we have thought Moshiach would come many times in our history.... but we do not give up hope. As Anonymous says below, it is one of the 13 Principles of our Faith.
Equidistant skip distance Torah codes actually began slightly before the computer age but after the Shoah. The originator of the Torah Codes was Rav Michael DovBear Weissmandel zt"l after he lost his entire family to the ovens. He discovered that the word Torah appears at a 50 letter skip distance from the first Tav in Bereishit and Sh'mot and also at the end of both sefarim with the same 50 letter skip distance. He also discovered that going backwards in BaMidbar and from the fifth pasuk in Devarim, one can also find the word Torah at a 50 letter skip distance, again going backwards spelled Hey, Reish, Vav, Tav in that order, and the same is true at the end of both of those sefarim. Yet, of course, this was AFTER the Shoah when he made this discovery or was this discovery published in his name. Since this was before the computer age, it was a remarkable discovery by a remarkable, special special Jew.
Great Rabbi Akiva(who was even greater than Moshe Rabeinu ) made mistake himself on who was Mashiah , what our generation can say? we only can speculate the dates and use condition on when all jews will do teshuva, and of course then Hashem will send His Mashiah
Sorry, Anonymous, Moshiach is not just an idea. It is one of the 13 principals of faith encumbent on every Jew to believe in his coming. Hundreds of years ago, Jews weren't using the Torah codes as they do today, but our great Sages already knew together with our holy Prophets that he will come, but it was not yet the time. Jews have been yearning millenia for the coming of Moshiach, especially in the horrific periods of our history. One of the reasons that the prophecy of when Moshiach will come was taken away from our father, Jacob, on his deathbed, is that it would have been extremely disillusioning for his sons (the 12 Tribes) to know that the geulah would first take place thousands of years later. Moshiach is for real and when he comes - it will all be in an instant. The purpose for the creation of the world is for the coming of Moshiach when evil will no more exist and the knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth as the waters cover the seabeds.
Anonymous, surely you must realize how ridiculous that sounds, everything changing in an instant? The natural procession of the world doesn't function like that. Ranging from the Baba Sali until now nothing really will change. People try to bring Torah codes as evidence when these "codes" have been debunked along time ago. (If you're not convinced just do a tiny bit of research and use alittle common sense, it's not difficult." Perhaps we should see how petty it is sheltering ourselves inside are homes praying for something that will never come. You want world peace? Get up and get it. Action is what is going to change the world. Blinded by religious dogma and a hurtful ego from thousands of years of torment from nations you want to believe this is true, you want to believe everyone who is anti-semitic will burn in hell or whatever you want, but this is silly. I suggest you do alittle critical thinking on why Moshiach is so important to you and through alittle meditation you will see how mundane your wishes actually are.
The element that many do not understand and could benefit from is that there have been many times in our long history that Moshiach's arrival could have come. We did not merit it. There is, however, an end time. Each generation has had one or so of the 15 signs of the end generation. In our generation, we have all 15. Please read a wonderful book by Rabbi Tauber, shlita.titled, "Days Are Coming." He delves into, with sources of course, the 15 signs as well as the 4 exiles and how they affect us and the times we live in and have lived in. It is exceptional reading and very insightful. There are also two times that one should be aware of :Achisheina and Beita. These two things need to be looked into. too much to get into here, yet they will help to give you the information that you need. Hatzlachoh and Brachos! :)
To Anonymous @7:45 a.m. Leah's answer is correct. Just to add, our Sages tell us that in every generation there is a potential Moshiach (direct desc.of King David) but will come only if we merit his coming. But, as Leah says, there is a 'definite' end date (only H' knows the exact date) but at the end times, HE will hasten it. Now is the 'end times' and H' is hastening it. Would do you well to read the latest on Tomer Devorah's blog.
The Torah Codes are a fraud people. They have been debunked numerous times. Further Reb Glazerson predicted that according to the Codes, Mashiach was coming in 2014 and corresponded with the Mayan mania.
