Sunday, April 3, 2016

How Do We Know Moshiach Is Coming Soon

From the recent lecture in Ramat Bet Shemesh Gimel, Rabbi Alon Anava speaks - a two part video. 

How do we really know Mashiach is coming soon? We've being hearing that Mashiach is coming for the last 2000 years, why should He come now?? Watch this video to see the sources from the Zohar and more reveal the time has come and Mashiach is coming VERY SOON!!


  1. I wish someone could transcribe this lecture.

    Rabbi Alon Anava is an amazing speaker!

  2. From Rabbi Anava's FB page: ''NEW YORK pay attention. Rabbi Alon Anava is coming to NY for a one of a kind lecture you DO NOT want to miss!!!!!
    All you need to know about this coming of Mashiach and how to survive it!!!!''

  3. Just being aware of the date we are living in 5776 and how many years there are until the year 6000 (224), including the time period for the ingathering, and the time period for techias haMeisim one can realize we are very close indeed.

  4. I meet the Rabbi personally and he is really nice, he was talking about his NDE.. Their will be shiruim ones a month in Rananna for woman only if you live there and are interested, please let know... Shavuah Tov..

  5. This talk is earth-shaking truth, presented so clearly, for all of us. Thank you so much for posting it! I shared with friends, so it will bless other people, too. You don't really know how far it can go!

  6. Amazing video. going into the klipa makes alot of sense


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