Monday, July 11, 2016

R' Mendel Kessin - The World Today #5 - Mashiach is very close

To watch previous parts 1-4 click on the KESSIN lable below.


  1. Thank you thank you thank you Devorah. Forwarding to my friend and going to listen now!

  2. I haven't heard it yet, will listen asap.

  3. Gevaldig! I love how he brings in the elements of rashaim with regards to Hillary Clinton and Obama and Biden and all the evil ilk. He is very direct about it, too.
    He will have another shiur, Bezrat Hashem, yet we have to wait two whole weeks!!! Aggghhhh. I wait for Sunday night and send your website link to my friend. She and I listen and then talk on it.
    Things are rapidly changing in this world. No joke- minute by minute. No exaggeration.
    Thank you for putting out all that you disseminate, Devorah.

  4. The Lubavitcher Rebbe also said that WW2 was Gog u Magog.

  5. is there any way to view Rabbi Kessin's shiurim without going via utube, as my filter blocks all utubes? thank you

  6. There is this site: - It transfers videos to MP3 files
    Just beware of the pop-up ads and windows there, although it does work well in spite of these annoyances. Hope this helps you.


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