I cannot agree with the hashkafa of Rabbi Kessin. He is the first that I've ever heard that is standing up for Esav and talking about teshuvah. As we all know, that the righteous of the nations (i.e., the Bnai Noach; those who accept H' and know that there is only H' and no other) have a share in the World to Come. But as far as Esav is concerned, there is no teshuvah and the same goes for the descendants of Yishmael. The righteous from amongst the nations of the world have a place in Olam HaBah! Esav soneh Yaakov!
Would also suggest reading the latest post on Tomer Devorah; new information coming out about Edom's goals.
Rabbi Kessin has extensively outlined his reasons for his hashkafa. Here are some past videos I found where he speaks about Eisav, although I don't remember what he is saying in each video, others may be interested to listen to them. The Hidden History of Eisav
Regarding the new information coming out about Edom, all those dire predictions have been given for many years now. I believe it is fear mongering and mostly nonsense.
It is not correct to view Esav/Edom as a single unitary evil. There is a famous Ramban on Chumash that discusses Yisrael's experience in galus. The Ramban writes (in the 13th century no less!) that when one part of Esav (like Amalek his grandson) seeks to destroy us, another part extends his hand to save us. The Ramban wrote that in the 13th century and it has proven true repeatedly over the last 800 years. See also Rashbam to Devarim 2:3 (distinguishing between the Edomites in Seir who sold food to Bnei Yisrael in the Midbar and Edomites elsewhere who confronted Yisrael with the sword.) That duality is seen in Esav himself; on the one hand, he sought to kill Yaakov, and on the other hand, he kissed and embraced him when he met him.
There is no way that Esav--the son of two great Tzadikkim--was entirely evil with no possibility of righteous descendants or doing tshuva. In fact, Chazal criticized Yaakov for withholding his daughter Dina from Esav because she might have prompted him to do tshuva. Moreover, Esav's head is actually buried with the Tzadikkim in Mearas HaMachpelah.
He's not the first to say such a hidush. It's in the sod/kabbalah in reference to the "seven fallen" kings in Esau. There are some good sparks in those klipot...The good part of Esau "the head" gets restored. The majority however, i.e. the body gets thrown out in the field of Seir.
The converse is true in yaakov with the majority like body is good/gets redeemed whereas the erev rav JINOs going the opposite way. As the GR"A says, "They are called 'Erev Rav' because they are the heads of the Jews in exile, and therefore they are called 'rav.' (Likutim HaGra)
I don't understand. The xns deny the Torah and spread lies about Gd and the Jewish people around the world.
And please don't call it the "new testament", which is implicit denial of the Torah, what they call the "old" and thus superceded testament. I would suggest calling it "the xn scriptures".
To Elisheva I don't know much about Xtianity but not all of them hate Jews you know. Rav Kessin does say in this lecture that because of Xtianity and the missionaries the Bible/Torah is known throughout the world albeit a slightly distorted version but nevertheless that is what he said if you listen to it.
The problem is not about how individual xns may feel about Jews. The xn religion claims that it has superceded Judaism, that there is no need for mitzvot, just faith, accept and you're in, deny and you burn. The polite ones may not put it in those terms to your face, but that is what it boils down to.
I have the greatest respect for Rav Kessin, which is why I found his comments disturbing. Xns are not teaching a "slightly distorted" version of the Torah, they deny it's eternal validity. I think that the Rav is not taking into account that his classes are being put on the internet and that what he says can be easily taken out of context. He needs to emphasise that xtianity is absolute treif for Jews, and if halila a Jew accepts it they are committing multiple sins with respect to idol worship, most importantly it is absolutely forbidden to think that Hashem has a shituf. This prohibition applies to non-Jews too.
Elisheva, the Xtians don't deny the Torah. They claim that Torah and the Laws are, indeed, the word of G-d. BUT, they say that humanity failed to perfectly uphold the "perfect Law", and therefore, G-d needed to bring "salvation" and "grace" by sacrificing JC for the atonement of humanity's sins.