If you notice the words of Rabbi Glazerson, he says we need to do teshuvah in order to merit the geulah. He always says that the "conditions are ripe or favorable" to see Moshiach. He does not say Davka Moshiach tomorrow. There is a huge difference. They have never been debunked. People have debated them. There have been people who have tried to say that peoples of other religions are messiah etc or thinkgs of that nature, yet the codes have never been debunked. An excellent book by Prof Rips and a co-author, whose name escapes me is an excellent book. There are other books, too. Aish HaTorah is a valuable website to look at for authentic works on this subject. Take care,
Sorry I wrote 2014 but I meant 2012. There is no difference between Jews who set dates of redemption and apocalyptic preachers of other religions. Its a dysfunctional escapist mentality which finds it easier to remove itself from the process of tikkun olam than to engage on the deliberate participation of the process.
Jason ; I fully understand the doubts that you have ; let me explain to you something ; Hashem intentionally has given us free will otherwise we would all be angels . Here's an analogy that will enable you to challange yourself on this issue ; just like in this psyical world there are endless innovations that only yesterday we could not comprehend but no doubt they are legitimate so too the same goes for the spiritual ; at this time it makes little sense to you ; so just imagine how at a later date you will feel for rejecting out of hand the Torah Codes based on your gut feeling ; we need to be proficient in any given subject before we can pass judgement . Besides don't you see in Rabbi Glazersons personality that he is an honest type ; he certainly is no fraud .
Jason, you give yourself away by using the liberal 'tikun olam' nonsense. Tikun Olam is used by those who have no knowledge of Torah and the true meaning of Tikun Olam. Jews doing teshuvah will bring Tikun Olam, because by doing teshuvah, it will bring us Moshiach and then the world will at last have reached its perfection.
My name is Joe Monte. To introduce myself, I am with a group of Torah Code analysts, and I'm posting here because we are assembling a group of Rabbis to be involved in a diplomatic matter benefiting Israel. We need to open communications with anyone willing to cooperate, this is a pressing matter.
For the past three years, we have been working with the world's top Torah Code researchers, and what has been discovered. Well, this is literally the most important thing they could discover. They confirmed the identity of Moshiach, and have found over two hundred codes of proof to verify this. We can also confirm he is alive today, and he is preparing to come to Israel.
A couple of things to note, before we move forward, the prophecy of Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman. In the 1700s he said “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Moshiach’ have started.” As I'm sure you know, Russia has indeed just captured Crimea.
I am sure you all are familiar with Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri. He gave a famous prophecy that "Moshiach will appear to Israel after Ariel Sharon’s death.” Of course, Ariel Sharon died earlier this year, on January 11, 2014.
So here's the situation in a nutshell. Two of the most respected Rabbis in history, prophesied that Moshiach would appear NOW. We have over 200 verified and confirmed Torah Codes that tell us THIS IS THE YEAR OF MOSHIACH, and Israel's redemption will begin in the Heshvan 5775. These same Torah Codes tell us who he is, along with intimate identifying details about him.
You all seem to already be familiar with these prophecies. We have the evidence to prove who the Moshiach is. This is why we need to work together. We need a group of Rabbis to help open his path diplomatically to Israel. You can get in contact with me at We will provide the evidence, as well as answer any questions. We ask that you all reply as soon as possible so we can begin opening communications. Have a blessed day
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Rabbi Glazerson, we certainly do appreciate the Work of Torah that you do... Thank you. Words are very encouraging even in the middle of turmoil.
ReplyDeleteThe ninth month, if we count from the death of Sharon, begins on the 11th of Elul 5774. If the nine months are in the Shmittah year, then the nine months themselves will begin in Tevet 5775. Everyone agrees that the nine months b'Din must end during Tishrei' around Yom Kippur (5775 or 5776). If we are already in the nine months, then in the Shmittah year the entire world will be judged BEFORE ben David starts to rule in Motzei Shmittah 5776. Since we are at the end in this Shmittah cycle, those are the only two possible combinations.
ReplyDeletePlease Hashem! Please Hashem! Please!
