Sunday, July 24, 2016

Red Moon Anyone ?

Keep an eye on the moon tonight, it was red in some parts of the world for the night of 18 Tammuz.

This photo was uploaded to Facebook by Luana:

and here is a link to a photo of it on Flickr:  ''I have never seen a redder moon rise"


  1. Speaking of the moon, i’ve seen the strangest and don’t know what to make of it. For several weeks between 9 and 11 pm facing SOUTH there was the moon sitting in position with about 3 other stars that seemed to form a square bucket shape with one star a bit higher like a handle. Then one night I couldn’t find the moon. Maybe clouds, couldn’t see any, maybe overcast sky – but I could still see the stars, but no moon. Then just a few nights ago, there was the moon, but this time it was in the EASTern sky, big and bright. In all these weeks I never saw a partial moon.

    Now, the sun shines its reflection on the moon and that’s how we see it. Last year the sun was very visible during the day in the SOUTHern sky and blazing into my enclosed porch, which faces south. NOW the sun is moving overhead (which means farther north in a southern sky and not blazing into my porch, somewhat shining but not blazing.

    If one pays attention to rising and setting, both the Sun and the Moon, one could see how there are changes to our millennial sightings. I have noticed it and found it wondrous (not awesome, not worrisome, not fascinating) and leaving me with many questions. Ever since this Nibiru ’stuff’ has been circulating, I have been noticing whatever I can. There is certainly something moving about out atmosphere. So, a red moon is not unusual to me. It could be a reflection of a RED NIBIRU, a reflection of the Sun through the visiting planetary system’s iron gases. This is open to backyard research.

    But keep the photos coming.

  2. The earth has been tilting in different directions, and I think this is why we are seeing the sunrises in slightly different positions, not the normal for the time of the year. Here are a couple of good Youtube channels, I think, for some overall information as to what is going on. More scary is this psycho CERN who admit they really don't know what will be the outcome of their experiment.

  3. I can confirm,that i observe that phenomenon already a week. Even on erev Shabat my guests noted that they never saw this kind of moon. You can see it right after down till it goes up, then it becomes 'normal' again. I also took some pics and we are in Jerusalem.


  4. Thanks Chana. It seems obvious to me anyway that it is the red planet near the sun which is making the moon red as the sun goes down and the moon rises. I wonder why there is nothing on the internet about it... ?


  6. The moon appeared red from London (England) over Shabbat.

  7. Cannot understand why no-one is talking about this. Where are the news reports? I would think this is a major headline and yet - nothing. Are people not seeing it?


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