Xtianity continues to claim that if a Jew manages to uphold the perfect Law 100% perfectly, then he fine - he gets the Kingdom of Heaven like any good, faithful Xtian. But since humans are imperfect, there is no way anyone can truly keep the Law, and so they are doomed to h3ll if they don't accept JC as their saviour.
In other words, according to Xtianity, the Torah IS true - but it was eventually replaced by something new, and the Jews are stubborn relics of the "old way". Their logic is absurd, of course, but the point is, they don't actually deny the truth of Torah.
To anonymous and Elisheva B. Shalom. I forgot if it's R' Kessin or R' Mizrachi who states that the xtians who treat Jews unwell, eg: anti-semitism etc. will be punished. Those xtians who treat Jews well will not be etc. Many rabbanim have stated this over the years. Will they have to answer to their belief in avodah zara. Yes, of course. Xtianity brings a belief /understanding of a messiah to the world so that the majority of the world isn't shocked into complete disbelief when Moshiach comes.In other words, they will be able to accept the concept while needing to be "redirected." I have heard many rabbanim teach that we must imagine the masses of xtians hearing that Moshiach has come and they proclaim disbelief because they had never heard of any such concept. They have a messiah concept, although it is false. Many rabbanim say that the xtians will be shocked to hear that it's not sheker hanavi y'mach shemo v'yizachrono. It is said that they will be shocked as well when they understand that they were believing in a false messiah and following a false religion/god- sic all these millenia and how wrong they have been.etc... If one listens to Rabbi Kessin's shiur I don't think he sounds as though he is upholding or praising the xtian religion. I don't think there is any fear of him leading yidden astray. A frum friend of mine does holy avodah on the internet on xtian websites that promote missionary work and he helps to bring Jews back from these dangerous sites to belief in their own heritage that is Judaism. He uses words, such as "the new testament", because in order to interact with others he must use the words that they are familiar with. I believe Rabbi Kessin is not giving credence to "the new testament" or xtianity because he uses this name as a reference. In closing, it is said that Moshiach must be from the current generation. Why? He must be able to see the current issues and the type of language et al in order to be able to understand and effectively communicate with fellow Jews. Eliyahu HaNavi, too. He must know what and who he is dealing with. Others cannot be from the past as they have been gone for so long they will not understand the generation they are dealing with. Using jargon that is xtian is not admission of adhering or promoting it. anonymous, it is a well known that many non- Jews will do teshuvah at the End of Days when Moshiach comes. It is said that Yishmaelim will also do teshuvah. Be well. May klal Yisrael merit the coming of Moshiach with rachamim THIS year of 5778!
As Rabbi Kessin says, we do not try to convert a Xtian. See above comment. However, at around 2:22:00 the question is asked about the seven laws of Noah... teaching them to the nations... and Rabbi Kessin agreed that is fine as they are obligated in those mitzvot. This concurs with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's wish that the Noahide laws be spread to the nations, as I have written so many times on this blog. There are some bloggers who will tell you that there is no such commandment to spread these laws.... but that is not the case, as Rabbi Kessin has just confirmed. That is why it is important to get your spiritual advice from a learned rabbi rather than a random blogger.
A big Yasher Koach to Elisheva @ 7:28 am! She has it right. I see already how a number of commenters have fallen into the trap; there's a sure truth to getting someone on your side with honey rather than vinegar and that's what's happened in the last centuries when assimilation started big time. Even religious Jews today feel too comfortable and join in with avoda zorahs, even if it is subtle.
"Regarding the new information coming out about Edom, all those dire predictions have been given for many years now. I believe it is fear mongering and mostly nonsense."