ReplyDeleteIts interesting isn't it? How people have claimed for hundreds of years that THIS is the end times, with the same use of Torah Codes as evidence.. When will we wake up and realize moshiach is more of an idea, and change starts with us.
ReplyDeleteDidn't rabbinical Jews in Aushwitz also predict from codes/gematria found in Torah/Kabbalah that Moshiach was imminent, and would save them from death?
ReplyDeleteThey did not have computers in those days so they could not have found the codes that Rabbi Glazerson is presenting. But yes we have thought Moshiach would come many times in our history.... but we do not give up hope. As Anonymous says below, it is one of the 13 Principles of our Faith.
DeleteEquidistant skip distance Torah codes actually began slightly before the computer age but after the Shoah. The originator of the Torah Codes was Rav Michael DovBear Weissmandel zt"l after he lost his entire family to the ovens. He discovered that the word Torah appears at a 50 letter skip distance from the first Tav in Bereishit and Sh'mot and also at the end of both sefarim with the same 50 letter skip distance. He also discovered that going backwards in BaMidbar and from the fifth pasuk in Devarim, one can also find the word Torah at a 50 letter skip distance, again going backwards spelled Hey, Reish, Vav, Tav in that order, and the same is true at the end of both of those sefarim. Yet, of course, this was AFTER the Shoah when he made this discovery or was this discovery published in his name. Since this was before the computer age, it was a remarkable discovery by a remarkable, special special Jew.
DeleteGreat Rabbi Akiva(who was even greater than Moshe Rabeinu ) made mistake himself on who was Mashiah , what our generation can say? we only can speculate the dates and use condition on when all jews will do teshuva, and of course then Hashem will send His Mashiah
Sorry, Anonymous, Moshiach is not just an idea. It is one of the 13 principals of faith encumbent on every Jew to believe in his coming. Hundreds of years ago, Jews weren't using the Torah codes as they do today, but our great Sages already knew together with our holy Prophets that he will come, but it was not yet the time. Jews have been yearning millenia for the coming of Moshiach, especially in the horrific periods of our history. One of the reasons that the prophecy of when Moshiach will come was taken away from our father, Jacob, on his deathbed, is that it would have been extremely disillusioning for his sons (the 12 Tribes) to know that the geulah would first take place thousands of years later. Moshiach is for real and when he comes - it will all be in an instant. The purpose for the creation of the world is for the coming of Moshiach when evil will no more exist and the knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth as the waters cover the seabeds.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, surely you must realize how ridiculous that sounds, everything changing in an instant? The natural procession of the world doesn't function like that. Ranging from the Baba Sali until now nothing really will change. People try to bring Torah codes as evidence when these "codes" have been debunked along time ago. (If you're not convinced just do a tiny bit of research and use alittle common sense, it's not difficult." Perhaps we should see how petty it is sheltering ourselves inside are homes praying for something that will never come. You want world peace? Get up and get it. Action is what is going to change the world. Blinded by religious dogma and a hurtful ego from thousands of years of torment from nations you want to believe this is true, you want to believe everyone who is anti-semitic will burn in hell or whatever you want, but this is silly. I suggest you do alittle critical thinking on why Moshiach is so important to you and through alittle meditation you will see how mundane your wishes actually are.
ReplyDeleteThe element that many do not understand and could benefit from is that there have been many times in our long history that Moshiach's arrival could have come. We did not merit it. There is, however, an end time.
ReplyDeleteEach generation has had one or so of the 15 signs of the end generation. In our generation, we have all 15. Please read a wonderful book by Rabbi Tauber, shlita.titled, "Days Are Coming." He delves into, with sources of course, the 15 signs as well as the 4 exiles and how they affect us and the times we live in and have lived in.
It is exceptional reading and very insightful.
There are also two times that one should be aware of :Achisheina and Beita. These two things need to be looked into. too much to get into here, yet they will help to give you the information that you need. Hatzlachoh and Brachos! :)
To Anonymous @7:45 a.m. Leah's answer is correct. Just to add, our Sages tell us that in every generation there is a potential Moshiach (direct desc.of King David) but will come only if we merit his coming. But, as Leah says, there is a 'definite' end date (only H' knows the exact date) but at the end times, HE will hasten it. Now is the 'end times' and H' is hastening it. Would do you well to read the latest on Tomer Devorah's blog.
