Friday, October 21, 2016

Russians Mobilizing.....

On the yarzheit of the Vilna Gaon........

''When the Russians mobilize their fleet towards Jerusalem - GET READY FOR MASHIACH!!'' - Vilna Gaon

Quoting Rabbi Alon Anava : 

Rabbi Dov Eliach the author of the book 'Hagaon' [Chapter 2 page 765/60] says that the students of the Rebbe from Brisk confirm the Vilna Gaon said it. Also Rabbi Aryeh Levin confirmed he heard directly from Rabbi Chaim Berlin who heard it directly from Rabbi Yitzchak Itzkovitch of Volozhin who heard it directly from the Vilna Gaon.


  1. So interesting that it's the yahrzeit of the Vila gain!!!
    Hashgacha pratis is so visible in each aspect of this unfolding geulah. bezras Hashem may it be b'rachamim rabbim and may we all be brought Home permanently with HKBH.
    Thank you for you blog (small words for huge feeling of gratitude-may Hashem repay you for your tremendous chessed to all of us readers who gain chizzuk from your writing)
    Chag sameach.
    bezras Hashem may we meet soon in rebuilt yerushalayim

  2. Thank you MF.

    Also see:


  4. This is childish once again. This "news" has not been on any mainstream websites and I don't see any valid reason to get excited about moshiach coming because of this news. When I see it on the headlines of cnn or nbcnews, then I'll believe things are really happening with russia and the world.

  5. The website clearly says that the ships are headed towards syria, NOT JERUSALEM.

    1. On the map Syria and Israel are not quite so far away.....the Russians are mobilized towards Israel

      Even if this is speculation- or wishful thinking, we should await moshiach every day.
      So feel free to get excited and be excited- the news is just "icing on the cake" of what the Nevim and tzaddikim have said.
      Moshiach is coming. bezras Hashem it should be soon and b'rachamim rabbim.
      Be excited and more importantly prepare. We need to keep our focus on what matters in the world and try to help others do the same.
      Hatzlacha rabbah!!!
      And chag sameach

  6. My understanding is ''towards'' Jerusalem, meaning in the direction of, not necessarily TO Jerusalem. And of course it is speculation but nevertheless it is blog-worthy.


    For the reader who wanted cnn confirmation

  8. to Anon @ 1:43 pm - you show your naive thinking by citing cnn and nbc (notorious for their leftism) but mostly by stating this news is not being put out by the mainstream media which proves how naive you are when most already know that the real news is hidden from the public and all you get is gibberish and nonsense and lots of distortions from msm 'news'.

  9. Just let him come, already!
    We don't want to wait any longer.

  10. Yavoh HaMashiach Yavoh. . .
    May Moshiach come swiftly on the "Wings of Eagles" - NOW!

    Devorah, you just keep up your spirited blogging - no matter what.

    I await Moshiach each day - all day long, and when the last rays of the sun has set in the Southern Hemisphere I do not despair.Aderabeh-On-the-contrary.I know that the sun has risen over Jerusalem. And so I continue to await and to long for the day when the full splendour and the glory of Hashem will be revealed to all of mankind... In peace and in brotherhood, as in the times of Shlomo HaMelech, king Solomon.

  11. Shame on some of your readers, they really think that mainstream media gives you honest reporting? Just witness the fiasco of the media and the female aspirant to the White House.

  12. Whomever originated this story will have lots to explain when nothing happens on Hoshana Rabba. Where is the accountability? I would love to see that Vilna Gain inside. I am not certain he gave such clear details.


  13. That's very dramatic anon @ 7.27. The fact is that the Vilna Gaon did say it, the people who are named in the blog post as hearing it personally are all note-worthy rabbis, and so I believe it.
    It is also a fact that the Russians are sending ships towards Jerusalem.
    As a Geula Blogger I find this a relevant subject to blog. Whether or not it means the 3 minute war on Hoshana Raba is anyone's guess. Nevertheless, I blog it, because that is what this blog is, and that is why people read it.
    We have all been disappointed many times before, and we have all continued on, because that is what we do. We continue to believe that Moshiach is imminent, and I will continue to blog relevant happenings in the world that tie in with the predictions of our Gedolim.


  15. Will there still be suffering when moshiach comes? Will there be people suffering with cancer (Jews and non-jews)? Will people still suffer from depression? will there still be people missing limbs and body parts from terrorist attacks and other types of suffering? Will there still be car accidents and injuries?

  16. To Anooymours @10.22 a.m

    To all your questions, from what I have read on blogs, there will be no more suffering of any-kind, and all will be well.. but only after all the wicked have been elimin

    Hashem bless all.


  17. What did you mean only after all the wicked have been eliminated? After Moshiach comes, we will still have to wait for yeshuos? How will there be no more suffering? All those people missing limbs and in wheelchairs will suddenly grow their limbs and bones back back miraculously?

  18. To Anonymous @ 10:49 am - After Moshiach comes, we don't know if it will be immediate, but, of course, we are told by Chazal that those without limbs will have their limbs and those who cannot see will see, those who cannot walk will walk, those who cannot speak will speak, etc., etc. No more suffering of any kind and NO more tears! After a while, the miraculous will be natural and will be considered natural and not miraculous. Nothing is too much for Hashem, the Creator of everything! His Kindness is limitless.