Thank you for validating my feelings against blog sites who persist on spreading such negativity about the happenings before Moshiach comes. I stopped reading their posts after it got so obnoxious with their fear mongering and negativity against people who have not made aliya. Thanks, Devorah.
mg: somewhere towards the end of the video during question time Rabbi Kessin responded that the Holocaust covered all the terrible suffering that we would have had to experience before Moshiach. In fact he says that the reason why the Holocaust was so appalling was because it was given in place of the suffering that is due to occur before Moshiach...we've already had it ! Because of that, and the fact that Moshiach is coming b'ita [in its time] we will not have to go through more major suffering, apart from the general state of the world now that is. Yes there are weather incidents, etc.
So if all the tzar that is supposed to happen prior to the coming of Moshiach, happened during the Holocaust, what about the 4/5 of B'nei Yisroel that may be destroyed, as happened in the first Geulah from Mitzrayim? Did that happen already as well?
Laya, I've listened to so many shiurim lately, I can't remember whether it was Rabbi Kessin or someone else.... who definitely said that would not happen - pretty sure it's Rabbi Kessin in this shiur above, during question time.... he said that happened during the Holocaust, and Moshiach is coming b'ita and we don't have to lose the 4/5 or whatever that figure is. If I've got this wrong, it's my mistake not his, I'll have to listen again when I have the time. If someone else can confirm what I've said, please leave a comment.
The only one I could really concur with here is Elisheva. She thinks as I do. All this babble about this 'love' fest is going in the wrong direction. Sorry, to see that so many seem to be confused on this. This is nothing to do with the individual non-Jewish person, it's the coziness with avodah zorah! moishe
Moishe: please point out to me where this ''coziness' is indicated. I don't see any coziness at all. You have somehow come away from this with the wrong impression of what Rabbi Kessin said. He has never indicated a ''love fest'' with avodah zorah, quite the opposite in fact. Your statement is misleading, I just don't know how you manage to get the ''love fest'' idea esp if you've listened to the entire shiur.
This is Rabbi Kessin's web site. Part of the issue some listeners are having is that they are new to Rabbi Kessin. To properly understand President Trump you really need to listen to about 20 shiurim on his web site. In June or July of 2016, Rabbi Kessin predicted Donald Trump would win the election based on his understanding of Hashkofo. When I explained this to people I was ridiculed as ignorant and idiotic.
Yaacov & Eisav - there are 17 parts.
Loshon Hora there are 5 shiurim. It should be in tape 5 to understand how Loshon Hora splits the Yesod from Malchus and that causes Galus.
I have been listening to Rabbi Kessin for about 25 years and the only area I differ is Moshiach in the role of Ben Yosef and in my understanding that already happened and all we need is Moshiach in the role of Ben Dovid i.e. the Pekida has already happened and all we are waiting for is the Zechira. Rabbi Kessin appears to think differently.
With regard to the harsh manifestation of Gog U'Magog (i.e. all the supposed Prophesies of incredible impending gloom and doom with billions of people dying) - Based on The Gra, The Mitler Rebbe and The Rebbe RaShab all use the expression - Niftarnu - that due to the incredible long and "murderous" galus (this is before the Holocast) that the Harsh Manifestation has been averted by all the suffering.
In my opinion Gog U'Magog - which is the attempt of the world to take Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisroel away from us has already been ongoing since 5760 (the number of eggs in a Mikva) and we have been living it and seeing it over the last 17 years.
The Rebbe stressed over and over to learn Inyonai MoShiach and Guela. The more we learn the more we can put the pieces together.
Zohar, Vayaira (pg 118) states the in the End of Days - children will be able to figure out the Geula.
There is still the problem of all the very evil people in the world that are doing very evil things. I do not believe they will live to enter the final redemption. How that will be accomplished I don’t presume anything, except for NIBIRU. This is still in the picture according to ‘Daniel, Binyamin and others’.
Anonymous and Elisheva, it would be wise of you to listen to Rabbi Kessin' s shiurim before making a definitive perspective as he clearly states in his most recent shiur here that he puts the nonsense of the pastor to rest who came to his front door. No where does he have a love fest with xtianity. He is a very knowledgeable Rabbi and respected world wide. From your comments it appears that perhaps a second listening to his shiur and research into his other shiurim would benefit you two greatly. All due respect.... Kol tov.