ReplyDeleteThe Torah Codes are a fraud people. They have been debunked numerous times. Further Reb Glazerson predicted that according to the Codes, Mashiach was coming in 2014 and corresponded with the Mayan mania.
ReplyDeleteIf you notice the words of Rabbi Glazerson, he says we need to do teshuvah in order to merit the geulah. He always says that the "conditions are ripe or favorable" to see Moshiach. He does not say Davka Moshiach tomorrow. There is a huge difference.
DeleteThey have never been debunked. People have debated them. There have been people who have tried to say that peoples of other religions are messiah etc or thinkgs of that nature, yet the codes have never been debunked.
An excellent book by Prof Rips and a co-author, whose name escapes me is an excellent book. There are other books, too. Aish HaTorah is a valuable website to look at for authentic works on this subject.
Take care,
Still a few months of 2014 left though! ;)
ReplyDeleteSorry I wrote 2014 but I meant 2012. There is no difference between Jews who set dates of redemption and apocalyptic preachers of other religions. Its a dysfunctional escapist mentality which finds it easier to remove itself from the process of tikkun olam than to engage on the deliberate participation of the process.
ReplyDeleteI am dreaming of Mashiah too :)
Jason ; I fully understand the doubts that you have ; let me explain to you something ; Hashem intentionally has given us free will otherwise we would all be angels . Here's an analogy that will enable you to challange yourself on this issue ; just like in this psyical world there are endless innovations that only yesterday we could not comprehend but no doubt they are legitimate so too the same goes for the spiritual ; at this time it makes little sense to you ; so just imagine how at a later date you will feel for rejecting out of hand the Torah Codes based on your gut feeling ; we need to be proficient in any given subject before we can pass judgement . Besides don't you see in
ReplyDeleteRabbi Glazersons personality that he is an honest type ; he certainly is no fraud .
Jason, you give yourself away by using the liberal 'tikun olam' nonsense. Tikun Olam is used by those who have no knowledge of Torah and the true meaning of Tikun Olam. Jews doing teshuvah will bring Tikun Olam, because by doing teshuvah, it will bring us Moshiach and then the world will at last have reached its perfection.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Joe Monte. To introduce myself, I am with a group of Torah Code analysts, and I'm posting here because we are assembling a group of Rabbis to be involved in a diplomatic matter benefiting Israel. We need to open communications with anyone willing to cooperate, this is a pressing matter.
ReplyDeleteFor the past three years, we have been working with the world's top Torah Code researchers, and what has been discovered. Well, this is literally the most important thing they could discover. They confirmed the identity of Moshiach, and have found over two hundred codes of proof to verify this. We can also confirm he is alive today, and he is preparing to come to Israel.
A couple of things to note, before we move forward, the prophecy of Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman. In the 1700s he said “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Moshiach’ have started.” As I'm sure you know, Russia has indeed just captured Crimea.
I am sure you all are familiar with Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri. He gave a famous prophecy that "Moshiach will appear to Israel after Ariel Sharon’s death.” Of course, Ariel Sharon died earlier this year, on January 11, 2014.
So here's the situation in a nutshell. Two of the most respected Rabbis in history, prophesied that Moshiach would appear NOW. We have over 200 verified and confirmed Torah Codes that tell us THIS IS THE YEAR OF MOSHIACH, and Israel's redemption will begin in the Heshvan 5775. These same Torah Codes tell us who he is, along with intimate identifying details about him.
You all seem to already be familiar with these prophecies. We have the evidence to prove who the Moshiach is. This is why we need to work together. We need a group of Rabbis to help open his path diplomatically to Israel. You can get in contact with me at We will provide the evidence, as well as answer any questions. We ask that you all reply as soon as possible so we can begin opening communications. Have a blessed day
Waiting for Moshiach concept contradicts Hillel saying: When, if not now? (Pirkei Avoth, Mishna 14)