Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Confusion Before Moshiach

For those who are not aware, there were a few rabbis who recently visited the pope, amid much controversy from within the Jewish community.  At least one of these rabbis then issued a written apology for certain things which were made public, and which he thought were private.  Without getting into the nitty gritty, I thought this was very interesting....

Seen on FB: HT Avrohom Alter

From the Sefer Plaos Yisroel. One time The Riziner Rebbe became very inspired and said  "In the period heralding the Moshiach there will be an exceedingly great thirst for spirituality. So much so that some Jews [in their confusion Ed.] will travel to the pope in Rome to receive his guidance. This will cause a great storming in Heaven, which will result in the fall of many world leaders and kings.… AND THEN WILL COME MOSHIACH OUR RIGHTEOUS!!


  1. בס"ד

    Monday night we will count 42. Day of the OMER. On Tuesday, YOM SHLISHI, just day before Yom Yerushalayim is the 42.day, last of the week of YESOD, that keep the klipot away and opens gates straight to Heaven. Whats your prayer??? Tuesday 23 May, please, pray, Am Israel!

    There is no other side to attack us! That means, that you can fully concentrate to make you to us. Us, Am ISRAEL, we can unite in genuine PRAYER to ask ABBA to help us. Its time for mashiah, Hashem is waiting for our request!

    אורנה ניצבת

    1. Do you have sources for this removal of klippot today? Being that it's today, I want to spread the word, but people will be interested in where it is written that this day has special powers.

    2. 42. Day was a day to pray for Jews, without the klipot holding us back. And we did!
      Whats your question, "Rachel"?

    3. Yom Yerushalayim, B'Simcha, to my people!
      Its a mitzva to be happy, and especially on this day...
      Parashat hashavua, of Yom Yerushalayim, speak about it true the brilliance of family of Rashbi!
      Just Simcha :), ;)!

    4. My question was, where is the source for this? Who said that day 42 is day for Jews to pray without klipot? Is it in the Torah? Or who said ir, and what was it based on?


    5. בס"ד

      In the sefirat ha omer we count seven weeks, everyday repairing one mida, after being promised to Hashem, out of Mitzrayim, starting with rectifying our SPEECH on way into our Chupa, Matan Torah, accepted just by us after 70 times repeated rejection by all other nations.
      Now, we Jews, are forming a unity in marriage and the one who rectify his middot is the husband, the wife is his help in this, his mirror.
      42. Day of the omer is the last week of Yesod.
      Malchut in Yesod.

      Now the participants, Jews, fix their midot day by day and know by husband, or the husband by his rabbi and everyday Torah study why.

      For more explanation and ability of understanding in this, its needed to be full participant of observant Jewish life by
      1. Being halachically Jewish by mother or orthodox conversion in Israel
      2. Being married to a Jewish partner ( yes, midot are fixed by being married and fulfilling our tikkun)
      3. More on this can then be teached by a rabbi, as this is part of our 70 faced Torah, and i am not a rabbi, but woman.

      Thats why the 42. Day of the Sefirat ha Omer was the day to pray straight without being prey on.
      The day of our most intimate relation day, when Malchut is in Yesod.

      אורנה ניצבת

  2. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I certainly was not aware of it and had to google it. Here are 2 comments from Yeshiva world news that says it all.

    RT: If YWN is aware of a Rov who okayed the playing of music in the presence of the pope during sefira or a rov who advised them to excitedly report on this meeting (ie the pope said shema) they should publicize who gave the heter.

    inthenameofsanity May 8, 2017 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm
    I cannot believe my eyes.
    Is this what we have resorted to? How did our beautiful and proud nation, which has withstood centuries of prosecution and oppression at the hands of these “holy” people- crusades, pogroms, blood libels, the Inquisition, the holocaust (!)- reach such a low point?! How can it be that children of the same people who (literally!) bit off their own fingers so as not to play the precious Jewish melodies from the Beis HaMikdash to their oppressors on a foreign land take part in such a shameless and twisted display of flattery? How can you dance and sing Psukkim from our Torah in front of a man who represents a religion which your ancestors gave up their lives to stay away from?! The same Torah, by the way, warns us against exactly this situation- “Lo techunem”, “Lo tachanifu”… Our grandparents from Spira, Vermiza and Magenza, who sacrificed themselves in order to stay true to their religion and their god during this time period are probably rolling in their graves! Not to mention the fact that this is not all a story of the past- not at all! The man before whom you are dancing continues to represent all that is backwards and morally wrong and will admit proudly to an agenda of missionizing your fellow Jews.
    How can you sleep at night knowing the great wrong you have done to your people and their history???

  3. I was so shocked and disappointed when I saw who went! Not only were they confused, we got confused by their going. For what reason would someone so righteous and knowledgeable visit the pope? What did they hope to gain by singing and dancing in his presence? Did they think peace would break out? Was this a Kiddush Hashem?

  4. Don'r really understand. If the public wouldn't know, then it's okay? We're not talking about private sins but these are rabbis and this was unconscionable. Glad he at least he apologized. The new love fest shelahem towards bnei Yisrael has gone to the heads of our leaders. Guess flattery does work.

  5. Was the purpose in these very holy Rabbis going to the pope... to hasten the Redemption?

    Surely they know these writings of Chazal?

  6. I have no idea what their purpose was.

  7. If any of us add or retract just a miniscule piece of Ha Torah in our heart, and of any of the 13. Principles of Jewish faith, then we are opening door for tuma. (see the 12. Principal).
    Now i even not mentioned the policy of Galut rabbi's to keep Jews out of Israel.
    Practicing mitzvot doesn't mean performing Mitzvot, what is just possible in Eretz Israel!!!
    I hope and pray, that every halachic Jew will bound himself to a real halachic Rabbi, and serve Hashem together with all Am Israel in Eretz Israel, and that all none halachic jews, mamzerim and others pretending to be Jewish, bound themselves to a self-proclaimed rabbi and go, be and stay in gallut with all their idol worship.
    Mashiah is working in secret, the selection already started. And yes, there are real Jews left, like in the time of Rashbi. Following the LIGHT OF THE FIRE OF OUR HA TORAH, that burns out any impure!

  8. They went to save a Jewish cemetary...

  9. According to the news the visit was on the 12th of Iyar. Such a day, 1402, "the Jews of Rome were granted "privileges" by Pope Boniface IX. They were given legal right to observe their Shabbat, protection from local oppressive officials, their taxes were reduced and orders were given to treat Jews as full-fledged Roman citizens" (chabad.org). Somebody has to make the work. This time they were to obtain aide from the pope to figth against the desecration of jewish cementeries in Europe, again according to the news. Then I don't know the halachic implicancies of the visit.
    Eduardo (Spain)

  10. thanks Eduardo and Yosh55, I didn't know why they went, thanks for the explanation.

  11. Goldie, I just found your comment in the spam box, don't know why it went there.
    As far as the music is concerned, I received an email from one of the rabbis [it was a general mass emailing], and he stated that he did not know music was to be played and he was very upset about all the publicity it had received. Obviously, as two people explained above, if it was about saving a Jewish cemetery, then they perhaps did not want it publicized for various reasons, and unfortunately someone had organised music without telling at least one of the rabbis involved, and subsequently videoed it.

  12. This explains why Trump and maybe Bibi too, are having such crazy issues affecting their ability to govern at this time.


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