Sunday, October 23, 2016

Torah Codes: ''Trump Will Be Elected''

Here are some new codes from Rabbi Glazerson which show that Donald Trump will be elected President.

Of course we have also seen codes that say President Hillary.

And we know that the name of Donald Trump has the same gematria as ''Moshiach ben David'' and we know that the name Hillary Rodham Clinton has an extremely unique gematria equalling the phrase ''a time of terrible distress'' which may well hint to her time as leader of America.

And we also have the widespread conspiracy theory that there will be no elections at all.

Anyway, here is the video of the latest Trump Codes.


  1. Polls are currently showing Hillary in a big lead. Sadly, Trump has a very small chance of winning.

  2. Foolish to believe the polls. ANY polls for that matter. Trump has a very huge chance of winning....leave it to Hashem who will lay on the hearts of the voters once they have the privacy of the voting booth.

  3. Devorah, this news just now on Canada's leading newspaper. CBC:

    if you think its worthy to put on your blog do, it surprised me..
    Nothing should surprise us now.. but i did.


    1. Which story? The link just went to a general news website.

  4. Don't know about the polls but i've see several videos of rampant cheating already...not likely that trump will win sadly.

  5. People assumed that the UK would remain in the EU especially with all the overwhelming propaganda and even resorting to a false flag killing a pro-hamas MP by the pro-remain establishment, despite all those efforts and the fact it is still early days the UK ended up choosing to leave.

    Those who voted to Leave expressed similar concerns about vote rigging though decided that regardless of the result, they would leave it in the hands of Heaven and however futile it seemed at the time in a case of tranquil fury wanted to at least doggedly express their utter contempt towards a sell-out establishment that to sought to dissolve the people they rule over and elect another (aka Yishmaelim).

    Would be great to see Americans express the same level of stubbornness.

  6. Videos of cheating before the voting has begun?

    The conspiracy theories presented here are right up there with the false moon landing and Cookie Monster shooting JFK.

  7. Avi, you're the conspiracy theorist by not acknowledging what's really going on in today's corrupt societies.

  8. Didn't these Torah Codes also show repeatedly that Mashiach would come in 5776?


  9. Yes they did Ed, and I'm pretty sure the Codes would say Moshiach could come EVERY year because theoretically He could, if we all did Teshuva.

  10. We don't need Torah Codes to tell us that. Chazal said it long ago. Every time one of these predictions is posted on a blog and doesn't come true it causes a big Chillul Hashem because it leads people who don't know better to think that the Torah C'V is false.


  11. Yes it's a concern, I wonder what Rabbi Glazerson would say about that.... I might email him and ask him.

  12. But we know that the Codes are not to be used for predictions, they are looked at in hindsight. Anyone using them to predict will not like the result, as they were not put there for us to know the future, they exist because the Torah contains every event.

  13. Yes, and that's precisely why they should never be used in a public forum with a future event, only with the past. Once Mashiach comes, we can look back and see exactly where it was predicted in the Torah.


  14. If Moshiach does/did not come, then we haven't done enough teshuva. It's taken all this time, generations even, to do the teshuva that we have done, and it's still not enough? Perhaps Moshiach lives forever then.


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