I agree here with Neshama (8:05 PM). Of course, the wicked will all be gone and as I have always thought it will be by the avanim (meteorites/asteroids) from Heaven which will most probably come from the Nibiru system and as we have been witness to, especially in the last decade, the forces of nature worldwide. Believe there will not be any atomic wars. When the nations come to try and take Yerushalayim from us, that is when H' will do battle with them and in minutes, all the reshayim will be finished.
Devorah, Thank you so much. BeH I'll be listening now to it. This has been weighing on me terribly. It's not that I listen to 'internet' info; this concept if propagated by very choshuv Rabbanim in every spectrum. This is critical of course. And BTW- thank you for this blog. You are a spectacular person, as are the people who learn from and contribute to it. You give HaSh-m tremendous nachas! Shabbat Shalom to all.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I cannot agree with the hashkafa of Rabbi Kessin. He is the first that I've ever heard that is standing up for Esav and talking about teshuvah.
ReplyDeleteAs we all know, that the righteous of the nations (i.e., the Bnai Noach; those who accept H' and know that there is only H' and no other) have a share in the World to Come. But as far as Esav is concerned, there is no teshuvah and the same goes for the descendants of Yishmael.
The righteous from amongst the nations of the world have a place in Olam HaBah!
Esav soneh Yaakov!
Would also suggest reading the latest post on Tomer Devorah; new information coming out about Edom's goals.
Rabbi Kessin has extensively outlined his reasons for his hashkafa. Here are some past videos I found where he speaks about Eisav, although I don't remember what he is saying in each video, others may be interested to listen to them.
ReplyDeleteThe Hidden History of Eisav
The Four Parts of Eisav
Parshas Toldos Yakov & Eisav. Deeper narrative.
Regarding the new information coming out about Edom, all those dire predictions have been given for many years now. I believe it is fear mongering and mostly nonsense.
If anyone can send me the link to Rabbi Kessin's series of shiurim about Yaakov and Eisav, I'd be grateful.
ReplyDeleteTo the first anonymous poster:
ReplyDeleteIt is not correct to view Esav/Edom as a single unitary evil. There is a famous Ramban on Chumash that discusses Yisrael's experience in galus. The Ramban writes (in the 13th century no less!) that when one part of Esav (like Amalek his grandson) seeks to destroy us, another part extends his hand to save us. The Ramban wrote that in the 13th century and it has proven true repeatedly over the last 800 years. See also Rashbam to Devarim 2:3 (distinguishing between the Edomites in Seir who sold food to Bnei Yisrael in the Midbar and Edomites elsewhere who confronted Yisrael with the sword.) That duality is seen in Esav himself; on the one hand, he sought to kill Yaakov, and on the other hand, he kissed and embraced him when he met him.
There is no way that Esav--the son of two great Tzadikkim--was entirely evil with no possibility of righteous descendants or doing tshuva. In fact, Chazal criticized Yaakov for withholding his daughter Dina from Esav because she might have prompted him to do tshuva. Moreover, Esav's head is actually buried with the Tzadikkim in Mearas HaMachpelah.
Rabbi Kessin also explains here why Jews all over the world rejoiced and danced in the streets when Rubashkin was released - from 1:05:00 approx.
Thank you Leah
ReplyDeleteHe's not the first to say such a hidush. It's in the sod/kabbalah in reference to the "seven fallen" kings in Esau. There are some good sparks in those klipot...The good part of Esau "the head" gets restored. The majority however, i.e. the body gets thrown out in the field of Seir.
ReplyDeleteThe converse is true in yaakov with the majority like body is good/gets redeemed whereas the erev rav JINOs going the opposite way. As the GR"A says, "They are called 'Erev Rav' because they are the heads of the Jews in exile, and therefore they are called 'rav.' (Likutim HaGra)
I don't understand. The xns deny the Torah and spread lies about Gd and the Jewish people around the world.
