Monday, July 4, 2016

R' Mendel Kessin, 21st Century #4 - Trump, Putin, & Mashiach [and Brexit]

To see Parts 1-3 click on the KESSIN label below.


  1. Hi Devorah. Always download Rabbi Kessin. He is the best. I have been listening to his shiurim that you've been posting and have been passing them to my best friend and others.
    Thank you!!!

  2. Yes I love his shiurim too, but I wish someone would tell him about Nibiru. I'd love to hear his thoughts.

  3. I was thinking the same as I watched this video. I wonder what he would say?

  4. Wow, excellent. Eagerly awaiting shiur #5!

  5. can someone find the part where he explicity says Trump will be the next President


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