Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sydney's Double Rainbow

This  double rainbow could be seen all over the city:

More photos:  here


  1. Oh my, that's not too good. What do you make of it?

    1. I don't know what to make of it, but right now it seems to be Melbourne that is getting nervous: Security Plan Escalated in Melbourne

  2. All over the world there are reports of the rare double rainbow in greater frequency.

  3. Looks pretty though, huh? If it's a portender of doom, why does it look so wondrously good?

    1. Good question. Here's a different take on its meaning: ''Rainbows serve as a reminder how Gd in his mercy protects us even though we may be underserving. It's a sign that we must never give up no matter how difficult the challenge.'' Source: local rabbi's Facebook page

  4. Anonymous, what you wrote pertains only to the Land of Israel, "Ha"aretz! AND we always write Elo-kim, not with the H, as Hei.

  5. Neshama: I deleted that comment, thanks for pointing it out.

  6. I saw a spectacular double rainbow in Riverdale (the Bronx, NY) a few years ago. It made the front page on the local newspaper.

  7. I saw a rainbow that made a full circle over the Temple Mount during Chanukah 5766 less than one week before Ariel Sharon had his debilitating stroke. We were driving south through the Adam traffic circle, and there was a brilliant Rainbow over the Temple Mount in the shape of a full circle.


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