Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Why Learning Torah Is So Great - The Pnimiyus of Torah

Rabbi Mendel Kessin - Ramchal's Yahrtzeit 5777/2017

Don't know where to start with all the wonders of this shiur..... you really need to just listen to it. Some incredibly fascinating insights into angels and white magic [!] aka practical kabbalah.  Rabbi Kessin has a unique way of explaining everything and you need to hear this one.


  1. Déborah, please, listen at 1:00:50, when Rabbi Kessin says that "the Torah of the Mashiach is nothing compared to the Torah of ..."
    of whom, Deborah, I could not catch the name, could you tell me?
    Thank you in advance ...

  2. He said....the Torah of the Moshiach is nothing compared to the Torah of Olam HaBo - [the world to come] - ..... I actually haven't listened to this shiur yet, just transcribed that for you.

  3. I was afraid thinking of whom that could be bigger than Mashiach, now I thank God, because there is nothing bigger than the Torah of the Mashiach in this world, at least, exactly how I think it must be.
    Thank you, Devorah, for answering...

  4. Can’t wait to hear this one (later in day).

  5. Turn the Torah over and over - study it from every angle - for everything is in it (Avos 5:22).

    Hashem, the Torah and Yisrael are one (Zohar, Parshas Achrei Mos 73a). Thus, all three vital components united in the midbar fulfilling the dictum (Koheles 4:12): 'and
    the three-ply cord will not be severed easily."

    In the merit of Yisroel engrossing themselves in Torah, they will be redeemed (Zohar, volume 3, page 270a).

    See Bava Basra 16a, Berachos 5a-b, Sanhedrin 26b, Sotah 21a, Yerushalmi, Chagigah 1:7, Shabbos 127a, Nefesh HaChayim 4:29 by Rabbi Avraham Finkel, page 190, Bereishis Rabbah 92:1, Pesachim 68b, Nedarim 32b and Bava Basra 8a, regarding Torah Study.


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