Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Anguish of the Soul and its Solution

Rabbi Mendel Kessin - the latest in his ''Derech Hashem'' series


  1. Crucial that every Jew watch this.

  2. Thank you Rabbi Mendel Kessin...

    It was encouraging. But one little thing to differ with you one... there truly ARE people in this world... right NOW... that are working on their yetzer hara, and trying to do what is right and what HaShem would have for us to do in this very day... daily. Those dinosaur bones are moving and waking up!!! Wakey Wakey!! Probably much much more than we even realize... by the millions, we're all hearing the morning alarm!!!

    Thank you... your shiurs are encouraging.

  3. In previous shiurim Rabbi spoke about STN switching sides from Eisav to Ishmael because He is running out of lifeforce. All made possible by the bracha(s) given by your Forfather and so on, as he explained in detail and it sounded very plausible to us, did it not?
    I wonder since rational right wing common sense commentators in The West fail to see an explanation on how on earth can feministz all of a sudden become apologists for Islamists, and defend the burka and so on. Now they were never fan of Israel, we know that, but sent a delegation over to Iran wearing burka's and praising this regime? Are they out of their mind?
    Madame LLT always had something to do with feminism, we know that also. Now if her spouse, or lover, or of her deputy of her lower self, that goes with uncle down there, whatever exactly the realationships are, these creatures have. If that guy switches sides, wouldn't she (need to do) also? Woudn't that explain the strangest behaviour of feministz? It all doesn't spell much good for anyone. An unholly thing that has to end. A final desperade trick by them lot. No? I can't proof it, but is it plausible also? We wanna know all we have to know, right?

  4. Vincent: I think this is exactly what you're talking about: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4491846/Waleed-Aly-s-wife-says-sharia-law-promotes-women-s-rights.html


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