Thursday, October 8, 2015


The pasuk [Genesis 2:20] tells us that Adam gave names to all the creatures. Chazal tell us that this was a great Chochma on his part. Rav Yehonoson Eibushitz asks, why was this such a great accomplishment?

He answers that for each animal, Adam linked, with his deep insight, each animal's characteristics to its parallel in the heavenly court. Just like there is an "Ari" and "Shor" in the Merkava, he was able to spot the traits of a lion and ox and understand the connection.

However when it came to his own name, he did not link it to something heavenly. He called himself Adam as in Adama, the lowly earth. This showed Adam's great modesty. He wanted to remind himself of his lowly makeup and always remain humble.

However, says Rav Yehonoson Eibushitz, the name Adam is in fact a very exalted name. Adam is from the word, "Adameh L'Elyon" - I am compared to the elevated. A person is created B'Tzelem Elokim and is compared to Hashem Himself, and not just the Merkava. 

Furthermore he adds, that the comparison to Adama, the earth, is also very distinguished. Just like the earth never disintegrates and remains forever, similarly a person's neshama, his Chelek Elokai MiMa'al is also Nitzchi - eternal.


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