  19. If it won't be immediate, then there will still be suffering for many years? Just because nothing is too much for Hashem, doesn't mean he plans on giving everyone all the yeshuos they want once moshiach arrives. If Hashem could do anything, he would also give everyone yeshuos now when Moshiach isn't here. How do we know there will be no more tears and suffering? Won't there be a very difficult period of over several decades where we will have to wait until techiyat hameitim starts? Won't people still die? How is losing others to death not suffering of any kind? I can't imagine we will live forever in physical bodies.

  20. Who knows? We will find out when it happens, if it happens. The whole of life, creation, the universe, people, nature etc is one big mystery - wonderful, awesome and fascinating in all its guises, good and bad. We believe what we want to believe, what makes sense to us as individuals, and this faith gives a lot of us much comfort.

  21. It's not a mystery, the Torah has the answer to everything. The Torah is G-d's Blueprint of His Creation. No mysteries if you know how to find the answers. And the coming of Moshiach is promised to us by Hashem, and not a question of just what we would like to think. The world of TRUTH is soon to be upon us. All questions will be answered and we will understand everything, including why some people have to suffer so badly in their lives.
    As to whether we are immediately healed etc. I do not feel qualified to answer that question, and I hope someone else will respond.

  22. Devorah, we don't know that the world of truth is "soon" to be upon us. for all we know Moshiach won't be here for another 200 years or 4,000 years. No one knows the date and no one can guarantee it is coming soon. The Torah doesn't have the answer for everything. The Torah doesn't even tell us all the details of how things will be once Moshiach arrives. There are various rabbinical opinions on what will be. Maimonidies holds that things will be just about the same and we will still have jobs and have to sweat for a living, etc.

  23. We do know. We know that this current world will exist for 6000 years. We know from Chazal that we are already in the Friday afternoon before the Shabbat of Moshiach [see the Cosmic Clock in the left hand column where it shows we are 12.37 on a Friday afternoon, and we can bring Shabbat in early.... in other words, Moshiach can come at any second. At the most, we have to wait another 15 years. This is not my invention, it is the teachings of the gedolim. Yeranen Yaakov's blog has more information on this topic, I don't have time to search for it right now. Maybe he will read this and put up a link to one of his posts.

  24. In the meantime, instead of wondering if or when, or why, or whatever, why waste this time to back and forth question..
    Oh ..forgive... freewill of everyone..

    Me thinks, if we all keep on doing Teshuva, and think kindly towards one another, and help where we can, any human being, (for all are the creation of Hashem nu?)..

    Do good where we can, and give charity where we can to those who have really nothing, to concentrate and thank Hashem for all we have, ... me thinks that then Hashem, would look down and say: "Enough here my people, Mashiach for you all.."

    So lets think that way..

    Oh by the by.. i am Noahide, but learning through hearing great shiurs and Great Rabbis, and Great blogs among them this one.. (toda rabah Devorah),

    Right now, i have the Kotel live on the computer and I can hear the Shofar, and as i look at the dedication of Am Israel gathered there, i pray to Hashem:

    "See your people, your Chosen, how they cry and turn to you, Please Hashem send the Mashiach, for them first, yes,
    Hashem, but also for the rest of good people who need your love and compassion and the saving Grace of Mashiach too. Toda Hashem."


  25. Devorah, it is a very clear machloket about the world existing for 6000 years. There are several opinions that Moshiach does not have to arrive before 6000. How do you conclude that we don't have more than another 15 years? You're basing the entire Judaism on one side of the picture.

  26. Reading all of this just makes the longing for Moshiach... a burning flame ... and just like Ziporah said... for the Moshiach to come for the Chosen People first, but, yes,... for those who love HaShem also, and long for His Holy Moshiach to come...

    Thank you Devorah... your articles keep it alive in our hearts and minds... to be diligent to not forget to Watch, no matter if we pass a date predicted or not... just longing for Moshiach's coming for this whole matter how long... 15 years, or in the next 15 days!!!

    Thank you...

  27. Here's your mainstream news Anonymous

  28. Reading some of the comments from these naysayers is quite disturbing and that is why there is no achdut and real teshuvah. The world was created for the coming of Moshiach so that the whole world will acknowledge that there is only Hashem! Chazal tell us that techiyat hameisim will take place a good 200+ years before the 6000 mark. Every Jew has a chelek in the World to come and so, too, the righteous of the nations. Hashem will heal every disability and disease. There will not be anymore tears of sorrow! Life will be like it was supposed to be in Gan Eden, literal paradise and bliss. We will live in physicality for the remainder of the 6000 years. The 7000th millenium will be of a spiritual nature (maybe all phsicality) where we will live a life of sheer closeness to H' and miracles of all kinds will be the normal. Denying any one of the 13 Principles of Faith is like denying all of them. It is difficult in this world of sheker and growing G-Dlessness to even think that there can be such a life because we are really living in the world of illusion and lies. The 'real' world is the Olam Habah! This world was created for our being tested and challenged; now is the time to awaken to truth, as the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu gets closer by the minute.

  29. Well said ! We're on the homeward stretch now folks.


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