Thursday, October 6, 2016

Is Moshiach Really Coming Soon?

Here is the latest Rabbi Anava video recorded on the Kavanah Show.


  1. Rabbi Anava is not saying that it is coming soon. He is simply saying that it will come at some point sooner or later. It can arrive in 200 years from now or in 700 years from now. No one knows the date.

  2. coming not coming enough!!! no one knows!! all this speculations and hopes are making jews to not focus on their real duty. if he comes, good baruch haba!! if not, so.. good too bcs H' wants it that way! the funny thing is that no one speaks what really mashiach will do, who will join him and how world will look like...but well i guess we need to believe in the coming of mashiach, yes, but as i learnt to do, inside my heart and not loose my focus in life.

    1. Shuy, you are right a thousand percent. We're losing focus. That's why in the true chareidi world you won't have any of this going on. Yidden always believed that moshiach may come any minute of any day. These speculations are truly driving me insane. I'm neglecting my business, I've neglected buying a house for my oversized family,..... I'm neglecting using my Gd given talents all over the place, always thinking that it's a waste of time cuz moshiach will be here by the time I finish this or that project. It borders on insanity and I feel like I cannot help myself cuz deep down I do beleive that we are very very close just by looking at current events.

      So now what?


  3. Anonymous: If you look at the title of his book "Mashiach is coming, are you ready ?", then it cannot be in 200 or 700 years from now, unless you intend to live that long. Anyway, by refering to Moshiach with the pronoun "it", we can understand on which side you are.

  4. Anonymous: If you look at the title of his book "Mashiach is coming, are you ready ?", then it cannot be in 200 or 700 years from now, unless you intend to live that long. Anyway, by refering to Moshiach with the pronoun "it", we can understand on which side you are.

  5. To both commenters above. Moshiach WILL come but no one knows except H', exactly when. To the commenter Anon. @ 4:21 pm, Moshiach will not come in 700 years as he must come in this millenium! He will come, as our Sages tell us, when we least expect it. We are now in the 'b'itah' time and H' has promised that HE will then hasten it. World events are moving faster by the day and all indicators are that it will be sooner than later. The Chofetz Chaim, z't'l, predicted about all three WW's are considered as one, but just broken apart and he gave the exact number of years from the first to the second and now to the third. It will likely be soon; we just pray it be b'rachamim. This time 'Olam Chesed Yibaneh', thus, hopefully, it will be with great mercy for the bnai Yisrael and the righteous of the world. Woefully, most Jews are not aware of Moshiach, and have no idea of what basic Yahadut is about, and even if they do not do teshuvah (they have no idea of what that word means), H' has promised us Moshiach, whether we are deserving or not. Would suggest 'all' Jews try to do teshuvah to their capacity of knowledge and understanding.

  6. Anonymous above - Rabbi Anava IS saying Moshiach is coming soon. His whole book of sources is to prove that. He's not giving a date but says he is late already and therefore expecting him any day is really accurate! He has stated many times in his lectures how the world has only a certain number of years until resurrection has to occur and we need an era of Moshiach first! Even if he comes tomorrow, it will be a short era! All that is just configuring the years. Adding in the signs that are taking place everywhere - that really shows how it is imminent now. The period of us deserving moshiach to come early has passed. Now, Hashem will bring moshiach because time is up.

  7. how did those comments get posted on october 7th? i'm in israel, its 10;30pm, October 6th. looks like moshiach himself is posting here for tomorrow's news.

  8. Hi Deb, in Australia it's already the 7th, we are 8 hours ahead of Israel, unless you have already wound back your clocks, in which case we are 9 hours ahead. The Lubavitcher Rebbe did say that Moshiach would come first to Australia - not even sure if he was joking when he said it :)

  9. aha... lol... well, we are ready and waiting in Israel. keep us posted :) shana tova & love your website/blog

  10. I heard Rabbi Anava say in one of his recent shiurim that he saw himself when Mashiach arrived during his life after death experience and he said he only had a little bit of grey in his beard like he already has now. In earlier shiurim he talked about how he saw himself married and his children so when he met his wife and had his kids, he already new who she was and what they would each be. So that would seem to lend credence to his idea that he would see Mashiach and still be a fairly young person. He really is looking for him any day now and he means it when he says he is "overdue".

