Monday, July 25, 2016

Spiritual forces behind Trump's opposition & The Light Of Redemption

Rabbi Mendel Kessin - the sixth shiur in the ''current events'' series.

''What does the Ribbono shel Olam [Master of the World] have to do to bring the Moshiach?  He will not bring a Moshiach before He prepares mankind in order to receive Him.....'' Hashem has to prepare the people so they won't be destroyed when Moshiach comes.''

To see previous lectures by Rabbi Kessin, click on the KESSIN label below


  1. All I can say is WOW!!!!! Can't wait til next week's shiur.

  2. You beat me to it by 10 seconds. I was just about to write WoW ! Can't wait for next week.

  3. Thank you SO very much for posting these shiurim !

  4. My speakers work and I can hear other online stuff without a probably but can hardly hear what Rabbi Kessin says on this video even though I put the volume and speakers up to the loudest. Same problem with when going directly to YouTube. I don't have this issues with his other shiurim though. Any suggestion?

  5. I don't really know what to say to that, as none of us had a problem hearing it. Maybe leave a comment on the You Tube video.

  6. Deborah, thank you for your wonderful posts.I especially enjoyed these videos. I am a gentile from the United States. My uncles fought in WWII and one of them helped liberate a concentration camp. Americans my age love Israel and the Jews. I do not understand the hearts of our current leaders, they love the cruel and so are cruel to those who are kind.

    Rabbi Kassin's lectures bring me hope that Hashem might remember America and turn the hearts of our leaders back to Him and His ways. I found a book by a man named Catriel Sugarman called The Falconi Effect that portrayed the nations returning to Hashem and accepting the Sheva Mitzvot and receiving the Moshiach in peace. I pray this may come to pass. One certain thing I know, the Jews are Hashem's Chosen and His Children. The quickest way I know for a nation to destroy itself is for that nation to dare to bully or harm Am Yisrael. May Hashem forgive us for what our leaders have done and may He send us better leaders who know the G-d of Israel.

  7. for me too the video audio comes from one ear but is clear! Rab Kessin is amazing..shavua tov :)


  8. These shiurim are absolutely changing my life!Incredible and beautiful. Thank you for them.

  9. Aggggghhhhh...I have to wait5 more days to hear the next installment. He makes us wait in suspense!😉

  10. Every Jew should hear R Kessin's description of our job as Jews. Truly life-changing. Thanks so much for posting!

  11. What happened to the latest shiur that was supposed to have taken place motzai Shabbos ?

  12. Not up on the internet yet. Will post it ASAP.


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