ReplyDeleteAnd please don't call it the "new testament", which is implicit denial of the Torah, what they call the "old" and thus superceded testament. I would suggest calling it "the xn scriptures".
Good comment Sp22. There are good in every people, so those who are the righteous will be rewarded.
ReplyDeleteTo Elisheva I don't know much about Xtianity but not all of them hate Jews you know. Rav Kessin does say in this lecture that because of Xtianity and the missionaries the Bible/Torah is known throughout the world albeit a slightly distorted version but nevertheless that is what he said if you listen to it.
ReplyDeleteTo Anon @ 6:05 am, but because of their bible, how much Jewish blood has been shed over the last two millenia?
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not about how individual xns may feel about Jews. The xn religion claims that it has superceded Judaism, that there is no need for mitzvot, just faith, accept and you're in, deny and you burn. The polite ones may not put it in those terms to your face, but that is what it boils down to.
ReplyDeleteI have the greatest respect for Rav Kessin, which is why I found his comments disturbing. Xns are not teaching a "slightly distorted" version of the Torah, they deny it's eternal validity. I think that the Rav is not taking into account that his classes are being put on the internet and that what he says can be easily taken out of context. He needs to emphasise that xtianity is absolute treif for Jews, and if halila a Jew accepts it they are committing multiple sins with respect to idol worship, most importantly it is absolutely forbidden to think that Hashem has a shituf. This prohibition applies to non-Jews too.
Elisheva, the Xtians don't deny the Torah. They claim that Torah and the Laws are, indeed, the word of G-d. BUT, they say that humanity failed to perfectly uphold the "perfect Law", and therefore, G-d needed to bring "salvation" and "grace" by sacrificing JC for the atonement of humanity's sins.
ReplyDeleteXtianity continues to claim that if a Jew manages to uphold the perfect Law 100% perfectly, then he fine - he gets the Kingdom of Heaven like any good, faithful Xtian. But since humans are imperfect, there is no way anyone can truly keep the Law, and so they are doomed to h3ll if they don't accept JC as their saviour.
In other words, according to Xtianity, the Torah IS true - but it was eventually replaced by something new, and the Jews are stubborn relics of the "old way". Their logic is absurd, of course, but the point is, they don't actually deny the truth of Torah.
From 1:24:57 he's talking about Moshiach, the power of Moshiach and how we will know it's Moshiach etc.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know what rav kessin believes about jews making aliyah vs. living outside of israel? aret there any lectures on aliyah? thank you.
ReplyDeleteLisa: @ 1:54:30 in this video, a woman is asking him about America. Listen from there to hear his response.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous and Elisheva B. Shalom. I forgot if it's R' Kessin or R' Mizrachi who states that the xtians who treat Jews unwell, eg: anti-semitism etc. will be punished. Those xtians who treat Jews well will not be etc. Many rabbanim have stated this over the years. Will they have to answer to their belief in avodah zara. Yes, of course.
ReplyDeleteXtianity brings a belief /understanding of a messiah to the world so that the majority of the world isn't shocked into complete disbelief when Moshiach comes.In other words, they will be able to accept the concept while needing to be "redirected."
I have heard many rabbanim teach that we must imagine the masses of xtians hearing that Moshiach has come and they proclaim disbelief because they had never heard of any such concept. They have a messiah concept, although it is false.
Many rabbanim say that the xtians
will be shocked to hear that it's not sheker hanavi y'mach shemo v'yizachrono. It is said that they will be shocked as well when they understand that they were believing in a false messiah and following a false religion/god- sic all these millenia and how wrong they have been.etc...
If one listens to Rabbi Kessin's shiur I don't think he sounds as though he is upholding or praising the xtian religion. I don't think there is any fear of him leading yidden astray.