  11. true, true Anonymous.... and IF the Lubavitcher Rebbe said Moshiach was coming to Australia first that kind of makes sense too...Rabbi Anava's mother is Australian...maybe he was born there :) put two and two together and you get...wait, i'm really bad at math..never mind.

  12. Yes, and Rabbi Anava's uncle is married to my cousin.

  13. that's cool, can you imagine the yichus you got cookin' there?! lol... I'd say you're IN.
    Rabbi Anava was at our home last Thursday for a shiur... that's all I got. You win! :)

  14. No I think you win, because you're right there with the action :) I've never met him. One day.

  15. aliyah, Devorah! nu...yallah! we have front row tickets over here, you don't want to miss a thing! layla tov & shabbat shalom from Ramat Beit Shemesh :)

  16. I am just afraid that Moshiach won't come in this generation. I heard it's only a machlokes if Moshiach must be here before 6000. That means it can come in 223 years from now, at the last moment, if it that shita is true. It's difficult to even think o Moshiach knowing that he hasn't come for the past 5777 years and very hard to believe he will come this year. I hope Hashem will have mercy on the world and on Klal Yisrael in this year, 5777. I am afraid to think what will be i Klal Yisrael has to wait another 223 years. :(

  17. No way, we are the final generation. Just have faith, it will all work out fine.

    1. I agree! Mashiach is here!! He is just waiting to reveal himself!! Am isroel chai!!!!

  18. Does anybody know if it is written in any Sefer of the chofetz Chaim, regarding the statement above about the three world wars? I've been hearing this for a couple of years now, but the skeptics around me want a more concrete source than word of mouth. Anybody?


  19. Where did you hear that we are the final generation? and how long is a generation? A generation can be for 80 years and may have just started within the past few years. I am just very frightened. I cry every night from the heart with tikkun chatzos over this bitter galus. I am so worried we won't have Moshiach soon.

  20. Don't know of any source for it. According to what Rabbi Anava said that the Chofetz Chaim said, Moshiach must come by 2016/2017 and sadly, I am not feeling so optimistic about it. Everything in the world seems to be the same status lately with no new signs of Moshiach being close. Hashem, have mercy on us and please don't let us wait another 223 years :(

  21. All the gedolim have said we are the final generation. How long is a generation? I don't know, but we are the final one. All the signs are here.

  22. Nibiru means ''the planet of the crossing''.

  23. What gedolim have said that we are the final generation?? I only recall Rav Kanievsky saying that we are living in a special time for Moshiach, but he never said it must come in this generation. What signs are here pointing to Moshiach being so close?

  24. What is wrong with all of you? No emunah and bitachon in H' and His emissaries who are the G'dolim who 'all' say that we are in the last generation! The Lubavitcher Rebbe also said it. More than anything, we have all the 'signs' of what our great Sages tell us, including now a star, which many think might be the kochav Yaakov. More than that, we have reached mincha gedola on the Cosmic clock and we are almost there. Geula is a process which started quite a while back and now we are in the b'itah time and it must be, but we don't know the exact time. Only H' knows! We are also told that when we are in such dispair and are at the point that we no longer believe he will come is just when we can expect Moshiach. Emunah, Emunah and Emunah! We are the lowest generation and only because it is in its time and we are standing on the shoulders of all the previous generations that we will merit Moshiach's coming!

  25. If the world were to wait another 200+ years for moshiach he will have nobody to come for ch'v'. The world is getting swollen with immorality and crimes on humanity. I fear for the next generation should moshiach not be here. HaShem would never do that to us! I fiercely beleive that this world cannot go in much longer!


  26. shalom judi. u need to stop neglecting urself to buy, to do, to dream!! not bcs mashiach is coming today it means is the end of the world. the world will contune the same as it is, just with a bit difference,that mashiach will open our eyes and hearts and will teach us how to comunicate to H'. just imagine the joy u'll feel when mashiach teach u how 'wrong' we were praying to Hashem and just a 'x' letter was missing to reach to Him. im not saying that we are doing its wrong now, but it goes much deeper and very clear and thats how we can change the world. new wisdom, new focus, new eyes to change this world. so whatever u want to do and ur heart is telling to do, so DO IT!! not stam shoes NIKE say it: JUST DO IT!!!!gut shabbes!!

