Monday, January 29, 2018

Current Events and Tu B'Shvat

Latest from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Includes discussion about VP Mike Pence's speech, Bibi Netanyahu's visit to India and the connections to Tu B'Shvat, and the Messianic process.


  1. GEvaldig shiur!!!! Listen at minute 35 if one thinks that time restraints come to play here. He analyzes Pence's speech et al. Current events. Amazing. Love rabbi Kessin's chelek of Torah!
    Thanks Devorah for always posting Rabbi Kessin's divrei Torah!

  2. Leah... I started to listen, then was called away and still haven't had a chance to hear the rest. Hopefully today I will hear it all.

  3. Yes, definitely listen. Sometime when a shiur is lengthy, I put headset in or take it in little bite size chunks etc. Very inspiring shiur.

  4. ''We are now entering a time where the Messianic process is going to get faster'' - @ 1:17:00 approx

  5. Yes. One would have to be asleep not to see it.

  6. Most of the world IS asleep Leah, they have no clue at all.

  7. State of the Nation: Americans are turning against the Trump-hating celebrities and buying into the President’s American dream

  8. @ 1:31:00 ...''does that mean this is the year? [5778] .... it's a non-stop redemption process... ''


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