A frum friend of mine does holy avodah on the internet on xtian websites that promote missionary work and he helps to bring Jews back from these dangerous sites to belief in their own heritage that is Judaism. He uses words, such as "the new testament", because in order to interact with others he must use the words that they are familiar with.
I believe Rabbi Kessin is not giving credence to "the new testament" or xtianity because he uses this name as a reference.
In closing, it is said that Moshiach must be from the current generation. Why? He must be able to see the current issues and the type of language et al in order to be able to understand and effectively communicate with fellow Jews. Eliyahu HaNavi, too. He must know what and who he is dealing with.
Others cannot be from the past as they have been gone for so long they will not understand the generation they are dealing with. Using jargon that is xtian is not
admission of adhering or promoting it.
anonymous, it is a well known that many non- Jews will do teshuvah at the End of Days when Moshiach comes. It is said that Yishmaelim will also do teshuvah.
Be well.
May klal Yisrael merit the coming of Moshiach with rachamim THIS year of 5778!
Listen to his video from around 2:15:00 to hear his story of the missionaries to came to his house to ''get the rabbi''. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteAs Rabbi Kessin says, we do not try to convert a Xtian. See above comment. However, at around 2:22:00 the question is asked about the seven laws of Noah... teaching them to the nations... and Rabbi Kessin agreed that is fine as they are obligated in those mitzvot. This concurs with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's wish that the Noahide laws be spread to the nations, as I have written so many times on this blog. There are some bloggers who will tell you that there is no such commandment to spread these laws.... but that is not the case, as Rabbi Kessin has just confirmed.
ReplyDeleteThat is why it is important to get your spiritual advice from a learned rabbi rather than a random blogger.
Thank you, Devorah. :)
ReplyDeleteA big Yasher Koach to Elisheva @ 7:28 am! She has it right. I see already how a number of commenters have fallen into the trap; there's a sure truth to getting someone on your side with honey rather than vinegar and that's what's happened in the last centuries when assimilation started big time. Even religious Jews today feel too comfortable and join in with avoda zorahs, even if it is subtle.
ReplyDelete"Regarding the new information coming out about Edom, all those dire predictions have been given for many years now. I believe it is fear mongering and mostly nonsense."
ReplyDeleteThank you for validating my feelings against blog sites who persist on spreading such negativity about the happenings before Moshiach comes. I stopped reading their posts after it got so obnoxious with their fear mongering and negativity against people who have not made aliya. Thanks, Devorah.
mg: somewhere towards the end of the video during question time Rabbi Kessin responded that the Holocaust covered all the terrible suffering that we would have had to experience before Moshiach. In fact he says that the reason why the Holocaust was so appalling was because it was given in place of the suffering that is due to occur before Moshiach...we've already had it ! Because of that, and the fact that Moshiach is coming b'ita [in its time] we will not have to go through more major suffering, apart from the general state of the world now that is. Yes there are weather incidents, etc.
ReplyDelete''Rabbi Kessin responded that the Holocaust covered all the terrible suffering that we would have had to experience before Moshiach. ''
ReplyDeleteThe Lubavitcher Rebbe also said this.
So if all the tzar that is supposed to happen prior to the coming of Moshiach, happened during the Holocaust, what about the 4/5 of B'nei Yisroel that may be destroyed, as happened in the first Geulah from Mitzrayim? Did that happen already as well?
ReplyDeleteLaya, I've listened to so many shiurim lately, I can't remember whether it was Rabbi Kessin or someone else.... who definitely said that would not happen - pretty sure it's Rabbi Kessin in this shiur above, during question time.... he said that happened during the Holocaust, and Moshiach is coming b'ita and we don't have to lose the 4/5 or whatever that figure is. If I've got this wrong, it's my mistake not his, I'll have to listen again when I have the time. If someone else can confirm what I've said, please leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteDevorah: Perhaps losing 4/5 is referring to assimilation which is at an all time high
ReplyDeleteLaya: Yes it's Rabbi Kessin who said it @ 2:24:20 or thereabouts.
