Thursday, August 6, 2015

''Israel Stands Alone''

The AR"I is cited as saying: "Gog u'Magog has the numerical value of seventy, corresponding to the seventy nations, because Gog and Magog will then rule over seventy nations, and they will all come together against Israel.

The AR"I emphasizes another aspect that is also embedded in the verses of the prophecy and the Haftarah, that of a universal war against Am Yisrael.

.... afterwards will come the definite redemption. [Likutei Torah, Parshat Shemot. Cited in Be'er Moshe by the Ozrover Rebbe]   Source


  1. BS"D

    "The 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 70) is scheduled to open at UN Headquarters on Tuesday, 15 September 2015." -2nd day of Rosh Hashanah 5776.

    Then on Sep. 24th he is scheduled to make an unprecedented address to the US Congress at the Capitol in Washington D.C. (formerly known as Rome, Maryland). - motzei Yom Kippur.

    His name is pope Francis Jorge Mario BerGOGlio.

    1. Wow very interesting.
      re the pope: I know his name is spelt Bergoglio, but the Italian pronunciation is Bergolyo, the second G is silent. So if written as actually pronounced, the Hebrew would not spell Gog.

    2. But actually his first name would also fall into the ''gog'' category, like G. Bush.

  2. B"H

    A perfect setup?

    Many of us on the blogosphere are aware of the significance of the Persia/Edom drama as a major and final precursor of the unfolding of the Messianic process. The Gemarra in Yoma 10a goes so far as to say Ben David (Moshiach) is essentially waiting for Paras (Iran) to fall into the hands of the Wicked Romi (...)

    If the assertions about BHO being a muslim are correct then which side would he be really on Shi'ite (Iran) or Sunni (Arab). We know he is the biggest deception ... ties to muslim brotherhood perhaps places him with the Sunnis..? If that's the case what if this Iran deal is the biggest sham and cover for Rome's plans to attack Iran from day 1? The Arabs are arguably even more threatened by Shi'ite Iranian expansion than Israel yet the US admin under Obama (Gematria 502 Edom/Yishmael) has deliberately painted Israel into the isolated corner of being the lone opposers to Iran and potential instigators to a war. The whole world is seeing this narrative. How convenient to frame Israel as the catalyst while Saudia Arabia friends laugh on...

    We must remember Hashem makes the plans and the ultimate implementation for He gave is the script.

    The question is, are these enemies so sinister to go along with that line of reasoning to suit their agendas? Now that's and End of Days attempt at the final solution...B'Ezrat Hashem their own end will be finalized instead.

    - End of Days

    1. A senior Iranian official on Wednesday warned of an impending “third world war” that will be sparked by terrorists, according to regional reports.
      Rafsanjani blamed the United States and NATO for fostering the conditions that will lead to World War III.
      See Iran Warns of Third World War

  3. B"H

    From a comment - voice in the wilderness at Tomer Devorah blog:

    Obama: If Congress kills Iran deal, rockets will fall on Tel Aviv
    Without nuclear pact, president warns US Jews, America will be forced to attack Iran — and Israel will bear the brunt of the response

    - End of Days

  4. Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Jew-hating Roman historian who lived from year 56 CE (approximately) to year 120 CE said:

    “Much of Judea is thickly studded with villages, and the Jews have towns as well.
    Their capital is Jerusalem. Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

    The Western World (page 141) by Pearson Custom Publishing, year 2009 CE


    {1} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jews trace their historical origins to the Land of Israel.

    {2} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jerusalem is the historical capital of the Jewish state.

    {3} Muslims are LYING when they deny that the Jewish Temple existed in Jerusalem.

    {4} Notice that Tacticus mentioned “Judea” NOT ‘Palestine”.

  5. Michael B. Oren said:

    “The dangers became apparent in September 2000 as a Black Hawk helicopter transported me and my combat gear across the West Bank. The previous night, I looked out from our Jerusalem balcony and saw crimson fireworks bursting over the West Bank. Arafat had recently met with President Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak at Camp David and turned down their offer of Palestinian statehood in Gaza, virtually all of the West Bank, and half of Jerusalem.

    The Palestinians were now celebrating the failure of peace.”

    SOURCE: Ally (page 35) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

  6. Michael B. Oren said:

    “Negotiating with a representative of the Libyan pirates in [year] 1786, Thomas Jefferson was told that the Quran commanded the destruction of all non-believers, Americans included.”

    SOURCE: Ally (page 41) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York


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