  27. we must strengthen our own emunah and instill in our children strong emunah that although we wait for mashiach every moment, he will come when he comes. if he doesn't come in our lifetime then we better have instilled in our children the faith in his arrival, that if not in their generation then the one after that. a person can fall chas v'shalom, if the timeline they have in their head doesn't come to pass.

    "mashiach NOW" of course, but also the faith to deal with the fact that things have not went according to our demands and/or clever dot-connecting. people have abandoned yiddishkeit because of this.


    i also know a survivor who lost her entire family in the holocaust. she was SURE mashiach was coming immediately. today, at 90+ years old, she said that it was only emunah that got her through. she just got through one day at a time where "if he tarries, i will wait for him."

  28. i've been a big promoter of achdut & moshiach, and i have tried to convince others around me that achdut is necessary to bring moshiach but its a tough crowd out there. many cannot bring themselves to accept all our brothers & sisters and even more think the idea of Moshiach is a nice concept, sadly. frankly, i feel beaten & worn, and I blame our Rabbis & leaders. other then chabad, what leaders have been actively out there promoting achdut? what leaders have been actively getting our people prepared or excited about Moshiach? my husband knows, personally MANY Rabbaim here in Israel, and he has taken me to them all...BH, they're very holy and righteous but what have they personally done to bridge achdus? nothing. ZILCH. Then you have Rabbis that seemingly promote achdus and accepting of all, loving each other....but some of their behavior is one of selfishness and self promoting. And if our Rabbis, dont GET IT, where does that leave the rest of us?? what a shame. H' (and interesting, I have only seen that way of writing Hashem on Rabbi Anava's page) must be very disappointed in us. I am embarrassed for us. I saw Rabbi Anava last week, his beard has much more gray in it now than when he stated that, on a video of his, so its hard for me to believe its happening any time soon ;) And as for his book, he better get some haskamas in it if he wants it to be accepted. This is a tough audience, the Jewish people... May Hashem have mercy on us all, and may we ONE DAY be zochai to witness the coming of Moshiach! Gamar Chatimah tova!

  29. The only wisdom is Torah wisdom. When Moshiach is already here, he will then teach us the secrets, Torah Nistar, the Hidden Torah. Just believe in Torah wisdom (because it is literally from H', our Creator) and keep up the Emunah and when we least expect Moshiach is when he will come, just as our great Sages tell us! Also, H' is giving us a chance to do teshuva and achdus, but in the end it won't matter if we can't unite most of our people because in its time, Moshiach has to come any which way. As far as rabbis are concerned our Sages tell us most are of the Erev Rav at these end times together with the leadership. Each Jew has to choose which side he is on because it will be part of the cleansing process. Choose wisely and rely only on H'.


  30. Mashiach is already here. We expect him at any time, so how can he come when we least expect, when we are always expecting? Maybe better to say he is who is least expected. How many people see that he is good and kind, but think on it no further. Relatives may not know if only Eliyahu is given the information.

    How many will believe Eliyahu? Expect the unexpected person. Shmuel didn't expect that it was going to be one who was in the field.

  31. Shuy, thanks for your chizuk..... Buying a house? Building a business? Sweating the gashmius if it's almost over? I feel like it maybe an utter waste of time! I live in NY. Won't moshiach take us all to EY as we've been promised. So why be busy building a house now?? I kniw that these aren't thoughts that H' wants of me but I still find it hard....


  32. judi shalom. i understand ur point of view. is not easy and might be confused. but rem that we all have hasgacha pratit and all our lifes we dedicade to H'.cant tell u moshiach will come today(beH') or in 200 years(also good)...but what can i tell u is that u r not living ur life, u r not exploring all ur potential and not being happy, u and me and all of us are scared that mashiach will come and we gona loose everything... and its wrong! why u think H' made, that almost everyone in the world have an smartphone with camera and computers and such a huge network etc? so when the end comes ppl will film it all his glory will be spread quickly and much easier the world wil know about Hashem and AM ISRAEL. my point is, let it flow, let H' be in ur life. do ur things, live ur life, once u r connected to Hashem, he will lead u to the best. flow with the boss and lets do our part to bring mashiach in the right time for everyone! gmar chatima tovah!!

  33. Has anyone considered the logistics of how Mashiach is supposed to get to Israel? Is it assumed that he'll have tons of money? What if this is not the case?


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