ReplyDeleteThe only one I could really concur with here is Elisheva. She thinks as I do. All this babble about this 'love' fest is going in the wrong direction. Sorry, to see that so many seem to be confused on this. This is nothing to do with the individual non-Jewish person, it's the coziness with avodah zorah!
Moishe: please point out to me where this ''coziness' is indicated. I don't see any coziness at all. You have somehow come away from this with the wrong impression of what Rabbi Kessin said. He has never indicated a ''love fest'' with avodah zorah, quite the opposite in fact. Your statement is misleading, I just don't know how you manage to get the ''love fest'' idea esp if you've listened to the entire shiur.
ReplyDeleteThis is Rabbi Kessin's web site. Part of the issue some listeners are having is that they are new to Rabbi Kessin. To properly understand President Trump you really need to listen to about 20 shiurim on his web site. In June or July of 2016, Rabbi Kessin predicted Donald Trump would win the election based on his understanding of Hashkofo. When I explained this to people I was ridiculed as ignorant and idiotic.
Yaacov & Eisav - there are 17 parts.
Loshon Hora there are 5 shiurim. It should be in tape 5 to understand how Loshon Hora splits the Yesod from Malchus and that causes Galus.
I have been listening to Rabbi Kessin for about 25 years and the only area I differ is Moshiach in the role of Ben Yosef and in my understanding that already happened and all we need is Moshiach in the role of Ben Dovid i.e. the Pekida has already happened and all we are waiting for is the Zechira. Rabbi Kessin appears to think differently.
With regard to the harsh manifestation of Gog U'Magog (i.e. all the supposed Prophesies of incredible impending gloom and doom with billions of people dying) - Based on The Gra, The Mitler Rebbe and The Rebbe RaShab all use the expression - Niftarnu - that due to the incredible long and "murderous" galus (this is before the Holocast) that the Harsh Manifestation has been averted by all the suffering.
In my opinion Gog U'Magog - which is the attempt of the world to take Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisroel away from us has already been ongoing since 5760 (the number of eggs in a Mikva) and we have been living it and seeing it over the last 17 years.
The Rebbe stressed over and over to learn Inyonai MoShiach and Guela. The more we learn the more we can put the pieces together.
Zohar, Vayaira (pg 118) states the in the End of Days - children will be able to figure out the Geula.
There is still the problem of all the very evil people in the world that are doing very evil things. I do not believe they will live to enter the final redemption. How that will be accomplished I don’t presume anything, except for NIBIRU. This is still in the picture according to ‘Daniel, Binyamin and others’.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous and Elisheva, it would be wise of you to listen to Rabbi Kessin' s shiurim before making a definitive perspective as he clearly states in his most recent shiur here that he puts the nonsense of the pastor to rest who came to his front door.
ReplyDeleteNo where does he have a love fest with xtianity.
He is a very knowledgeable Rabbi and respected world wide.
From your comments it appears that perhaps a second listening to his shiur and research into his other shiurim would benefit you two greatly.
All due respect....
Kol tov.
I agree here with Neshama (8:05 PM). Of course, the wicked will all be gone and as I have always thought it will be by the avanim (meteorites/asteroids) from Heaven which will most probably come from the Nibiru system and as we have been witness to, especially in the last decade, the forces of nature worldwide. Believe there will not be any atomic wars. When the nations come to try and take Yerushalayim from us, that is when H' will do battle with them and in minutes, all the reshayim will be finished.
ReplyDeleteLazer Beams: http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2018/01/the-fake-news-awards-for-2017.html
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for that 'magic' idea!! I needed it so badly.
Devorah, Thank you so much. BeH I'll be listening now to it. This has been weighing on me terribly. It's not that I listen to 'internet' info; this concept if propagated by very choshuv Rabbanim in every spectrum. This is critical of course. And BTW- thank you for this blog. You are a spectacular person, as are the people who learn from and contribute to it. You give HaSh-m tremendous nachas! Shabbat Shalom to all.