Thursday, June 4, 2015

Schadenfreude and Jealousy

Schadenfreude is pleasure at someone else's misfortune. This week's question comes from a viewer who is unemployed and jealous of people who have jobs. Rabbi Simon Jacobson addresses the underlying issues -- schadenfreude. Learn how to cope if you are experiencing bitterness as a result of jealousy.



  1. The answer to jealousy or envy is gratitude. Gratitude is the praising of G-d, which is our last tikkun. This jealousy/envy trial came upon the earth to push us to gratitude and the praise of Hashem.

  2. Trying for 3rd time.
    Thanks for posting Rabbi Simom Jacobsons' lecture.
    He explains in a simple and sweet way.

    Shabbat Shalom.


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